Page 143 - YB1899
P. 143
J is for Joyce, the curly head youth, Who never told a lie nor thought an untruth (?) His smile is so sweet and such his expression, He won the same lady three times in succession. 1\1's for McKinstry, whorn we all call "Joe," At the name "Jewell," what makes him blush so? M is a letter that stands for monkey, Add-elvin-to it and you will have donkey. He's gentle sometimes, but as a rule He's very obstreperous and kickslike a mule. R is for Reese, a jolly soul really, Known to the boys as "Horace Greeley." He's active (?) and graceful (?) and also quite thin, And wears on his face a continual grin. R stands for Ridgely, a silly old grinner, Who never stops smiling to eat his dinner. His face when he smiles looks like a sick calf, And he smiles twenty times in a minute and a halt. S is for Straughn, an Eastern Shore man, Who gets a new girl whenever he can. But oh, how they jilt him! and, oh, my, what tears! He's been jilted by thirty inside of four years. T is for Tagg, who at the rules scoffs, And spends all his time a-cussing the profs. T is for Thomas and also for thin, You'll see the joke when vcu see him. We are contented while "Billy" keeps still, But when he is singing, oh, my, what a pill! T is for Tyson of "Auld Scotch" descent; Who will deny that hi legs are quite bent? A ladies' man also is this little "Bob," But to cut "Jiml11Y" out had quite a joh. 133
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