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20 THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS MAY12 2008 Senior Special ~ ==== ~ 'Postpone the real world' Two graduating seniors will make their mark on the global community in Peace Corps, AmeriCorps By David Robertson, of earning a Master's degree in sec- to use the reward money (up to Interim Chief Photographer At a glance Katelyn Ryan, Class of 2008 ondary education, Hilsinger said, $5,000) to payoff student loans. "Getting a job immediately follow- Hilsinger expressed similar inren- Post-graduation: sandals? Cubicles? ing college seems like a waste. If tions. Major: Volunteering? Weekly paychecks? everyone rook the same push they "I have always wanted to vol- international Studies and The cpporruniries presented to had [0 just make money and use it unteer after college. It's a wonder- French students during their undergradu- to help someone, somewhere, life ful chance for real life exposure to ate career at McDaniel are endless. would be"much more fulfilling for the underprivileged, without being Favorite Memory: For two students, seniors everyone. gone as long as the Peace Corps re- I have so many good memo- Kacelyn Rya~ and Autumn Hils- Though she will be walking quires," said Ryan. ries from college. r hon- inger, their recent acceptance into across the stage this May with Ryan will aid in four ro six estly can't pinpoint just one. AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps the class of 2008, she completed projects while a member of her However, J anticipate that my respectively will help alleviate some her undergraduate studies in De- team, with an 80 percent chance spring break trip this year to of their accrued financial debt as cember of 2007. In addition to of traveling co Louisiana to help Mazatlan, Mexico, with three of well as provide chern the opporru- graduate work this semester, she with continuing hurricane relief. my Gamma Sig sisters wl!l be a lasting memory from college. niry (0 step out of the confines of has helped with the increasingly However, there is a possibility Maryland and truly experience the popular Late Nights activities on that she may work for Amnesty Worst Memory: global community. campus; but her dream, Hilsinger International (she will hear of her I'd ~robabry .have to go with getting hit right under the nose by In June 20Q9, Hilsinger will says, is to volunteer abroad. acceptance over the summer), or a Frisbee which fJew through the second floor bathroom win- join roughly 2,500 United States "I have the ability to go ro apply for a grant to teach English dow in ANW (What are the chances, I know!). I was bleeding Peace Corps volunteers whose another COUntry nor necessarily to in France for one academic year. pretty badly, and it was horribly painful. ralenrs are spread throughout 20 stop the spread of AIDS or save the "In any event, it's a way to countries. Ryan, recently accepted world, but ro at least save some- postpone the real world for a while Who was your mentor while at McDaniel and why? inro the Triple C program of Arne- one's world," she said, rather pas- yet," said Ryan. "This will help me I had more than one mentor through college. I had Dr. Le- riCorps, will join a team of 12 as sionately about the prospect of this figure Out where I want to be." ahy for Intra. to Poli Sci and her knowledge and passion for pan of what she calls "the domesdc two-year commitment. For more information on politics and human rights absolutely inspired me to pursue a version of the Peace Corps." Ryan, on a more local level, these volunteer programs and oth- degree in political science. Dr. Johnson- Ross' courses on Afri- "I think it is extremely lmpor- will be leaving in October for Den- er opportunities available within can politics solidified my desire to travel to Africa in the near 1 ram for me, as a future teacher, to ver, Colorado, as part of an effort these organizations, visit www. future and finally Dr. Motard-Noar was always so supportive of I' Ii see the world I will be educating to aid community development, or www.ameri- my continuing French and studying abroad. All three of these students about," said Hilsinger of specifically relating to the homeless professors really had a positive impact on my personal and her plans ro volunteer in Africa, as and by participating in a variety of " educational experience here at McDaniel. parr of the Peace Corps' ongoing environmental projects. Parlldpate In the diKusslon effort to stop the spread of AIDS. When finished with her ten at A history major in the process months of service, Ryan plans It I Seniors feel Greek Life provides sense of f:REEK GAMEt" leadership, close-knit bonds and lasting friendships 