Page 83 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M'OANIEL fREE PRESS DECEMBER 102007 Contributions Peer mentor is 'Horror' -fying Sandler brings 'enthusiasm and intellect' to mentorship in Dr. Kachur's First-Year Seminar Horror Fiction and Film By kim Williams which she acknowledges is not a Sandler is a rare talent that will "further humanity," Jenny Sandler is a peer mentor species in college: the and a skill at dance moves such as who claims she enjoys her posinon the Running Man and the Soulja because of her desire co rid under- student who "doesn't Boy. Sandler admits that her guilty classmen of the idea that "the big mind early morning pleasure is watching Hugh Hefner kids wanr to shove younger kids in classes." She refers to and his blonde girlfriends on "Girls lockers." Next Door." Her menrees' quick praise herself as a "big purist She drives a Volvo named Lucy shows that they appreciate her about Jane Austen" and- she likes to play the piano in guidance. Menree Kristin Behrle and her favorite little Baker and make scrapbooks. describes her as "organized, friendly All of these talents have made and always willing to talk and help movie is Pride and Sandler a number of friends. [her menrees] our in any way." Prejudice. Throughour rhe interview the Fe!low menree Becka Neville threat of being interrupted by feels that Sandler could save her people who know her was always menrees in a fire and "then she'd Sandler is a rare species in imminent. As a group approached buy ice cream after to make [them] college; the student who "doesn't Sandler laughingly warned that we feel becrer." mind early morning classes." She "may be harassed by the people Her menrees are not the only is a junior with an English major, coming in." From sorority sisters ones CO express their fondness. The a minor in French and a possible to suite mares, it seems that every professor of the class for which already happily accepted. Vagina Monologues, a singer in the minor in communications. She re- face is a friendly face. Sandler is the peer mentor, Horror Sandler's involvement in peer choir and an uninitiated sorority fers to herself as a "big purist about Sandler's popularity amongst in Fiction and Film, shares their memo ring is characteristic of her. sister (to be initiated in November) Jane Austen" and her favorite movie her peers and her professors is easy admiration. Dr. Robert Kachur as- She has always been heavily of Phi Mu. is Pride and Prejudice. to understand. Sporting glasses and serts that "she is second to none in involved. In high school in Ste- She has lived in Daniel Ma- As far as weather goes, Sandler the occasional pigtails, overloaded her enthusiasm and her intellect." vensville, Maryland she was a peer cLea since freshman year in Honors is definitely a fan of snow. Snow with books and eager to help, she is He speaks highly of Sandler in mentor. me yearbook editor, the housing but says mar she plans to is "my favorite thing in the whole certainly someone worth the effort response to any question, describ- secretary of her school's chapter of live on the Phi Mu floor next year. world," she says. Sandler also ad- to get [Q know. ing her as "responsible, cheerful. National Honor Society and she Sandler admits, "I'm so excited I mits that she was always "me kid As Kachur says, "She's the and positive." His actions speak ran track. danced." who wears her pajamas inside OUt best." louder than his words: Kachur has At McDaniel she is a peer Her involvement in campus and does a snow dance." already asked her to be his peer mentor, a member of the Honors clubs is not the only thing that Her talents include an ability mentor next year, which she has program, a participant in last year's makes her stand our. to pick up things with her toes, • It will all co e out 1D t ewas A freshman's guide to doing laundry in Whiteford Hall Julia Stnllnpell, Contributor have found your clothing, but it is Once you have both of your loads other clothes. If they come out a begin. So you just decide to wash Imagine you are a freshman in col- in Q sopping wet heap. Now not situated in their proper machines, little damp, just hang them in your them all again to avoid wearing lege. and everything is new and only do you feel completely down you will want ro pour in the right room to dry. dirty clothes. This is not only a Intimidating. The only thing you trodden and hopeless, but you have amount of detergent, close the in an ideal situation, you waste of money, but it can easily be feel confident about is doing your to start your load of wash allover lid, and then select either the ap- would be able [Q get your clothes avoided. laundry because you have been do- again. propriate button on the machine. after exactly one hour so that you As a word of caurlcn, it is not ing it for years. The only trouble is This situation is a very real phe- Now you are free of laundry stress can collect them while they are still imperative that you get yourclorhes finding the laundry room. nomenon at college but not JUSt for for the next 26 minutes, which is warm. There is nothing better then out of the wash exactly 26 minutes Let's say you find the laundry college freshmen. It can be a battle when you have [Q brave the room gerting warm, Auffy laundry out of later or take your clothes OUt of the room, place your clothes in the for all college students but there are again to switch your clothes into the machine on a cold day. where dryer at exacdy 60 minutes, but it washer, and return only to find that ways to do it successfully and avoid the dryer. you may JUSt feel like just crawling is important to be aware of how your machine is filled with some- pitfalls. After 26 minutes pass, it is into bed and snuggling with your long they have been in mere. If it one else's clothing. You double The easiest way ro do your time to switch your wet clothes freshly washed laundry. Avoid this is a bright, sunny day, then it's uni- check to make sure you are 3[ me laundry is to collect all of your inro the dryer. When you go down temptation because if you don't kely that there will be many people right machine because you cannot clothes in a bag or basket and to the laundry room I hope you do fold your clothing right way, it will trying to do their laundry. But imagine why someone would move take your detergent to the laundry not find them in a sopping heap wrinkle. Also if you just force your- if it's a rainy dreary Sunday, then your laundry or where your laun- room. When you get there you on the dusty, dirty floor, as I have. self to fold your clothes right away there could be a made dash to do dry might have gone. should scope out twO vacant wash- Hopefully your dorhes will still and put them away there is no risk laundry, and in this case, you want So you start frantically open- ing machines: one for your lights be in the washing machine and of~repeat laundry". "Repeat laun- [0 keep a closer eye on the time. ing the other washing machines and the other for your darks. Be none of your colors bled on your dry" is when you have done laun- You never know when the laundry and dryers in search of your cloth- weary of putting your four quarters whites. Go ahead and place them dry efficiently bur decided to leave terrorists will strike because of their ing. After looking everywhere else, lnro the change slot before you put in two dryers. Now you have 60 it in the hamper for a while, and impatience. JUSt make sure you you finally look In the dusty. cob- your clothes in the machine be- minutes to relax until your clothes then it gets to the point where you make it back down to the dryer to web-ridden gap mat lies between .cause it is a perfect opportunity for will be dry. Remember that jeans cannot remember where the dirty get your clothes within an hour af- dryer 22 and washer 24. At last you someone else to steal your machine. may take longer to dry than y our clothes end and the clean clothes ter they are done. Let it snow The first snowfall finally came to McDaniel on Wednesday. The grounds crew spent the afternoon clearing sidewalks and parking lots as students ventured to class and Glar, despite the slippery conditions. The fluffly snow was not ideal for a snowman, but was pleasing to the eye as it glistened in the daylight, skittering off shoes and boots. Photos by Mike Habegger.
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