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Kale.-I don't see anything to laugh at. Bread-e-Well, you are green anyhow. Cheese.-Ow! Ow! Ow! Bread.-Don't be so loud, Cheese. J list look how you have made "Jumping Jack" shake. Gelatine.-Do be quiet. I am so nervous anyway. Egg.-There comes Butter. I'll bet he's been to the barber's. Hello, Butter, look at the perspiration all over your clothes. Butter.- Yes, I've been running. Egg.-vVbere have you been? Butter.-Oh, I've been up to·vote. Say, look at Potato, he's crying. Potato.- Yes, Onion blew his breath 111 my eyes and Sausage took my candy. Boo-hoo! Sweet Potato.- Well, don't cry about it, dear; come let me kiss you. I wouldn't associate with Sausage; he is such a hog anyway. Sausage.- Well, I am not all hog. Butter.- Just look at Pepper; he's standing on his head. Bread.-Oh, yes, he's "hot stuff." Now, Vinegar, don't look so sour at me. Butter.-Look here, Bread, you are too gay; come, be serious, do you believe in the transmigration of souls? Bread.-Now you are getting too strong for me. Hash.c-Well, I believe in it. I know it is so, because I was a little dog once upon a time. Meat.-vVe should judge so from your manners. Hash.- Well, it is none of your business. Meat.-I'llmake it my business. Hash.-No, you won't. Meat.-Won't, eh? Biff! Bang!! Biff!! Biff! Bang l t Biff!! Butter.-Go it, Meat! I'm strong; I'll help you. Breacl.-Say, hash, get Sugar to help you; he's got the sand. Mille-Be quiet, boys. 1. C. E. Cream is sick; he's got a chill. Ham has been sick, too. -, Breac1.-Yes, but he's cured now. Here comes a race! It is Lemon and Onion. They are a loving couple. Onion.-Oh, I am out of breath. Potato.-T am glad of it. Now I can open my eyes safely. Lemon.-Onion is a horrid boy. Just now he tried to squeeze me. And to think. he calls me sweet. Oh, say, we just saw Soup, and he is looking so thin. Meat.-Lemon, I beg your pardon for being so rude as to fight in the presence of a lady. I am truly mortified. 130
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