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.~~ .. ~ ,.,.,. .... ,. 26 THE """DANIEL FREE PRESS Miw 12 2008 Sports Unsung Hero: Mary Grace 'ainazing' as team manager By Garren Eag;m, McDaniel Guru Her roles range over a large variety and keeps track of srats and equip- of responsibilities, some that are ment. The list of responsibilities is With teams at McDaniel, we forget not even expected of her. . endless. . [he behind [he scenes people who Gonzalez supplies an extra person everyone . make the difference. Sophomore pair of everything from clothes, comes "I am the they need some- to when Mary Grace Gonzalez is both a socks, water, and even cleats to thing, whether it is tissues, ban- matriarch and friend to many each practice. She. re-supplies bells members of the lacrosse and soc- to keep practices going, and' also dages, snacks, or even gum," said cer players. As the manager for Gonzalez. In the little time she has provides, insights on the players' beyond practices and games, she both teams, Gonzalez makes a performances. "She is always very enjoys watching television, hanging lot of things happen even though judicious with her answers, giv- out with friends, and even baking her influence is rarely heralded in ing JUSt enough info to benefit me cookies and cupcakes. However, it's newspapers or on the local college player and coach," said women's what she brings to athletics that al- television station. soccer coach Bryan Shumaker. In lows her to shine. Known as "MG" co the play- addition, Gonzalez's dedicati~n is ers, Gonzalez has been a manager echoed amongst coaches. As Mele made dear, "she is for several teams both at McDaniel our eventplanner, our alarm dock, and also'at River Hill High School. "If we are out there at prac- our brains, and our mother some- rfce at 5:30 in the morning in the rimes ... none of us ever hesitate However, those who know her from so is Mary middle of F~bruary, to ask her for something because River Hill and McDaniel contend, Mary Grace Gonzalez, pictured left, is the ~ger for the lacrosse and soccer teams. Grace ... If we are outside in the she ALWAYS comes through with she is much more than a manager. pouring rain, so is Mary Grace," whatever we need ... she is amaz- "l went to high school with this same description of Gonzalez. said freshman lacrosse 'player Kelly said-women's lacrosse coach Muffle Mat)' Grace and I know firsthand "She rarely gets recognition Scheler. She added that Gonzalez Bliss. Sh~ also helps with off the ing!" that she has always been this car- for all of the time, eifon, and volunteers her fr~e time to help field elements as well. Gonzalez Partlc:lpate In the dl.cusslon ing," said senior lacrosse player dedication she PUtS into the arh- both the soccer and lacrosse teams helps pick movies to watch on at Kristin Mele. Other players add'to ledc programs here at McDaniel," with literally everythin~ they do. away games, takes the food 'orders, Funding of team budgets Sports Co-Editor Ryan I Chell and McDaniel satisfies coaches the~r take on a prominent I Guru Garrett Eagan give tOPIC By Michelle Menner There are several faerors that that football is the largest [ean> Gurq decide how much money a team with me most equipment so they're Deciding the individual budgets gets for their budget and certain "obviously spending more money." for each athletic ream is like trying factors may increase the expen- However, Seidel stressed that' "WHo will representthe.Eastern to give equal playing time to all the ditures of one Jearn's budget over everything shouldn't be about Conference in the NBA Finals?" members of the basketball team; another's. whose getting more money. He everyone JUSt isn't going to get a Travel is a category where explained that the real question is Editor: fair share. there are often significant COSt "Is the student-athlete getting the In my mind, I think the BQ$lOnThree-Patty of Kevin Garnett, Paul In one year's time there are differences among the teams. If a same amount of attention? Is the Pierce, and Ray Allen are going to. bring another championship ap- 24 sports teams that are in play on team has more away games than student-athlete being neared equi- pearance to the Massachusetts area. The Celtcs hold the best record me Hill and each one has its own another then their travel budget tably?" in the NBAr and despite notkeeptng up with their phenomenal pace budget. Their budget consists of will be larger. ~We provide what is needed in the first part of the season they are stili the most Consistent and COSts related to travel, equipment Another area where discrepan- {and] the appropriate suppon," dominant team in the Eastern Conference. Garnett and Pierce hit and uniforms and COntest officials cies arise is the COSt of uniforms. Seidel added. down-low fOf 38 points a game between the two, and Ray Allen hits according to Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice "Every ehree to four years However, Kevin Bowman, a fad~-away ju~pers to add in his 17,8 points per game, They are 4~3 president for Finance and Admin- generally" teams get new uniforms Green Terror runner disagrees. against Detroit and Cleveland, and wit! probably face a team like istration. according to Director of Athletics ~I do think that the athletic Philadelphia or At!