Page 164 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 164
" THE M,ch time in a rapist and murderer, death. dii!>:'!ibrary they evenrually..made . " "He's like an uncle to all of us Kirk Bloodsworth came to him'the librarian. 'ora • t~ ~ now. Uncle Kirk- ... we felt sorry for McDaniel College on April 17 [0 • ...,J" With mii~h dedLcatio~" per- him, but he mid us to feci sorry for [ell me gripping story ofhis fighr . sisie_~c;e,ktlowleqgt'a~~ hal'd~~ork .thejustice system" said sophomore for freedom and his road to inno- DNA testing finally proved Kirk's Lauren Laker, a student from [he cence. Forensic science professor, , his innocen& a~JUn~'28.~19.93, class. . . Terry Biddinger, rook a chance in Kate Delenick, Becky Griffin, lauren Laker and Emily Kinnaman th~ Mary1~n~"penjt-entiary r~~~.i,;ed Bloodsworth, now remarried attended dinner with Bloodsworth. e-mailing Bloodsworth. a .?II telling them ~ey had a free and a recent homeowner for the "I never thought he'd come," years. "a sheep being led to the slaughter man in their prison, and he needed first time in his life, is focused on she said. In a packed Decker Au- ", put coder paper in my ears house" when he was taken to pris- to be released, "Free at last!" Blood- getting his story Out. He is the ditorium, Bloodsworth spoke to a so cockroaches wouldn'r lay eggs on. "We're gonna get you Kirk!" sworrh yelled. program officer for The Justice full crowd, which by night's end, .in them," he said. "It's the closest the inmates would yell at him . Bloodsworth spoke for over Project, which is a project based in went three rows deep of standing place [0 Hell I've ever been in my Naturally, after' being in pris- an hour, and ::tt. the en~ took WashingronD,C.tharworicstoget room only. life." on for almost a decade, things in questions from the audience, His innocent people off death row and Goosebumps could be felt and Bloodsworth spent his rime in Bloodsworth's life changed. His Story touched everyone in the au- out of prison. He left the Hill with gasps could be heard among many prison shouting his innocence to mom, his "biggest fan," died just ditorium, and he received aworehy . some great advice that he said his of the audience members as he anyone who would listen, though three months before DNA proved standing ovation, He stayed after- mom once told him. spoke of his rime spent in jail for no one ever did. He wrote letters to her son's innocence, Bloodsworth wards to take pictures and sign his "Don'rslr there like a lump on wrongfully being convicted of rap~ presidents and to Donald Trump. broke down when he recalled thar hook, BLoodsworth. • a Dill pickle-stand up for what ing and killing nine-year-old Dawn No one ever wrote back. His fam- he could only see his mother at her Upon his request, some Stu- you believe," Thanks to Bloods- Hamilron in 1984. He described ily though, remained behind him funeral for a mere five minutes, in dents From Biddinger's forensic sci- worth's fighring message, innocent rhe Baltimore prison as "Dracula's 100% throughout his nightmare. handcuffs. ence class went OUt for runner with people around the country can fi- Casde" where he lived for nine Bloodsworth said he felt like, During his sentence, Bloods- him. The Larry King Live guest nally "stand up." Carey keeps comeback alive Signs of the Times Meredith Tucker with new album E=MC 2 such as "Hero" and "One Sweet ~:;:t,~~Itss~o~:~:e;:7t~~n~; her without specifying who, which makes the song easy for anyone s'uffering from a loss [Q relate roo Many of the songs on the:'al- bum have the scorned lover feel, . especially "Side Effects," which ap~ pears to be a very thinly veiled at- .ta~k on her ex-husband, The song plays OUt in the angry bitter way whereas other songs such as "lhanx 4 Nothing," "For the Record" and "I Wish You Well" concentrate on the sadder parts ,of break+ups:~ If you feel like dancing, "I'll Be Loving You Long Time" and "O.O.c." "Touch My Body" and a few oihers provide upbeat, fun songs that really get you moving. A variety of artists, including Damian Marley, Young Jeay, Da Brat and T-Pain are featured with By Eleanor Nqle single to come out of the album is Carey on various uac~ and all en- the sexiest of the songs and one of hance the songs, making them even many good dance cracks, While it better. Young Jeezy is probably the Mariah Carey has had an interest- is not the best song on the album, best with his contribution to "Side ing career, to say the least, filled it is cerrainly up there. Effects." with brilliance, success, failure, If you download the CD off Overall, E;MC 2 is avery' strange TV appearances and men- iTunes you also get the ~Touch my good, if not great, album that is tal breakdowns. But the only thing Body" video for free. The video is well worth its price, especially if that shows in E:MC 2 is the bril- surprisingly funny and makes fun you illegally download it, as I S115+ liance. of icself in an incredibly humorous peet many of you will. Carey gives Carey pulled herself back on sort of way that makes you won- at least one song to go with pretty top with her interesting, fun and det if it's a joke. It features a nerdy much any mood or emotion you enjoyable new album. It has ev- computer guy and Carey dancing could have making it a versatile erything a listener needs: upbeat around and having pillow fights. CD and perfect for any good old dance songs, love ballads, great There are a few ballads on the fashioned pop lover. breakup songs and sexy tracks that CD, but the best of them by far is make you blush. "Bye Bye." Ir has much the same ''Touch My Body," the first feel as former hits from past CDs,
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