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comes from Northwestern Maryland, Hngers- After at the Hagerstown High School, Maryland. During the two she has been studious, devoting a great deal of time to her favorite study, Mathematics, which she is espe- cially good. So far as we know, she lias never been guilty of the usual girlish frivolities, and throughout her career at this institution has been characterized by her modest and retiring disposition. On the outskirts of the city of Frederick, ill a village called Mount Pleas- ant, was born in tile middle of the year '76, Daniel Edwin Stone. 1f we are to believe all accounts, he spent most of his childhood into getting into scrapes and leaving his larger brother to settle them. In these controversies he him- self never took his brother's coat., He went to school first at the he demonstrated that one body can for while he was going to school in Fred- he spent the most his time at the skating rink. Even while he was at he studied but little, taking a thorough course, however, in trashy literature. Thus well equipped in the elementary branches, he matricu- lated at W. M. C. in the fall of '92. His career at college on the whole would be called uneventful. He has gotten along in his studies as well as the average, has played both baseball and football, never rising above substitute on the first team of either until his Senior year, when he was chosen manager of the base- ball whieh under his management bids fair to be a credit to Western \IIle have remarked that his career has been perhaps nne- but this must be modified. I-Ie has the monotony of college life by always having a g·ir1. These, however, for the most part were merely pass- fancies, but at last, we believe, he has met his match, between whom and there exists what IV1r. Hearn has been pleased to term Kcmp-ieal affinity. Perhaps no One has had as varied an experience or as many residences ns Georgeana Wilson Strayer. The daughter of a Methodist Protestant min- she was born ill Dorchester County, received her early school training in public schools of Baltimore, and now resides in Buc keyestown." The child is proverbially the 1110st spoiled. She is the youngest child, and say was no exception to tile rule. In '92 she entered the "freshman class
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