~ntain the first round, who they are e-t.agafnsr. These related COStS are what Jamie Smith. department overlooks the track! .And the other thmgthat Boston will take advantage of is that they cause discrepancies among me in- If a team is getting new uni- cross country team in terms of WJII probably have home-field advantage for the majority of their dividual budgets for each athletic forms, then their costs will be high- money and supplies," 'Bowman . 3:::~~~,:;~~"::;;,~when Kevin t~m. er than a team that is not getting said. "I have no real way of know- l~ injury, the "I have no idea of other teams' new uniforms. ing for sure as I don't see the bills; here. Oh. and when they do face budgets and can only concern my- There are also disparities in it just seems that way in terms of in the Finals, take this into account: self with my program," said Coach the equipment costs. The amount other sports like football placing the l:~~~la~:r~~;~~:' :~~~~ ~~~~~et~~~~~~~~~l1~ 6"~~~~s. Michael Diehl of the women's of equipment needed for certain lights, benches and other crap on Should be a good FInals with the Celucs back in the picture. golf team in an email. "I believe spons and the replacement of the track so we only have four the school does the best ehey can equipment are all a pan of this cat- [track] lanes instead of eight." in providing funds for each team egory. Coaches seem to be happy !hiS season has been very close in the EaStern Conference and look. but athletes/coaches/students are For instance, the cost of equip- with the financial suppOrt that is 109 at the. playoffs .the favorite is dose between Cleveland and Detroit. always going [Q want more if they ment "needed for the football ream, provided to their teams. On one SIde you have a Pistons team that has more of the seasoned can get [it]' What person in busi- which is the extreme example, "I am actually quite pleased veterans, especially in the playoffs that can carry them into the finals. ness would not?" versus what is needed for the swim with the women's lacrosse budget. With the guard work of-Billups and Hamilton averaging 17 2 and Seidel declined to share indi- team will show rhac mere is "nor an \Vhile I would never turn away 17.7 ppg respectively, Ws hard to lock anYWh~re e!se.ln.sid~ you have McDyess, whow!l! make the Cleveland vidual tearn budgets, but disdosed equal amount," said Seidel. more money, in comparison to Wallace a~ kids. Wallace is leading the team in blocks look like mid- ?!e~schoot and McOyess the total expenditures for travel, Anotber cost built imo a team's what other women'~ lacrosse pro~ IS good for about ten rebounds a game, which will help not only with equipment and uniforms and con- budget is money to pay for the of- grams receive we are at or above second chance points and put-backs, but also .stopping the chance of test officials for fiscal year 2007. ficials. If a team has a home game them," said Coach Muffie Bliss. ~~:~~~d~~~g2 the ball offensively. Cleveland is LeBron, and that's "The aggregate travel expen- then they are responsible for pay- Coach Diehl added, "I would Yd for 1{,f pg who is he averages a game, There is IIgauskas inside, \\ diture was $245,274. The aggre- ing the officials. The more home say that. the school had been very player '~d h'·: Ph Pg and ten rebounds, but he really is a weak . gate expenditure on equipment games a team has the higher their supportive of the women's golf pro- I SI e; e S lust .uge. Even though they went deep into the and uniforms was $140,068. The cost will be for athletic officials. gram ... I bdieve that the school r~~~:~~~si:~~~O~~~~~ still have questions with these players, look amount spe~t on COntest officials The size of the team is an~ does the besc they can in providing was $44,348," Seidel said in an other factor that affects the budget. funds for each team." HH:~ PRES.S FREE J)RESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREt PRESS emailed statement. ~These are all Again, Seidel uses football as the nlEE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS of the operating expenditures di- prime example. He said that some Participate In the dlsculSlon Ff~EE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS ••• com at McDa.nteIFreePre rectly attributable to me [earns," he years there were over 100 players FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PR.. .. . . added. on the tearn. Also, he explained FREf PRESS fREE PRE E5S fREE PRESS fREE PRESS SS FRH PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS
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