Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 56
DfIlBR TCffjJr sPOIlTS THE M'OANIEL fREE PRESS NOVEMBER1 2007 16 Football: and converted the extra point. Me- Daniel was able to move [he ball on its own overtime possession, but a fumble inside the IO-yard line was recovered by F&M, ending the By Chris Ferrl(:k-Manley game. For [he third straight year, the This heartbreaking loss, played homecoming football game was in hom of30 members of Western decided on the final play; however, Maryland College's undefeated unlike in 2005 and 2006, it did ream in 1997, came on the heels nor involve the kicking game. of rwo blowout losses. Following The Terror faced the Franklin their bye week, che Terror were & Marshall Diplomats, and the shut out 43-0 at Muhlenberg. In score was deadlocked at 17 heading the Muhlenberg game, senior quar- into overtime. F&M received the terback Tom Wenrich left the game ball first and scored a touchdown with a concussion and did nor play the following week at home against The score was dead- Ursinus. The Terror are 1-7 on the sea- locked at 17 heading son and have been ourscored 272 into overtime. F&M to 115. to 7-1 over- Urslnus advanced rece ived the ba IIfirst all and 5-1 in the Centennial Con- Franklin & Marshall recovers a McDaniel fumble to win the game in overtime during Saturday's game. and scored a touch- ference, good for second place. fourth-and-one from the F&M McDaniel down. McDaniel was ent quarterbacks played three differ- nificanrly better: in the following Terror's frequently criticized kicker, 2-yard line, Head Coach Tim Jay Leonard. to Floyd, According couple of years. He points out mat against Ursin us: able to move the ball, sophomores Zach Swope and Joe the ream is only graduating eight Leonard is able ro make [hem in Keating elected to kick the field but a fumble inside Lapkowicz and freshman Coleman seniors. UWith time I'd have faith practice from 42-yards out. goal, but it was blocked. In 2006, Leonard drilled a 46-yard field goal "During practice he putS them the 10-yard line was Flory. Together they combined for in all three of the quarterbacks through the uprights," said Floyd, to beat the Gettysburg Bullets with as many completed passes, four, as said Ursinus," recovered by F&M, interceptions in a 42-10 10$5. that played against to the team's rela- "1 have faith he'll make it." three seconds on the clock. played a key role in Leonard final two games The Terror's Floyd, referring Sophomore Pat Floyd, starring ending the game. right tackle for the Terror, believes tive youth and its potential to get the previous two homecoming are at Gettysburg and home against this team is just enduring a rough better, games. In 2005, with the Terror Johns Hopkins. Game time for stretch this year and mould be sig- Floyd also commented on the trailing 17-14 in overtime with a boch is 1 p.m. Strong returning players, recruits bolster golf team of April, the team hopes to have promising player in Jennie. They are back and benet [han Havingjust finished the fall season, With the Conference the five guys heat up at the right Last year was the first time in ever this year. With McDaniel Scorr Moyer and me men's golf Championship in time. If they win, they're off ro five years that McDaniel did not much improved and Muhlenberg team are looking forward [Q the Georgia, but if they lose they're come away with the Conference down a couple starters, Coach Die- spring season. the last weekend of back in Westminster to stay. These Crown. "A rune up for the spring hl and the rest of his team certainly With some strong remming April, the team hopes guys will be ready. championship is the most impor- believes they are going to take back players including three seniors, Mike Diehl and his lady golf- tant thing," Coach Diehl empha- what is rightfully theirs. Coach Moyer is grateful for some to have the five guys ers are pumped up for the upcom- sized. new and excelling freshman, par- heat up at the right ing spring schedule as well, having ticularly Chris Merrill, KJ Ma- time. Ifthey win, just completed an interesting and zurek, and Paul Kovalcheck. exciting fall season. With a Centennial Conference they're off to Georgia, "The team looks promising," Championship in two of the last but if they lose they're Coach Diehl said. With only one three years, Coach Moyer owes a rerurning starter in Elyse Massa, 10[ his success to unique recruiting back in Westminster the team is looking to offer an in- methods. He makes sure to recruit to stay. These guys vigorated perspective. personalities, looking at the person For the fall, Coach Diehl had first and the athlete second. This is wi1/ be ready. no idea what to expect. Practicing one of the major facrors as to why five to six days a week, the team me program has been doing so well team. This allows everyone to play worked hard. When transfer Nicole the last ten yean. and get better, particularly because Crisry from Wake Forrest dislocat- "These: guys support each McDaniel's 8 team plays against ing her shoulder. other players had ocher and kam to really like each [he A team of most other teams. to be relied on. other," he said. A1so, Coach Moyer Traveling anywhere between One of these players is Val does nee force the issue at all. With New York and South Carolina and Saucier. One of the more talented players Diehl has ever come across, a first-class program. Mknows that often gone for days at a time, it can Val is most effective when she f0- winning will take care of judf wim be a lor of work; but it takes a lorof cuses on one shot at a rime, me right players. luck to win as well. Another one of these players Another unusual but highly For the spring, Coach Moyer effective aspect of the program i5 feels the team is "exactly where it is freshman Jennie Wiener. After me fact that rhere au [WO teams needs to be." WiJh the Conference making some initial adjustments, Championship in the last weekend Coach Diehl sees an extremely who compete: an A team and a B
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