Page 169 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 169
THE M'OANIEL FREE PRESS MAY12 2008 21 Surveys Sarah Coppersmith Meghan Carlton Major: Major: Psychology Where are you English Where are you going from here? Next going from year, I'm going ro jMl.J to get my M.A. Minor: here? Favorite Memory: in English. In five years r hope to be Elementary Education I will be stu- Getting cast in my first play here. Imer working rowards a Ph.D in Literature. dent teach- Favorite Memory: ing in the fall so many amazing people. Who was your mentor while at Me- . Daniel? The rainy day rradtdon. Ultimate of 2008 after Worst Memory: puddle jumping in rain boots complete graduating. After that I will hopefully The week before my senior seminar was My advisor, Dr. Becky Carpenter. She is an incredible woman, and she has with mud sliding around the hills and get a job teaching elementary school in due! encouraged me and guided me since I Hat areas of McDaniel College while Carroll Counry! _ .... __ wearing trash started at McDaniel. .. 1&_... bags and rain Who was yow mentor while at Me- boots. Daniel? Jaimie Fleming Everyone in the education depanmenr Worst Memo- that has helped me get where I am at Major: Five years from now Isee myself hap- Psychology and Elementary Education '1" today-c-Dr. Craig, Gay Jewell Love, pily married, starting a family, and still in love with teaching. Duct tape. Dr. Traveno have been my lifesavers. Enough said. Schlossberg for his support and guid- Favorite Memory: ance while allowing me to vent. Freshman year when I met my boy- Who was your mentor while at Me- friend, it was because of him that I Daniel? was able to enjoy college and continue My mentor was Dr. Sharon Craig in Alexandra Neiman making happy memories. the education department. Her love of teaching continued to inspire me each Worst Memory: year. Dr. Craig gave me the foundation Major: I'll be an interpreter in an elementary Unfortunately r had a horrible room- that I needed to be successful in the Psychology and Theater school five years from now. mate situation one year that really dampened my spirits. Had it not been Favorite Memory: Who was your mentor while at Me- for my boyfriend and friends I would The first snow day we had while Iwas Daniel? not have made it through that year. here- we all just hung out and played Ron Miller was my advisor from my games all day, it was so much fun! freshman seminar and Istuck with him Where are you going from here? I throughout college. He's taught me a plan on teaching in an elementary Worst Memory: lot about interactive theater, an interest school and attending graduate school. When Igot into a car accident on cam- of mine, and how I can use it in real pus. No one was hurt, though, just the life, not just a class room. Ron's given fence. me a lot of really great opportunities to take on responsibility and both create Where are you going from here? and collaborate in different interactive Donnie Bell I'm moving ro Virginia and I'm pur- theater pieces. I've grown a lot under suing my certification in interpreting his leadership, and it was really awe- Major: American Sign Language. Hopefully, some to get to work with him here. Political Science and International 'Where are you going &olD hem I've wanted to be a counterterrorism Studies intelligence analyst since I was 12, and Irecently received a conditional offer of Sarah Free Favorite Memory: employment to be an FBI intelligence Writing "The Intifada Song" to the analyst. Major: Where are you going from here? tune of Adam Sandler's "Chanukah Psychology I plan to remain in Carroll County and Song" with Robert DeBaufTe for Dr. teach at a local elementary school. Iam Khoury's Comparative Politics of the Who was your mentor while at Me- Minor: also getting married next sum met. Middle East class. Daniel? Elementary Education My rwo favorite professors, Eleftherios Who was yow mentor while at Me- Worst Memory: Michael and Amal Khoury, moved on Favorite Memory: Daniel? Realizing that my final exam for sociol- to other schools, but they are still very Spending time with the ladies from the All members ogy starred an hour ago and Ithought I interested in keeping in touch with Me- MSTA! the had two more days to study and finish Daniel students. Ithink young teachers .my project. bring a unique enthusiasm to the col- Worst Memory: lege, partially because they are more Papers! likely to view us as their colleagues than their students. Brenden Hodge Stephanie Gilberlz Major: OUt my mom had cancer, and senior rice ... or Jerry McGuire. Communication year when I found rwo men standing at my window {thanks to a forklift}, when Who was yow mentor while at Me- Minor. I was NOT properly dressed to have Daniel? History rwo men staring in my window. "Chaz Money" aka Dr. Charles Neal. Why? No matter how much I talked, Favorite Memory: Where are you going from here? or hard I tried, he never kicked me OUt . Throwing Rachel Oxman a surprise I'm going to grad school in Augusr. In of his class birthday parry Junior year: I had to five years, I hope [Q be alive and happy. pretend to cry to get her to stay in my Everything else isJUSta bonus. Major. room while the others prepared the Political Science party; telling her someone fell down Who was yow mentor while at Me- the stairs to get her to go back to the Dantell Favorite Memory: house; and burning the bread and set- There have been so many professors Sig Mansion: X-mas pany, forties and ting off the fire alarm. The next day on who have impacted my rime here: Dr. shorties, Halloween, and pranks on campus there was a story that we tried Upton, Dr. Kachur, Dr. Lemieux, and Adam Dwoskin. Being an Alpha Sig. to burn down the CCM house. Dr. Willard have all made serious posi- tive impressions in both educational Worst Memory: Worst Memory: and social respects. Living in Rouzer. It's a tie: Freshman year when I found Where are you going from here? Law School, and five years from now? Probably either a Supreme Court Jus-
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