Page 29 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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Coley will be no • 'lame' lame duck I Speech outlines goals for president's last year Zimbra contract draws to close; college considers switch to GMail MAIRE HUNTER Stoff Reporter HANNA MARTIN and my college email separate," says users wculd sdll have the same control Staff Reporter freshman Rachel Hoffman. "Zimbra is over their accounts and data. Though rhis year is President Joan Develln Coley's last year on The more professional and focused; it helps "We do have a thorough contract Hill, she has no intention of being a lame dud, she told faculry me concenrrare," with Google rhar ensures the confl- members in her State of me College speech in August. Early in September, McDaniel students Another advantage to using Zim- denrlaliry and serurtry of our daea rhar Coley outlined rwc goals: the expansion of1earning opportu- received an email from the IT depart- bl'aislhatirisbasedln rhe campus-so {hey k",ep," says Palsgrove. ~Stil!, it will nities forbmh online and non-traditional students and srrengrh- ment informing them that the current lf rhere Is an internet outage, srudenrs b~ an issue for some people who may on campus can stilt access their ac- rhree-year email provider conrracr with ened relationships with community colleges. Both goals reflecr her Zimbra would be up for negotiation. counts. Gmail offers nosuchopdon.· disrrusr third-parties conrrolling our data." long-term inreresrs, said Coley. The college is now consideringswitch- However, staying with Zimbra also UI appredatethe rich experience community colleges bring," ing to the popular email service Gmail, Another factor affecting this pos- Coley said, "and I understand its increasing appeal when it comes a creation of me internet conglomer- means that if there is a power outage sible change is money; McDaniel pays to paying for college." on campus, no one can access rheir ac- twelve thousand dollars a year JUSt to Although rh", McDaniel Plan is uniqu", compared to ocher are Googk count; ifthereisan inrerner ourage, keep students on Zfrnbra. Gmail, on A five-question survey was sent out schools' genetal education plans, she does not want it to deter po- to students, asking them ifrheyhada no one off campus can access their the other hand, is absolutely free, be- by advertisements. accounts. cause ir is funded tential transfersrudems. Gmail account and, if so, how many of "This may not immediately con- However, in the version of Gmail cur- "As we look 10 community colleges more and more as feeder schools •.. there can't be rigidity in course by course match ups," she theapplicationslheyused.ltalsoques- cern undergrads who live on campus. rently being considered, The account of rioned srudenrs abour rheir reaction to bur consider the five thousand gradu- would be ad-free for the duration said at the Opening Faculty Meeting on August 19, 2009. the potential change. ate students who use our email system Likewise, the Office of Admissions is working on programs The survey sene OUt to students from off campus," says Chris Palsgrove the student's enrollment, wirh ads only and scholarships designed specifically for transfers, which Coley also informed them that the switch of the IT department. being turned on after ihe student's hopes to sec implemented rhts sprlng. Gmai! would offer them the option of 10 graduation. With respect to online courses, Coley told faculty members in keeping their usemame for life. For Another disadvantage is rhar sror- The hope is that both parties August that "students want more options, more convenience and students who give their campus email age space on Zimbra is extremely Jim- will benefit from this relationship, as lred, where Gmail offers a much great- Coogle hopes students will keep their alternatives that cost less." to so many people qver their time here, er amounr rhar grows every day. Gmail accounts after graduation, and srudenrs "One out of every five students took online courses," she added. it will be easier to avoid switching ad- also offers all the current applications will have access to u great free email such as the cal- service. dresses. The option available to students, to delete an ac- McDaniel offered 13 online graduate courses this semester. COUnt when the student graduates is endar and address book; it outstrips "Gmail is looking like a very strong Coley anticipates that online classes will attract working adults also available. Zimbra with video chat and Google option ac this point," says Pnlsgrove. trying ro advance professionally or continue a geoeral education. Students have had mixed reactions documents. The college is currently testing to Online courses also allow more speCialized programs, like Asian about the switch, mainly based on the studies, to be offered to all students. The main concern with swirch- makesurerhattheyhavethesamelevd And though the college has made strong strides, Coley tolrl the fact that Gmail is frequently used for ing to Gmail is security; because the of concrol over the accounts and can faculry in August, the colleges that will thrive the most as the ideal personal email accounts. Zimbra has data will be hosted off-campus, Mc- easily switch from Zimbm. been a popular interface for the dura- Daniel's server will no longer own the If the college does decide to switch, four year college el!:perience becomes less commoo, will be the col- tion of the contract, and many people server on which Ihedataisstored.The the contract will laSt for four years and leges that are Ilexible, that are quick ro rean and proacrive. have become comfonable with it. IT departmenr however, would still re- be up for negotiation again in 2014. In April 2009 Coley announced she will retire in Juoe 2010. after serving McDaniel as faculty and administrator for 37 years. ~llike keeping my petsonal email tain the ability to modifJr accounts and Meanwhile, the debate continues. She became McDaniel's first female president in 2000 and presid- ed over the school's name change in 2002. A search committee of 12 was put together by Coley and Mar- tin K.P: Hill, chairman of McDaniel College's Board ofTrus(eesand Check us out at has [he aid of Myers McRae, a consulting firm that specializes in higher education. The fitm's Senior Vice Presidellt, Dr. David M. Gring, is the main liaison ro (he school. Monday-Thursday, l1AM-l0PM Friday&. Sllhtrday: I1AM-llPM Become a Student Ambassador! SundilYs: ~2PM-10l>M Would you like the opportunity to share your love for McDaniel College with Prospective Students and tbeir families? The Office of Admi;;sions is looking to hire Student Ambassadors. These students .truly love McDaniel, and want to help prospective students make one of the most important decisions of their lives Student Ambassadors help the Office of Admissions in numerous ways. 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