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SKETOH prof~ssorJam~sw. R~~s~,JI.m., Pb:D. lROFESSOR S. SIMPSON. JI S a teacher more than :lmOIl_g the PrOf_essors as a scholar Maryland as a citi- for prominent of Western C_OI- for lege years, twenty-five and languages of the ancient his knowledge literature, zen for rarely subject of this broad culture, most the highly esteemed sketch his refined taste equalled and by men in any profession. Prof. James William Reese was born 'in Carroll County, Oc- tober 3, 1838. He was the youngest son of Jacob Reese, cashier of Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, and the gTandson of David Fisher, one of the oldest citizens and landowners in the community. He was for col- lege partly at and, partly at St. Timothy's Hall, Maryland, where, among his schoolmates, were the famous tragedians, Edward, Junius Brutus, and J. \'Vilkes Booth. At the age of seventeen he entered Princeton was graduated from that institution ill the same class Gray of Delaware. A close and critical student, he of his college life, the distinction of elected ;, class orator," and the higher distinction, of oration on Commencement Day. In r861 he was appointed tutor at Prince- ton, but at that time pursuing a course to the ministry, he declined the honor. He entered the general Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of New York 1860, and was from that institution in 1863. On September 27 of the same year by Bishop Whittingham in St. Anne's Church, Annapolis, the following January until the year 1870, he was Rector of Church, Westm.nister, Maryland. Tn 1868 he was married to Miss Mary Pauline Perry, a niece of Mrs. Katherine ]. Shellman of this city.
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