Page 94 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 94
THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS FEBRUARY 14 2008 Features I Jan Term From bananas to bowling- it's Jan Term McDaniel students participate in unique coursework at home and abroad By IbwId RobertMHI, their scheduled departure. to Israel, amounts of rubbish and stray dogs, to Belize for of students Chief PIIolopapher For Erika Clark, '10, the nip "With the Middle East at "The culture itself was incredible a group and diving. Having heard fishing to Kenya, rescheduled for the sum- the center of world affairs," said and their food, whether it be pasta excellent reviews from students "Did someone say Eoglandi" mer, fulfills an Education Minor Goldman, "and President George or marzipan, was awesome." who already went on the trip, he Srudenrs returned to McDan- requirement. Bush visiting at the same time, our She added, "The people over said it was simply amazing. iel for me spring semester reeling "It will really be a good experi- study-journey took on an added mere were really nice too, and if This once-ln-a-Hfenme trip, from [heir experiences abroad and ence for me and open my eyes to dimension of meaning." you tried to talk to them in Italian Dwoskin's first time out of the on campus. though less man en- different learning environments as The strictly non-partisan ex- they would get all excited!" Con- States, gave him "the opportunity thusiastic for commencing a more a future teacher," she said. cursion allowed students to grasp sid_ering the experience was one to meet with locals, converse with monotonous routine on January their own perspective on the Israeli with the school rather than a solo them, find out how they live their 28. and Palestinian conRiers, while excursion, she raved, "'I got to see lives-how much it differs from AsidefromfulfiliingaB.L.A.R. "I got to see an simultaneously immersing them- an awesome COUntry and just about American society." He also be- (Basic Liberal Arts Requirement). selves in the rich, ancient history of everything in it that is worth see- friended many on the trip, return- Jan Terms, lasting from January awesome country and Jerusalem, traversing me Galilean ing. And I got to live the culture ing with friendships he may nor 3-25, give students the oppor- just about everything Mountain landscape, the external and be almost totally immersed in have otherwise made on campus. tunity to experience something in it that is worth and internal architecture of ancient it." From snorkeling expeditions, new-whether a medical or ac- mosques, even experiencing [he Though many students re- spear fishing and climbing Mayan counting internship. a first nip out seei ng. And I got to modem hubbub of Tel Aviv. mained on campus, they still had ruins, "it opened my eyes," he of the country or an inrrcducrion live the culture and "All these moments in time a variety of activities and course said, "to how much is out there we to martial ares. On the ether hand. serve the college's education reason- offerings to keep occupied. These one particularly adventurous trip be almost totally for-being." Goldman expressed. ranged from gym classes (badmin- haven't been able to experience- you only get so much from a text- was cancelled for reasons beyond immersed in it." As an aside. he enthusiastically ton among the more popular, rai book." college control. described a pre-school in Jerusa- chi, indoor soccer) and introduc- W'hether a first trip out of the December 2007 and January lem where students of Christian, tions to psychology, history, jazz COUntry or taking a required gym 2008 saw severe political wrmoil However, Clark was not roo Jewish and Muslim religions learn studies, yearbook independent class for punctual graduation, stu- across the country of Kenya. ema- disappointed with the cancellation together, with teachers drawn from studies, and discussing French cul- dents can rest assured they have the nating from the Rift Valley and "considering me circumstance that a mix of religious backgrounds as opportunity for a true liberal arts more recently spreading [Q the there were riots in Kenya." She well. "I believe it bespeaks the mis- included College. ar McDaniel western reaches of the COUntry. added, "I still want to go," assum- sion ofTIF. namely, peace through Dr. Other trips abroad "Treasures education the adventurous spirit of Mohamed Esa's Despite Foreigners Reeing [Q neighboring ing the conflicts dissipate. education. The school works. There of Central Europe," Mark Rust's its faculty members and adminis- countries coupled with me decline Professor Dr. Emanuel Gold- is hope!" group visiting [he Dominican Re- rrarors, most students empathize of local incomes undergraduate man, together with Ms. Lucia Other trips abroad left Stu- public, and an England Theatre with the thought, "I wish I were students with faculty advisor Dr. Goodhart and The Interpreter's Fo- dents with memories to last a life- Tour with Ira Domser. still abroad." Ochieng' O. K'olewe had to can- rum (TIE in residence on campus), time. Amber Maurer, '09. said of On a vastly different track, pu6dpate in the dlsc:ulision cel their trip just a few days before