Page 33 - YB1896
P. 33
Old \Vebster's ;, Unabridged" was conned - In vain from A to Z; . Wherever they looked they could find no 1V0rd To suit them to a T, So they resolved to sally forth In all the world, to look And seek for the word they needed so much As a name for this wonderful book. sought the town and country through; sought the desert waste: But no word as a name they found, To suit their critical taste. They shipped one clay for a foreign shore, In a vessel good and They sailed by night, they by day, They sailed a whole month long. Nor yet had they reached that foreign shore, When a storm from the West arose, And blackened the sky witl1 its inky shades, Quick bringing the day to a close. The ship was tossed about on the deep, Till they, lost their bearing quite, And knew not which way to steer their bark Through the thick, black gloom of the night All night they struggled against the blows Of the storm's ferocious blast, And when morning broke, their ship adrift On an island shore was cast. When the sea grew calm and the mists dissolved, The sun was directly o'erhead , But it moved nor stirred not from its place As the hours and moments fled. '3
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