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one will be offended, but that all will take the jokes in the spirit of good humor and respect with which they are given. So teachers, schoolmates, be not angry At our little pranks and jokes; ltis just n means we have To furnish funfor other folks. Finally to our readers we would say, that although we may appear all the worse for wear and tear, yet we shall feel abundantly satisfied if we succeed _in pleasing you. And now, with this volume, the Class of '96 makes her bow and steps down and out of the ranks of Western Maryland College, each one of her members going his or her way to fight the battle of life single-handed; so, as a parting word, we would say:- Good-bye to OUf schoolmates, Good-bye to our school; God bless those we leave with a sigh: We'll cherish fond mem'ries of thee while away; Good-bye Alma Mutcr , Good-bye.
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