Page 86 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 86
THE M'DANIEL fREE PRESS DECEMBER10 2007 Commentary From marketing Yellow pages to the Hill Engaging, generous, class of twenty-five hardly unnerves Lavin, who has a Bachelor's rewarding parts of his job is watch- friendly and honest, him. After d!irty years of working Lavi n mentioned that degree in History from Loyola ing students grow up and "become as a VP at the Yellow Pages, Lavin College, as well as a Masters degree more comfortable in their own Don Lavin is content in retired. He ended up at McDaniel the biggest difference in Finance and Accounting from skin." He says that by the time they Business department in the spring of 2000, as a favor between business and Loyola is more than JUSt a profes- graduate as seniors they are almost for Professor Joseph Carter, who academics is that in sor. Fellow professor of Accounting completely different people from asked Lavin to teach a one semes- and friend. Susan Milstein, says he when they arrived as freshman. By Ryan Rowe, Contributor ter course on Ethics. The following academics you "talk is' "deeply religious" and practices And while Lavin briefly laments semester Lavin raughe two courses, about doing things" what he preaches. He is also self- about me administration part of On the second floor of Lewis Reci- and within a year he was a full time and in the business less, constantly putting students the school and the administration tation Hall, tucked in a corner is member of me McDaniel faculty, and me department before hi~sel£ ~ part of his job he concedes that he a simple office belonging to one of wrapping up a very short lived re- world you "actually Milstein reminisces about a broken loves the classroom. the most popular professors in the tirement. do things." refrigerato~ in.~he Bu"siness depart- • ~ When:talking with Lavin it is Business Administration and Eco- When asked to compare ment a f~ years back, and hov:, easy to realize \Vhy he is so popu- nomics department at McDanid teaching at McDaniel to working wheneVer Lavin gOt any extra mon- [ar. . College. at the Yellow Pages, Lavin men- son and daughter the same age as ey, from various sources, he would He is engaging, generous, For the dozens of students tions the interactions he has. The the students he teaches is part of donate it to the fund to buy a new friendly and honest. Lavin de- who enter this office daily, they interactions between students and the reason he is so popular at Mc- refrigerator for the department. .~ scribes hims· "contented." And are greeted by Professor Donald faculty at McDaniel and the inter- Daniel. .... Desplre his successes and ex- he says' he is "~onfident and saris- Lavin's smiling face and wirry sense actions between co-workers and Stacy •.~h:fWo~~l,) ~_hoJ . .rook periences in life, he is constantly fied at where 1 am and what I've of humor. Most of che students customers at the Yellow Pages are Tax Accounting with Lavin in the humble, Milstein says. She tells done." He says he has no regrets who visit Lavin are mere simply to what he enjoys most about what he spring of 2007. says "I find him a how recently he spoke to the stu- and is very happy living every day socialize with someone they find does. He also mentioned that the lot more understanding than other dents of her Stock dub and talked as if it were his last. But perhaps it run to be around. Considering biggest difference between business professors. He seems to relate to about all the bad choices he had is Milstein who best summarizes his popularity with both students and academics is that in academics students on their level and does not made when it comes to me stock Lavin when she says "he is the light She continues, and colleagues, you would think you "talk about doing things» and appear as an authority figure." market. Yet she and others know of the departrnenr." his name and a correct choices he "mention of the countless saying that Lavin's been teaching for most in the business world you "actually Lavin has taught classes in of his life. In truth, Lavin didn't do dungs." many fields including accounting, made in the stock market mat he smile comes across his or her face." start teaching at a four year college The enjoyment of teaching and ethics, and business, but he says his refuses to gloat about. of the most That's probably because Lavin is smiling back. says one Lavin unril 2000. But that doesn't mean interacting with people conrinues favorite course to [each is Tax Ar.- Lavin hasn't been teaching in other outside the classroom for Lavin. counting because he finds the tax ways for years prior to his arrival in In his spare time Lavin coaches business to be a "challenging work Westminster. recreational basketball and lacrosse endeavor." And he feels mat this is Images of the Week BigWin Prior ro coming to McDaniel, teams. Lavin is also an avid reader, rhe most practical course because Lavin worked for thirty years as enjoying fiction novels most of all. if his students know about [he tax Vice President of the Yellow Pages Bur his biggest passion outside of business they can save money. Sher- marketing deparnnent. In facr, the classroom is spending time wood agrees, adding WI remember Lavin had over seven hundred peo- with his son and daughter who are what he taught me after the class p\e reporting to hiIT1, $0 teaching a also in college. Perhaps having a had ended." FREE PRESS fREf PRfSS FREf PRESS rser PRESS fRa PRFSS fREE PRESS f'REll'I1fSSFRfF PRESS fRfE PRESS FUH. PRESS HlEE PRESS fRH rnrss mfl: PRESS fRf:TPRESS fUH PRESS I:Rff. PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS EREE PRESS fREE I'RES5 FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE I'RESS FREE PIIESS FREE PRESS FREE I'RESS fREE PRESS FREE "RESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE JlRESS fREE PRESS FREE f~RES5 Compiled by Geoff Pedham Features Co-Editor and Fall 2007 Graduate katie Young "but ifL. learned anything at all it was [0 always be true to yourself and I know that this is what I can do and I'm gonna' try ..." - Tristan Prettyman One day. I woke up and realized that the last four years have come and gone and I am an entirely differem person. I am a person who knows her faults and likes, and who has gained the ability [Q accept most of them. In me most unselfish way possible, McDanic:l has allowed me to understand that I don't have the ability to make anyone happy but myself. All me panicking of presentations, friendships, housing, and hook-ups has somehow been lose in time. Instead me periods in which I was most happy are me only times mat I recall. I didn't really understand me significance of harder rimes on the Hill until much later. I have realized I have come to a place where I have been able to define mine own happiness and goals. Advisors, majors, and friends have changed in the past years, but I have elected to sur- round myself with people who reflect the same choices I have made and also understand their own ability to find happiness within themselves. It'll rake a while, but one day you'll realize that the times in which you were struggling. or others hurt you, were completely out of your control. No one is the bad person, bur just not the right person for you to have in yOUf life. People. like semesters. come and go, and that is perfectly alright. So take that hurt, anger and pain and rum it around so that you can focus on your own srrengrhs. McDaniel is a place where you can challenge yourself to do new things, speak up, and most importantly be noticed. You will be knocked down by.certaln events, but you have no control over them. Most importantly always be true to yourself. (Editor's NOll: Thisnewftaturt of7he McDanM Fm Ptns is inspirtd by £squirr Mngazinrs "What toe Lramrd,,)
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