accompanied a group of students her trip to Italy, aside from the large Adam Dwoskin, '09, accompanied oa Mc:Oa.nleIFreePrtili.c:o .. There are a 10[ of different angles students arrive at the Blue Tang. that could be taken when writing It's in the opportunities that" a travel column, in this case the await the students, such as scuba Belize Jan-Term. You could be diving with sharks, or reeling in a poetic, attempting to use flowery 40-pound fish. It's in the integra- language to describe the scene, rion with San Pedro, a small town "and the horizon's shades blended in a third-world country, and it orange and red into a collage of shows. McDaniel students are our beauty" or something cheesy like of their element when they arrive, that. You could try ro-be funny, and the time spent away from the News Co-Editor offering small tidbits of Stories in norm plays a large role in off as witty. get our of this trip. an anempt to come "Things I Learned in Belize: two It's in the interaction with the It's in the interaction coats of sunscreen are always bet- people of the town, whether it be with the people of ~::~aI7s~e:e~::p~:i:, o~~ ~:~:~ ~*:~4I~~:~:~~o;r b;:;:~ :{~~. the town, whether it_ who claims to be.a decror bur also- I~' local housewife. It's instead of be playing softball insists he's a Hollywood composer" getting your fast food fix from me or basketball with (although those are good lessons to. golden arches, you're getting it a remember). from a small deli run OUt of an old who decide to go. Combined with how to snorkel and which fish was high schoolers, Or you could JUSt reflect on woman's personal kitchen (anomer the setting, and the resulting dy- what and even which fish tasted or dancing with a what you've learned, and be hon- rhing I learned in Belize; Esper- namic leads to some preny great best. But what sticks out, and if local housewife. It's est with yourself about what you anus burritos will beat out Taco memories, touching as a surprise you ask any of the ocher 26 students truly got out of such an experience. Bell's any day of the week). birthday parry or zany as a spon- I'm sure they'll agree with me, is instead of getti ng That's why we're supposed to do Did we do some partying? taneous skinny dip, that may make the people we interacted with. The your fast food fix these Jan terms, to study beyond Sure, but so did me students who some other Jan-term srudents jeal- culture we engaged with, and who Jan from the golden me conventional, to learn in an en- stayed on campus for their on all we engaged in it with. That is what we might not have the term, as well as the students vironmenr like People rake opportunities arches, you're getting chance to visit otherwise. And [his the other study-tours. We're college this for those memories, even if makes such a trip so enjoyable, and Be- what helps us learn [he most. it a from a small deli trip to Belize mat Dr. Herb Smith students, mat's what we do. But they aren't all good ones. It would cause when you combine all the run out of an old and Dr. Brian W1adkowski offer there's a difference between having be naive to think there wasn't the elements mentioned above, what woman's personal every year is undoubtedly one of a drink in a bar in Westminster or drama in the background adults, that is you really learn about is yourself. in your dorm for all young the best experiences you can have room, and having a no inherent W'hat you're capable of, what you kitchen. while attending McDaniel. drink on a speed boat on the way marrer where they are. And to put truly enjoy, what you can live with "Fishing and Diving in Belize" back from exploring Mayan ruins, tc bluntly, sometimes incidents and what you can't live without- has JUSt finished up another year, all while watching a beautiful Ca- happen. Like confrontations with And it doesn't hurt making great ยป, ,- ... and at first glance it may seem like ribbean sunset over me horizon. locals, no matter how accidental friends along the way. ~ ('." one big parry, an excuse to sit on but be a little cheesy. help just as integral But these elements are So to those who've gone to Be- I guess I couldn't OK. [he cause. , " weeks ("Welcome to the Caribbe- of people: enmused adventurers, And sometimes, even through the lize before, those who will go in me to for two rum [he beach drinking to a rrip like this, This trip attracts cerrain types because you learn from them too. and future, importantly, most But that's not what the an, lovc!") ",,, ' trip fs about. San Pedro, Ambergris You spontaneous jokesters., beach bums bad, good mings can emerge, like those who went in 2008, all I can Stop Belizing, say is, "Don't hold bunnies, and Caye, Beliz.e is a special place. z.ealous party-gaers, fellow students sticking up for one on to mat island feeling." have to go there to understand it. and focused independence seekers, another when it counts. It becomes a bit more special ev- am~ng others. As a result. cerrain We learned how to fish. We CoatInue tile colft't:raatton ery January when the Green Terror chemistry is created amongst mose learned how to dive. We learned ilt McO ... lelfreePfeH.,C"
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