Page 148 - YB1899
P. 148
Cb¢ jov of mv rift What brings the most joy to my heart, When Cupid bas withdrawn his dart, And of my life left but a part, But my dear old guitar? What makes me feel so blithe and gay, When through the clouds hath never a ray Brought brightness to my life tbat day But my dear old guitar? What carries me nearest to nature's soul And makes me feel that of life the whole Is not to jest and idly droll, Bnt my dear old guitar? What fills my life with happy song And makes me sing the w hole day long As if the gods I dwelt among, But my dear old guitar? Wbat when the day hath closed its doors My every care and trouble moors And anchors me safe on dreamland's shores But my dear old guitar? 'I'hen hail to thee, thou spiri t free! Thou that hast brought such peace to me May thy life long and happy be, My blessed old guitar. 138
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