Page 85 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 85
THE MCDANIEL FREE PRESS DECEMBER 10 2007 13 Commentary Crazy Spears salvages her fifth album By Eleanor Nagle the album but it's good enough. Wim publicly stripping down "Why Should .1be The second song, "Piece of to her underwear, feeding babies Sad?" is probably Me" is easily one of the best on the soda, and flashing the paparazzi, the closest thing to a album. Spears doesn't exactly talk, it's obvious that Britney Spears has but rather talks to a beat in a not gone crazy, but her new album isn't ballad. The song is a quite rap fashion. There is a good rainred by her insanity, thinly veiled shot at music and beat behind her with Spears' fifth album, Blackout lyrics that are pretty good. The lyr- was released on October 30 to sur- Spears' ex-husband, ics talk of her recent trouble with prisingly good reviews, probably the infamous Kevi n the paparazzi and her latest hi-jinx- because the album itself is pretty Federl ine, with the es. There's a bitter (one to what she good. Ir certainly isn't her best, and says but there's also humor in it. there aren't any breakout worthy lyrics, "Why should Besides, it's not exactly like Spears hits. But if you like Brimey, and I be sad? Heaven doesn't deserve her reputation. you're looking for a fun album "Heaven on Earth", [he fifth mat's great to dance to, Blackout knows, from the song, is [he only song on the album jusr may be the album for you. stupid freaking things that talks non-sexual love, though The twelve songs featured on [here is still a strong sexual tone. the album all have great beats that that you do." Witn-an gll.S'style'·rntr'b'""ind CUtC are certainly enjoyable [Q dance to if not corny lyrics such as "You're and lyrics that are fairly entertain- lads, soft songs, and very lirrle heaven on earth. I've waited all my ing, though there is such an overuse about love. In fact most of the life for you" and "Fell in love with of the word "hot" that it makes you songs have a lot more [Q do with you and everything you are." wonder if Paris Hilton helped write lust than love. The last song, "Why Should the infamous Kevin Fededinc, with oughly pleasant album that will me songs. The lyrics are repetitive, The album starts but with I be Sad?" is probably the closest the lyrics, "Why should I be sad? mosr likely please most Spears fans, but then again, what dance songs "Gimme More", which also hap- thing to a ballad, and that isn't Heaven knows, from the stupid though it may leave them nostalgic aren't? pens to be her first released single. saying much. The song is a thinly freaking things that you do." for rhe earlier and perhaps more This album contains no bal- It's certainly not the best song on veiled shot at Spears' ex-husband, Overall, Blackout is a thor- memorable albums. The M£Daniel Free Press And Editorial Staff Staff Writers Melanie Chupein David Nasongkhla '08 Co-Editor in Chief MJ Alexander '09 Finally, Garrett Eagan '09 Mike Habegger Rose Eney '09 Co-Editor in Chief Chris Ferrick-Manley '09 layout Editor Bethany Grove '09 Be Safe Web Editor Christina Hinkle '09 Iorreka Jordan '09 Laura Hutton Michelle Menner '09 News Co-Editor Dave Robertson '09 Reinforcing the definition of rape, verbal or physical, Becky Snider '09 Geoff Peckham Kate Delenick '10 'no means no,' writes Katie Young. News Co-Editor Roxanne Fleischer '10 juliann Guiffre '10 Despite our knowledge of the un- ual contact (i.e. ass/breast grab). logically, ro have sex, oral, anal, or katie Young Rachel-Hooper '10 fortunate commonality of rape, I Rape, however, is a severe vaginal, it COUNTS. Features Co-Editor Lauren Laker '10 still believe many of us are in de- form of sexual assault - technically Since one of me biggest mis- Katelynn McGinley" 0 nial. After all, isn't it true that those defined as forced vaginal, anal, or conceptions about rape is that rap- Cori Simpson Eleanor Nagle '10 raped lacked responsibility? oral penetration. As sex-columnist isrs are strangers lurking in dark al- Features Co-Editor Meg Christian '11 NO! A stranger with a weapon Amber Madison notes, if is impor- leys, Madison also points out what Jeff Davis "1 forcing himself upon a woman in tam to understand rhar "forced" specifically counts as "no": Stacey Eyler Justin Harmon "1 an alley isn't the most typical sce- assault can be both physical and 1. A girl said no but didn't physi- Opinion Co-Editor Ryan Hickey '1 1 nario of rape. Girls we know have psychological threats. cally fight off her attacker. Maggie Powell 'll found themselves raped or assaulted The following scenarios, Mad- 2. A girl said yes at first, bur then in some way, and it is sad to realize lscn cites to "count" as rape: changed her mind and said no. Christine Boynton Kim Williams '1 1 Opinion Co-Editor everything you thought you knew 1. A friend, boyfriend. ex, or 3. A girl didn't say no because she about rape was false. anyone a girl has slept with in the was afraid that she would be physi- Ryan Chell According to [he National Vio- past made her have sex when she cally hurt or killed if she did. Sports Editor lence Against Women Survey-more didn't want to. 4. A girl stopped saying no be- man one out of every six women 2. A girl was forced into sex by cause it wasn't making the guy Emily Biondo is a rape victim, and the majority a guy whom she had sex with will- StOp. Art Director of those victims were assaulted in ingly at a later time. 5. A girl showed pain or fear, and their teens or early twenties. As Stu- 3. A girl had sex but was (00 obviously didn't want the sexual Evan Ticknor dents who attend a college affected drunk, high, or young to under- encounter to continue. Chief Photographer by assaults, it is important that we, stand what she was doing. 6. A girl never said no because be educated about rape. 4. A guy forced a girl to have sex she froze up and said nothing. If we continue down rhe road with him but told her that he loved Any way mat a girl says no or Stephanie Gllbertz of denial, rapists will continue to her, that she was beautiful, or chat SlOp means [hat a guy should stop. Copy Editor get away with their crimes because she was so sexy he couldn't control However, if a girl isn't responding The opinion. expressed do nO! necessarily rep,..,..,nr those of the M
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