Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 23
LOOKING AHEAD: GREEN TERROR SOCCER SPORTS FILE PHofos Goalie Benjamin Knight mode four saves in the shutout ogainst Marymount in the 2009 Mary Washington Soccer Clossle on Saturday, Sept 5. Men's soccer team makes an Women's soccer set to make a comeback in upcoming games even start to the 2009 season CHARLES MULtiN CASEY CROUGH Even though the ream is readyro give rheir Stoff Reporter SloffReporter best, there are Hill challenges they will have to face. Reigel said [hat, "realizing young playas will Team Overview; Filled with many freshmen, Girls Soccer has a very young team MofSeptember8,themen'sSQccerreamisoffro expcrienceselbacks;wcllccdmkttpeverything this year, bur still has Strong leaders in rhc uppcrcInssmen. Despire opening shut-ours, asomewhatcvenst:lr(with2-3rc:cord. in perspecrive." . Even though che young players may snuggle Head coach Jim Reigel. enters his rhird sea- McDaniel looks 10 rehound in the coming weeks. son as coach for rhe Green Terror's soccer team arfirst, [he ream has been very accept;ng of rhe Reigel will most certainly help carry the team new additions. Coaching Staff": Bryan Schumaker (Head Coach) and Megan Madison (Assistant to success with his experience from Llngancre Reigel said [hH the cohesion and uniry of Coach). HighSchool in Frederick,MD,andt:Xpcrience rhe [earn is "our strongest arrribure to dare. First 3.1 the 3A West Boy's Soccer Regional- Director year players have been accepted immediately by Important Games: Team Captain Melanie Armstrong says this year's big games will for MPSSAA since 2004. returning players. The coac:hitlg staff could not be Cerrysburg, Johns Hopkins. and Muhlenberg. Reigel said ihar be wants a more united team. have asked fcr a berrer scennrio," he said both on and off [he field. In addition to potcnria] SCtbacks and some Season Preview: ·'\Y.!ehave a very diverse group of players and a tough schedule. but I think if we work hard as a ream. . we have the potential to have a great season." Currently the ream warns to reach a winning frusrrarionv rhe team will also need robe ready percentage above .500: bur [0 qualify fOr (he toface[heirmosldilficultopponems:eachtcam - Freshman Cam Roig Conference Tournament, the team will have to from the Conference. StepuptheirgameinrheConfen:ncematches "Come 0\11 and suppOrt Green Terror The ream has many strong players to help Athletic> regardless of the sporr." said Reigel, them reach these goals. Reigel scares there is a "players ~orice a crowd and respond to their balancedrosteramongrhererurningandfirstye:tr presence. players. For more information abom ehe men's soccer '·Scveralplaycrshavecontributedalreadyrhis team or other athletics on campus, visit"the Me- season," he said. Daniel website, and go to rhc athletics section )~ C>Q'" • G~ i Frondorf scored the fourth end fith goal, for McDaniel In thler WII\ against Notre on Monday, September 7.
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