Page 19 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 19
Kennedy legacy worth remembering, regardless of politics HANNA BARKER the cause of his life, Regardless of your political some major flaws, and the Obama administration worry about bureaucratic red tape that could hin- Staff Reporter leanings, it is difficult to deny mat this nation has proposes changes that superficially seem pleasant der the efficacy of the healrh care system. issues within its healrhcare system. Healrhcare and beneficial. However, these are all jusr-final Feel free to disagree wirh me. In fact, I wel- premiums are ar an-all-rime high. By 2025, it is products, purely end results. Getting there will come the opposition. It is the abiliry (0 formu- Unless you've been living "under a rock for the possible-that one quarter of the national econo- not be so simple. The President's Budget for 20 I0 [ate and express our own opinions that makes this past couple of weeks, it is likely that you have my will be somehow tied up in the healrhcare sys- sers aside $635 billion over ten years to help fi- country SO great. Ted Kennedy was not known so heard of the death of Senator Edward P. Kenne- tem. In light of rhe current downward economic nance this healrheare reform. Idon't know about much for his opinions, but for what he did with dy, more commonly known by his nickname, Ted spiral, bow our tax dollars will be spent is a vital you, bur to rnev rhar Is a lor of rnonej.especially them. So in me spirit of the [ate Senator Ken- Kennedy. issue for students like:ourselves. We will be enter- within our current economic context. There are nedy, I challenge you to stand up for what you If you somehow missed this unfortunate turn ing the areal world" quite soon, and it will be our additional controversial aspects of the proposed believe in. In the words of Mahatma Ghandi, of events, here is a brief recap: Ted Kennedy died money rharis payingfor,well,pretrymuchany- legislation. Some people fear that this is pushing I ask rhar you "be che change you wish to see in on Aug. 1B after a 15-monrh struggle with brain thing me government tries to do. Would you pre- America in a socialist direction. Others worry rhe world." cancer. But why was he lrnporranr, you ask? Be- fer ro squander rax dollars on the current health- rhar privare insurers cauld go out of bus i- sides rhe notoriety earned from the Chappaquid- care system when a reformed version of it would ness because of me creation of more com- ick affair and the conflict with the Catholic theoretically be more cosr-efficlenri petition in me heairh insurance marker, Church surrounding his pro-life political views, President Barack Obama has proposed to because while businesses must fight to Kennedy was a figurehead of the Democratic reform the heahhcare system, promote sciendf- seay afloar, the government can just ac- Parry. He was a proponcm of the Head Start pro- ic and technological advancemenrs, and improve cruemoredebt. gram, Tide IX, and the Americans With Disabili- preventative care (see www.barackobama.comlis- Something J particularly find issue ties Act of 1990, as well as over 2,500 other bills sues for more information about healrhcare and with is the concept ofcommuniry rat- that he deemed important to Americans. other issues that the President plans to address). ing, which basically means that all pa- Now, J am not a Democrat. That's nor to This involves the very vague plans to reduce the riemswillpayrhesameratesregardles50f say I'm a Republican either. Hesitant to swear al- growth of healrh care costs for both the govern- age or medical condition. Ifallgoeswell, legiance to any particular parry, Itry to form my ment and businesses, protect families from fi- J will graduate from this fine institution own opinions, issue by issue. I'm JUStyour av- nancial woes because of COSts, guarantee cbolce with decent health. A.!; a fairly healthy, erage college freshman, fitting in rime to watch of doctors and health plans, invest in wellness young individual with an enrry-level sal- rhe news between classes and studying and adjust- and prevention, improve quality of care and pa- ary, I will not wane to pay significantly ing to college life. Political views aside, I feel that rienr safery, and assure affordable coverage for OIl! more money than necessary for my cover- Kennedy was an influential man, especially in the Americans. Sounds good to me. agejustsosomeoneelsewithmorehea[th arena of narional healrhcare, which he deemed Ir is undeniab[e that the current system has problems can pay stgnlficanrly less. Ialso l'As Soo'" As WE WID E ~ THE GA'TfS, £l)WA/U) W-:J:,.t. /Hi A6 LE TO To::r;N '(0 V fOLKS" REJ'L.. $0011 /1 COMMENTARY COPY EDITOR EDITOR Angela Baldwin Nathan Wuertenberg STAFF REPORTERS Elllma60rbalo, TrgvilCompton, SPORTS EDITORS Saroh Chavil,CoseyCmugh, Nick Brunner Jelonne Ellil,EddieEzekiel. CAREER SERVICES EVENTS Caitlin Flynn MikeGaibot, BenGranl, Nick SEPT. 19 9A.M. LEVINE HALL Green,KariaHolland,Moire 2 College Hill Hunter,BaileyHyiham,Dan GRAD ScHOOL ADMISSIONS Lalllond,YichongLi,Samantlla CHIEF Lombert,JennaLirtle,Louren PRAcncE ExAM. (REGISTER BY 9015) ~:s;;:!~::~c~~n~~~;Iu PHOTOGRAPHERS M~ler,Charles Mullin,Gregory Sam Segol Nosen, BryonNuckle., Elyse SEPT.23 tt ......M.-l:30p.M. GLAR 410.751.8600 Sparb, Noomi Raphael,Ka;~yn UAG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE INFO TABLE Evan Ticknor Vandenai., RyonPawell,Liso Vasopa!lo,ScottWelka. SEPT.23 2 P,M. SMITH HOUSE EDITOR~IN·CHIEF UAG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Kate Delenick WEB MANAGERS INFO SElialON (REGISTERBY 9·20) Juli Guiffre Roxanne Fleischer AD MANAGER SE~R~tA-rJ~~:~~ Katelynn McGinley Jessica Largent ;:M~~~UNlV£R.ITY. TIMONIUM CAMPUS NEOOT1A TlNG THE A .... UCAT10N PRocES. NEWS EDITORS WEB AD MANAGER Roxanne Fleischer BLOGEDITOR Aoron Leibensfeld SEPT.29 2P.M.-6p.M. GLAR Megan Robinson Nathan Wuertenberg GRADUATE ScHOOL INFO TABLE SEPT. 29 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. SMITH HOUSE AD REPRESENTATIVES . GRE STRATEGIESSOSION (REGISTER BY 9-24) FEATURES EDITOR ART DIRECTOR KimWilliams Ashleigh Smith ~ATtONRaQuuI>EoI'"ORA.LL~. IHFOfttolAT1OH/RItOI ..........~: _.NCOANIeL.ItDU/e'21.HnoII W.ada .. "Mlypracticelnt.domal.,..IlCh.Foranycomm.nlsoradpricing,pLoa ....... ailt... F.... P,.....
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