Page 28 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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Jan Term provides opportunities to explore ANDREW VELNOSKEY Aging in (he Amcri(:aS,~ ~Animaling Life," also allowing them to relax and have: fun. Stoff Reporter (nip rc Disneyworld) and the always popu- This is rhe real strength of the rrip. Profes- lar "Exploring Belize". sor Smith S2yS.Anyone interested should These COUTSescarry a substantial price conner Professor Smith; there are self!spots If is {he rime of year to choose a Jan Term as one might imagin(', but rhe ccsr is still available. class, something to keep you occupied when reasonable considering what a similar trip There are also plenry of ccurses cffered otherwise you would be back home doing would COStif planned privately. Prices de- here on campusduringJanuaryfora Rat fee absolutely noching, waiting for rhe weather pend on a number of facrcrs, notably dis- of $650, plus $250 board (half-credit E.PE to get warm. cance and frequency of rravei. For example, classes arc $160 each). E.verything from Bur the fact ef ehe matter is that Jan the Belize trip is $2600, the Budapest nip Basic Algebra, to Weight Training, to Cop- Term is more than a way to stave off bore- $2700, and the China trip $3500. ing wirh Stress is offered dam, it is a chance to study something you Professor Herb Smith annually rakes stu- Of pwrtcular Ineeresr isanotherofrne might nor have thought about or had rime: deus on a trip to Belize, home ofrhe world's "Reacting to the Past" classes where students ro study before. It is a chance to push your- second largest barrier rc:<:f,Whileon me II debate issues and make decistons as if they self beyond the usual semester-long class day rrip,srudentsger the cpporruniry to fish, were actually involved in the historical event and study one rhing intensely for a cou- snorkel,and help the rurtles and other wild- they are studying. This rime, the class is on ple weeks. Plus, everyone needs at leasr one life of Belize by doing a beach clean-up. Art in Paris in the 1880's and is taught by Jan Term during their career on the Hill, The trip also includes a trip to see GrerchenMcKay. so {here are no excuses. If you huven'rgot- Mayan ruins, Belize is a greal place re visit For students not wanting to stay 011 ten one under your bele yet; or even if you because it is a pioneer of conservarion, as campus or go abroad, completing an in- have, here are some ways to spice up your 40% of its total area (borh land and sea) is ternship is another way to satisfy the Jan winter break: prorecred by the government. Term requirement while gaining valuable Of course, the study tour is one of the Even .0, the counrry is not immune 10 experience. most exciting ways 10 spend Jan Term. Any- th('harmful effecrs of hurnans.Eince srarr- Registration for Jan Term began on one interested in rhis should check our rhe ing the Belize Jan Term ten years ago, Pro- September 21 for students who are plan- page www.mcdanieLedu/JanTermforafuli fessor Smith has noticed a sharp decline in ning ro graduate in May 2010 and have not lisr of courses going abroad. Among the certain fish lik(' the Parrot fish, which help yet taken a Jan Term course. As. of Septem- courses offered this year are: "Srudy Ti-ip to dean coral reefs and keep them healthy. The bet 30, registration is open to everyone and Budapest: Encountering Diversity,n uGlobe_ rrlp ooucaces students about such problems will remain open until January 3. All non- !rOtting: China," "From Aztecs to Anglos: and the imporran<::eofconservarion while EPE Jan Terms are 2 credits. Yale murder offers a There ain't no party like chance for reflection a swine Au party HANNA I!.ARKERAND ANGElli StaH R.pon.r "Ie is important to note that this is not Safety provides an escort service, educational aoout urban crime, university crime, domes- HINI spreads in Md., tic: cnrne but an issue of workplace violence, ~~J~7:~7s~aon::,v~~~e~::et~~~~: ::~r~,:'7- which is becoming a growing concern around YaJegraduate student Annie Le,' 24, was found brings fears and parties said New Haven Police Chief the counrry," d~d. on Sept. 13, her wooding day. Reported James Lewis, as reported in mainstream news. genin;::~:::al stUdents have mixed reactions mlssmg five days eariier, her body was found Neverthel<:,~s, The fact that the killing abour c::ampusviolence, be<::ausein many omer stuffoo into a utility compartment in the base- took place in a Sec::urecampus facility is rea- <::oumries, guns and other weaponry are out- KATELYNN MCGINLEY mene of the secure research building where she son enough to remind all college srudents to lawoo and the rate of violence is lower. Web Mnnoger worW. play it safe. Asked whether she would tell her par- Police have <::hargedeoworker Raymond enu aboU[ rhe Annie Le incident, Chinese manyeffec::_ thercare HeTeatMcOanie\, Clark lll, 24, with murde" after arresting him uvesecurity measures in place, bur the mere Yale freshman Xlaoying Zhou was almost and caking DNA samples thar compared with ra<::tthat this is an open <::ampusmakes it nec::es_ horrilled. nlaterialevidence found at the scene. ~No. Of course nor!~ she said. ~The later sary to juS{be a liTtlebit more careful. Campus [mey find our], the bener, Soon, they will be worrying sick." One day after Le's body was found, Zhou already received over ten messages from Chi- nese friends smdying at different <::allegesin me U.S. ~We're aU a bit imimidated,n Zhou said. uCampusviolenceiSnotthatmuchofaprob_ I~m in China, you know. I think from now on, 11\ have to Start asking QmpUS security m walk me every night after dass. H Maria Noe Oviedo. dirc<::torof the Spanish house at McDaniel,shares a similar opinion. ~Its<::aresmea little to know that wcneed campus: security here,~ said Ovio!do,who is !Tom Argemina. ~I didn't think a campus would be dangerous. I was surprised when a friend offered towalkmeatnight.~ Dire<::ror of Campus Safety Michael Webst('rprovides n realistic view ofsaf('ty at M<::Oanid. ~McDanid is a beautiful campus thatencouragesafeehngofsafety. Whileitisa very safe campus, it is nOt immune from crime and all campus oommuniry m<:'mbers should be minimizing risks whcn possible. Laptops left unattended and residence hall doors left propped or Avenue houses lefr unlocked invite <::rime,"said Webster. Most crimes and rul<:'violations deal with liquor and drugs. In 2007, there was a total of only five violent <::rimes:forcible fondling_ 3 A few safety tips ... roblMory_l,ancl aggravatooassault_ I. ' Violen<::eon oollege campuses has been a o Be observant of your surroundings. windows locked while deeping or when c? brought into the forefront by th<:'Vir- o Try 10 lei someone know where not in the room. gml~ Tech massacre in 2007. As a result, Mc- o lock your cor and place your b~uo~;i~I~~Pi~,~i~III~!fy;~u:~~1~:~10 voluables out of sighl. DanIel College has implemented a new alerT to hove someone moke sure you gel o Considerinslolling onli-lheFtdevices $}'.stem,which srudents can sign up for at www home. in yourvehide. insdisP3tch.<::om/users . The McDaniel ALERT o lock your door when you are nol in o Pork in well-lilorer:n. system isin its second ycar of use, your room. ~Studentsshouldsign up for it because it is o Don't let strongers inlo residence o Know your cor's log number. the most reliable way to quickly inform them of halls. o Avoid walking olone 01 night. thrcats to theirsafery,n said Webster. o Report suspicious penons 10 Ihe o Know how 10 sound the Rra alarm. For further information on how to be safe Compus Safety deportmenl. o Use common sense - if something on~pu$ortoreportanunsafesjlUation,call o Firsl Aoor residents should keep doesn't feel right, then il probably isn't. extenSIOn 2202 or nop by the Depanment of Campus Safety, located in Winslow ~n[er.
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