Page 22 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 22
J Steelers, Patriots, Colts and Vikings in run for SuperBowl SEN GRANT awayfromcarchingArimna. Staff Reporter $I:. Ltnds-Steve Spagnuolo was a great defensive coordinator, bur as coach it will be a challenge for him to get this-team turned around. NFCEast AFCEasI E4gks - Were considered a Super Bowl comender, [hen signed Michael Vick and caused media Ntw EnglatJd - IfTomBrady's shoulder ls fine, they will win 12 plus; ifhe is ncr healthy, then they frenzy; still expected to finish first in [he toughest division in football, afthough there is much debate will struggle somewhat and maybe miss the: playoffs again. on how Vick will affeci ream chemistry. Miami - s.,licj_offi:nseand dd"eJise relUrn:but while they have some new Wildcat plays, they will not Gianu _ Grear offensive line, good running game and a good de~se will hdp the Ciants ease tnre the repeat ali di"Vbion champions ~nflt a hea.Ithy Tom Brady. No-Plexera. N_ew York- The jet's'Ilppear set ~except QS; if Mark Sanchez can play well, the Jets could Cowboys - No Terrell Owens has made for a quiet off-seesen if!. Dallas. The ojfen~ will score but not Will 9 toW games. as much; though Cowboys aTC no longer considered the bdt in this diVision, tMy are a cb.rk horse BuffolD -.1heybave 1:0, huT Trent Edwards doesn'r seem ready and the defense is average at bes« they fuvorircnonethdess. wl1l$fruggiethis$C'aSOn. Rdskim _ While the first three spots in this division are hpvily debated, the ~kin& are firmly entrenched in fourth place and belong there as they have \he f~iiri:h beSt quarterback AFCNorth P~tt.sburgh - Super Bowl champs bring everyone back; they have a legitimate shot at repeating, but it NFCNorth will be challenging. Vikings - Stout defense and Adrian Peterson should get thls ream the division crown. Brett Favre .BaltimoTr - Great defense Is now supponed by good offense; this could be the year they get the shouldn't be able to mess this up umil the playoffs. division erown away from Pittsburgh. Grun Bay _ Grear pre-season, an easy schedule and an emerging star in Aaron Rogers ensures the Cincinnati - Carson Palmer is back; if he Stays healthy the Bengals can scare any team they play. Packers will challenge the division this season. Ckv~land - Not knowing your quarterback after me fourth pre-season game is ncr a good sign; the Cbicago - QB Jay Curler should turn Bears into a fun team to warch on olfense. If the defense returns Browns will struggle wlth either quarterback.under center. ro 2006 form then this team could surprise a few people. Detroit - 49 new players, last season mey were 0-16, need Lconrinue? AFCSoutb India1Ulpofis - Peyron Manning has dom.iflatl:!drhls division for years; don't expect change. NFCSoutb Hnn~!$U - Solid on
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