Page 175 - YB1899
P. 175
How tb~ Young Td~aSboots. The following questions and answers were taken from a Sophomore's exam- ination paper for the Second Term: Q.-Into what classes were the Greeks divided? Ans.-Into Jews and Gentiles. Q.-Who introduced Christianity into the Homan Empire? Ans.-Martin Luther. He was once a Pope and was noted for having Worms for his Diet, and he was killed by being nailed on the church door at Wittenberg. Q.-What was the cause of the Hispano-American War? Ans.-vVeyler crossed the Hudson one night and blew up the whole State of Maine, and the next day at Vanilla, General Dewey licked the stuffin' out of the Spaniards. Q.-What, when, and by whom was the first message sent by telegraph? Ans.-The first message sent by telegraph was "I came, I saw, I conquered," sent by Julius Cresar to the United States Senate, 1492, B. C. Q.-vVrite a short essay on physiology. Ans.-Physiology is studying about your anatherny, elementary canal and epidermicks. We have both derrnicks and epidermicks. The derrnicks move all the time and the epidermicks move only when the derrnicks are still. The diges- tive organs are the stumick, gizzard and utensils. The stumick is a small walnut, shaped bone which the gastrick juice keeps from creaking. The heart is a comical shaped pump, and is suspended from the fifth rib. The blood flows through it from the clandestine canal into the abdominal canopy and is putrefied in the chloriform appendix. The lymphatic gland are glands in fat 11mbs through which the salivary secretion salivates the whole body. Q.- What are the chemical constituents of butter? Ans.-Hair, goat's milk and bacteria. Q.-Define "parallel lines," "circle." Ans.-Parallel lines never cross each other and don't meet till they run together and make an abstruse angle. A ci~c1e is a straight line running around a hole parallel with the center and each point of it is some distance from some other point. Q.-What i. inertia? Ans.-"\iVhen a body i not moving it is at rest, and when it's moving that's momentum, and when it will neither move nor stop, (hat is inertia. Q.-Why did the Pilgrims emigrate to New England? Ans.-To keep up the Pilgrims' Progress. 165
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