Page 35 - YB1896
P. 35
And above all the lI'all hung a metal plate, An inscription engraved Oil its face; And although in a tongue that was somewhat strange, These words they could easily trace: This is the Castle of Knowledge, By sages foul1-c1ed of old Its stores of rare gems are beyond compare-e- Its riches have never been told. 'Twas named for a knight of honor, Renowned for his wisdom and spunk, Who was the first lord of this castle. 'Tis called The Castle of CHICK-A-GO-RUNK. Then there rang through the corridors loud and long, And reechoed fro III hall to hall, A of joy ~111d . burst from the of all: "Cllick-a-go-runk, go-runk, go-runl., Hi~~~)1:~~~~~~~~~~2-rix ; Ninety-six!" But were they joyous? Why halloo so loud? they were not drunk! No; because they had found a name for their book- TIley would call it the" CnICK-t\-GO-HUNK!" '5
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