2008 By leslie Shirk Unlike the stereorype [hat and sororities, ranging from honor inro any position and step up as a RESULTS Greeks buy their friends, it is essen- societies within their majors to var- leader," adds Maisel. Several misconceprions and stereo- tially groups of men and women stcy spcrcs. However, [he goal of the types have been made about Greek who love and care about one an- The seniors who are involved Greeks is not to say that Greek Fraternity: Life over the years, and still remain other unconditionally, like a fam- in Greek Life have expressed a con- Life is for everyone, or that it's the an issue on our campus. In clearing ily. sensus, which is what Greek life as only way co enjoy your college ex- Alpha Sigma Phi up these misconceptions, however, "We are friends and confidants a whole strives to accomplish, and perience, but as Mann phrases it, one can get a glimpse into what beyond being just sisters, and Phi chat is a sense of leadership. "People often don't give it a chance. Sorority: can be gained from being a parr of Mu is just the wonderful thing we This sense of leadership car- It is a very fulfilling commitment this community. This particularly all believe in char brought us to- ries into the teal world as well, and will give you back three times Phi Sigma Sigma applies to what long-time Greek gether," says senior Ernica Boutilier helping to mold whom these men what you put in it." seniors have gained looking back of Phi Mu Sorority. and women will someday become, Perhaps the best parting advice on their experiences. As noted by a majority of the bringing their skills into play. to take from this look into what can Penny Wars There are benefits that ofren Greek Life seniors, some of the best ~I will be more adept at work- be gained from Greek Life experi- go unrecognized, from leadership friends they made in college were ing in groups and taking charge of ence is to come our and see what skills to members learning more from their own organizations or organizing projects and events," the organizations are about and get about themselves and bettering even from others that pledged at says senior jarrett Smith of Phi :e:~w them before passing juc!g- Fraternity: themselves through active partici- the same time. This doesn'r mean Delta Theta Fracernity. pation in their organization. mat one has to pledge a Greek or- Put quite simply, a Greek or- While the Greek campus may Alpha Sigma Phi "I am confident in my own ganization to make lifelong friends, ganization is very similar to a small not appear unified all the time, abilities and have become a much but it is definitely a common trend company. It takes the whole organi- they unire under me common Sorority: better leader," says senior, Richard among the Greek community as a zation to get things accomplished. ground that they have become bet- Mann of Phi Kappa Sigma Frater- whole. "Everyone has specific jobs ter individuals as a result of join, PhiMu nity. "I found myself having closer and is expected to perform certain ing their organizations, form close A group of men and women ties with the brothers than wirh acrivides in order for everything to bonds as well as have immeasurable form a close-knit bond as members che other guys, bur coincidentally run smoothly," says senior Angela leadership opportunities available of such an organization, that many my besr friends from soccer and Brudis, of Alpha Nu Omegasoror- to them. Total Amount Raised: students who are nor part of this ROTC are also in my fraternity," iry, "I feel like you make your ex- don't quire understand. said senior Christian Maisel of Al- These responsibilities and du- perience at college with what you $706.14 "[Greek life has] given me pha Sigma Phi Fraternity. ties upheld within a given organi- put into it," said senior Phi Sigma a social and emotional outlet, as Many students are unaware at zation foster a better relationship Sigma member Samantha Greller. I have a nerwork of friends with just how much the members of the with peers and more importantly "I feel this goes hand in hand with whom I have great bonds. There Greek community are involved in working with others. Greek Life." *monej will go to charities has always been someone there for and a part of, blending in with ev- "[By] raking new positions me whenever I needed anything," eryone else on campus. Greeks are and dealing with people ... so many Shirk is a member of Phi Mil Soror_ picked by the winners comments senior Dan Coons of involved in multiple organizations difficult situations I've been thrown ity. Alpha Gamma Tau Fraremiry. besides their own social fraternities into ... [I feel like I can be] thrown
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