Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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The MCDaniel Free Press M'Daniel College Westminster MO We made it this far Online dating: it's an experiem:e 60 Seconds Asks: Freshmen reflect on the changes and One reproter provides insight and truth on What would you consider a romantic experience,s they have had Page 5 the world of online dating Page 14 date? Page 7 Pole vaulter It's cold out here Polar Bear Plunge In This Issue the evaluation injured during No more 'fives'! Faculty commim:e meets to discuss redesigning form to encourage srudenrs ro give • short answers rather than simply sign a number. Page 3 practice The primary question The candidates for me 2008 Lutz in critical condition Baltimore, MD 21201. Presidential election square off . On Thursday, January 31 it with their stance on the important as a result of head injury was initially speculated that Lutz issues Americans face today. Centerspread fell while completing his vault but Family and friends offer information confirmed by Athletic Bring Honl support, keep Lutz in Director Jamie Smith, explained on the mat, los- that Lutz tripped The Green Terra Committee their thoughts ing .hls balance and hining his and the Environmental Action head. This occurred sometime Club brought Recycle Mania between 5: 15 p.m. and 5: 19 p.m. Chupeln, to McDanid where students, By Mew.1e In Chief according to Mike Webster, direc-> Co-EdhDr Faculty and staff compere in a tor of Campus Safety. We.mninster contest among 400 other schools The McDaniel College community paramedics arrived at 5:26 p.m. to see who can collect the most continues to rally support for trans- and a helicopter was on the scene recyclables. Pa8e 4 fer student Jared Lutz and his fam- ar 5:47 p.m. landing on the soccer jon Schultz and Amanda ily. Lutz remains in critical condi- "field. Rose ran back out of freezing Itac:tually happened tion at the R Adams Cowley Shock The Carrol! County Times ~ater on Saturday, january p.m., but because of the DefOR printing in me computer Trauma Center in Baltimore. Med- WTOte an anlcle about Lura's ac- 26. They were not alone; enormous turnout, another labs on campus, students must ical personnel are closely watching cident in its Saturday, February 2 around ten thousand people was added at 1 p.rn. his pressure vitals. issue where Joyce Muller. associate enter their email username and Members of the Lutz family vice president for communications participated in the twelfth The water was a chilly 36 password. Reality sers in for have created a website for Jared and marketing, said that Lutz had annual Maryland State Police degrees fahrenheit.. complacent students. ~ 4 Polar Bear Plunge. Also among the partici- through Caring Bridge, sponsored surgery on Friday and is in inten- Among them were a group pants was former Baltimore Archiving history by the University of Maryland sive care. She emphasized that the of McDaniel students and Raven Michael McCrary, Students in Dr. Bryn Upton's Medical Center, The site features college is concerned and that their his faculty members who agreed former governor Bob Ehrlich, thoughts are with and Lun class conducted advanced research a journal updated by the famiJt to "grin and bear it" for the and current governor Martin on materials in a suitcase, which with information about Lutz's con- family. sake of the Maryland Special O'Malley. consisted of articles mccting notes dition. The guest book tab allows "In [he fifteen years I've been Olympics and McDaniel Marlyand State lottery ...... February 3, there have been a total been a pole vaulting accident." "I was shocked by the Bartlett donated $1 million and photographs, documenting visitors to leave messages and since here," Webster said, "there's never Best Buddies. winner Ellwood "Bunky" me progress of desegregation. was accident ofl65messagcs. In addition to the website, emailed News to of the the members of me turnout," said senior Kelly to the cause as well. Etzel, who participated in "It was fun to see so many anyone in the community wanting track and field team. In the email. the plunge. "I had no idea so people show up in their InThe Next Issue to send their wishes to Lutz can Coach Bryn Upton said, "On many people shared my love costumes," Etzel said. "I'll address cards to Jared Lutz, do of Thursday afternoon, while practic- of the cold." probably do it next year." Active Minds University of Maryland R Adams ing the pole vault, Jared vaulted off The plunges, which raised GP, MH, Me AR, KE Alumni Come Back as Coaches Cowley Shock Trauma Center. 22 see "Vaulter .. Dn PaJe 3 S. Greene Street. 4 South - Bed 17, RAs fired, rule enforcement Flu sends several could be cause for concern students .home By Ro__ ee FlelKher By Geoff Pecldu.m, first SHuck; she took Ibuprofen to News Co-EdltDr and Moffit could nor be'reached by when he was called into Rouzer press rime. Area Coordinator Dave Dahlberg's Once again a menace strikes cam- reduce the fever, she pushed fluids. Three McDaniel residential assis- Senior RA Jonathan Schuln office and told of me decision. pus, this time JUSt over a week into especially orange juice for the vita- tants were recently fired by Resi- confirmed that all the RAs were "I was highly considering quit- the semester. The menace: Type min C, she got plenty of resr, and dence Life, each for different viola- dismissed for different reasons. ting," Smith said. "It was obvious [rhe A Flu. One of it's many victims: still the flu fought harder. Ser- I was not getting Casey Crough. along with After to a visit to Health a sophomore at Me- rions ofRA conduct. "During RA training, we are Junior Genai Moore, junior told what is and is not acceptable Res. Life Staff} at all." Daniel. It started with a dry cough. vices around midday on Tuesday, Dave Roberccn, and sophomore for RAs to do. Most of them are Smith said he disagreed with Then came a fever. The cough be- Feb 5, it was determined that Ross Smith were all removed from common sense. RAs know that many of the warnings he received came increasingly frequent, the fe- Crough should go home, and she their positions for separate reasons. they cannot do what most other throughout Fall of 2007. He said ver remained. and nausea decided is required to remain there until This was in addition to the firing college students do because they that Residence Life is in desperate to drop in as well. Monday, Feb 11. of RA Anna Moffit last semester. have to uphold the ~RA contract, need of more RAs, after firing four At first Crough joked about Crough was one of more than There was also another RA.. former the image of Residence Life and in one school year and having one the serious abs she would gain 25 students who struggled with the later McDaniel srudent Casey Funk- the college and most importantly; quit. from all the coughing. Only saying, flu by [he end of last week, accord- ing to Joan Lusby, certified Physi- did she change her outlook, houser, who decided to quit. their personal integrity." he said. "I think that the Residence Residence Life did not com- Smith said mat he had already Life staff has to seriously consider "I just want to stOp coughing," as cian Assistant with the college's ment on the dismissa1s. nor did received warnings and violated me way they manage their RAs. the sickness worsened. Health Services. She had been doing all the right Moore. Roberrscn was unable to probation by missing a staff meet- See '"lIAs" on hie 3 See "'flu" on Pqe 3 comment as well, and Funkhouser ing. He said he was not surprised things to get rid of the fiu when it
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