Page 31 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 31
I believe •• • frimd? Smd your briif'" Bdi(w" natrmems /0fo(prm@m{'dttllid.~dll. Smd a photo 100. That w(Ju/d be (Edilors Note: What thrill.; you? Whm do yOIl want to shollt from a mountain lOp or share with n close - nlld yOllr words and photo will be printed.) ~II{ 1 believe in driving wirh rhe windows down singing as loud 3$ you can [Q the radio, and having someone to sing widl you. r believe in gening lost in a good book, bur dint reading a book (or school ruinrir. I believe in sleeping in, holding handsc and rhar a man should open rhe deor for a woman even ifhe needs to quicken his step [Q do so. Ibelieve in stepping on crunchy, autumn leeves and then waking rc carch winter's firsr sncwdake on the tip of your tongue. I believe in sedng a pile of homework you still have to do, but stillmnnaging to come up with an excuse oorro do Ir yer,I believe in dancing to loud gir!y musk lik;:a rcn year old in my pajamas, talking to someone for hours though if seems like ten minutes, and I believe in a good, quality hug from somebody you care 3OOU(' ALLISON SCHMITZ I believe in one life. I believe in following your heart and taking risks. 1 believe in fa!ling in Jove with more chan O'ne person, but only having one true love of your life. I believe in giving everyone an equal ,chance to take a spor in your heart. I believe race, gen~er, class ~nd disabIlities do not matter when it comes [0 being a true friend. r believe friends do ,not manipuJatcorsmbeachotherinmt:back,I believe in people who sdll have morals. I believe yOll are only as good as (he company you keep. I believe in good people who Jive happy and healrhy lives. And, most importantly, Ibelieve in me SOPHIE E. DIVEN I believe in God And [he power of faith; believing in something that you can't see. I believe in the love of a mother and strength of a father that bring a family together, True and honest love tim is as faithful as the changing of the seasons, Looking into your man's eyes and seeing nothing but passion for what the twO of you share. Lb~l;gi~~j1iJl~~)1f}1ls.WiR...~~~"'~.J,=~J [ bel,,,,,,, in jusdc", for rhose- who desc:rvc; ;, ~nd ~I"""-,:,"domg ~~ ngh' ,hmg. [ bdicv<= in working ham for your firsf car and knowmg m3;t j( IS yours. I believe in being oU{5ideand exploring the world rh3.[some people may n~er $«, Leering your hair down and .bei?g yourself and r.hwwmg your cares 10 me wmd : :::::::~ ~~~g~~'r::fuTI:,al:~i~;I:%=~es~~ible and laughing whenever you can Bringing people up Instead of knocking them down and re;pecr fora!! people MARIA FAUCONNET SEX NAOMI RAPHAEL around. She examines the male from afar, then to srrlke," said Mike Mandel. "Then they 'grab SloffReporler ~lsC(:guyssirbackandwaitforchemoment the female shows up and pokes Then rhe gtel and start dancing, and ifshe doesn'r blow goes in for a closer inspection. After sizing up the male (according 10 Planer Earth, the bigger begin Even parries aside, mcse relationships die berrer), she'll either blow him off entirely, him off, they'll probably go back to his room." ON1HE flying away at top speed, or if she finds him ac- with someone attempting to advertise himself it to a person they're inreresred in, whether ceptable, they'll ger down. This seems like an incredible amount of he through intelligence, fashion sense, taste in work for procreation. Who would have rhoughr music, ralencs, or really anything. mar looks were so Irnpcrcanr tc birds: Obviously, college seudenrs and birds of par- BUT are we so unlike birds? adise are in it for different things; birds do it Is going to aOf parry, club, or bar, any less for simple procreation, and college students do of an obscure maring rirual? ie for fun. "It seems to be all about displaying your- So is it a bad thing that our methods of self. People want toge( noticed," says senior Eric finding someone to get it on with are vague- Welkos. ly similar ro mating rituals of animals? I don'r You go in, rhere's music playing, people are think 50. Afrer all, a wise man oncc said, Kyou dancing. Rubbing up against each ocher, blurt- and me baby ain't nothing ol!.r mammals so Ids ingout awkward pick-up lines. do it like they do ... ~ --
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