Page 162 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M them. ally said it. For more: htrp:// (tcal widt .his,n or MThis will work.~ Be particular, though, and you will fall IOfO - Having my entire living room floor of my Garden Apartment 611ed with presents that would soon be wrapped what you should be: doing - even if you have no idea what (hal may be. These by my Gamma Sig sisters and then delivered to our Adopt-a-nuliily. One weekend afternoon, we had a "wrap- " times truly are ephemeral, but the chokes you make in them will be permanent ping party" at my apartment, where we also sang carols, baked cookies, and made ornaments wbile we prepared if you allow them to be. [he gifts for the family. We were able to give a local family a holiday meal, gifts, and cheer that they may nor have had otherwise. - Sitting in the Whiteford basement lounge all night chatting with Lauri Gann '04 soon after we met. We are Christian Abildso still dose friends (and Gamma Sig Sisters), along with Karen Whelan '05. The three of us meet regularly for Melissa Wisner coffee at the Poorhouse. Graduation year: 1998 - Planning and hosting College Press Day 2003. It was a huge endeavor I had as president of Society of CoI- Graduation year: 2006 Major: Business and Economics legiare journalisrs. In the end, the event was a success - we had attendees from about eight different colleges and Occupation: Finishing up a PhD in sports exercise physiology; masters a dozen media personnel who came to network, lead workshops, parricipare in panel discussions and speak [Q Major: Biology In public health the students about the news business. Prior to the evenr,.a lot of time and hard work went in behind rhe scenes. Mr. Dalton, myself, others in sq, and some of his students worked diligently to make the day rewarding and worthwhile for the attendees. :- Occupation: Almost done my second year of Medical School What were some of your memorable experiences from college? Human blo-c-char's whcre I mer my wife. What did you learn in college (outside of the classroom)? What were some of your memorable experiences from college? I remember Dr. Alton Law; he retired in 1998. It was after graduation, and I had all my smff packed up. I was sitting on my car, and he comes walking by Though I only joined my senior year, my time with Gamma Sigma Sigma dressed in his graduation regalia. I asked him, "What do we do now?" And he I really wish there was a major in exrra-currlculars. I would have earned it. There is noming 9-5 about the (service sorority) was very memorable. The group is very supportive and supported said, "I don't know." It was a very poignant moment. journalism field, so going into the newspaper office (0 do layout at 10 p.m. on a Saturday night or writing at story at 2 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon prepared me for the crazy schedule of a real newsroom. each other both in service and in life. r remember my science classes where the professors would go beyond what was expected- extracurricular research experiences What did you learn in college (outside of the classroom)? Whether it giving tours at Reunion Weekend, working on the alumni e-newslecrcr, or taking pictures at from freshman year on, special demonstrations in class when we didn't understand, I learned [Q play bocce. And I learned to enjoy people from all over. Raven's training camp for the alumni office to use, I learned me importance of volunteering. 1 am still very Reunion committee, Society, as a member of the Founder's involved with the campus - as chair of Class of2003 dressing up or playacting in class, or giving us the chance to take our tests ar a time a member of the Graduates of me Last Decade commirree and member of the Alumni Council. I've been invited where we would be able to perform the best. The professors wanted us to learn and to What advice would you give to the Class of 200S? to speak at College Press Day, attend alumni-srudenr dinners both campus wide and for just the communica- have fun doing it. I also remember all my friends on campus. They were there when . Enjoy me last month. And stay in touch with your friends, I needed them most. tions depr.. and look forward co seeing other alums each fall at the Founder's Society dinner. Is there anything that college did not prepare you for? What did you learn in college (outside of the classroom)? Jamie Ridgely How to live on my own and deal with life events. r also [earned that nothing I didn't feel prepared to handle the kind of rejection I faced during the summer of 2003. Some fields are harder to break into than others, and some have salaries that are a lot lower than others. This is what I faced in life needs to be handled alone. There are always people willing to help if you tell ..Cr~duation year: 2007 as a student journalist seeking to evolve into a professional journalist. them what is going on and let them. This doesn't JUSt refer to the big things in [jfe Major: English/ Elementary Education . . . readers is this: No marrcr what major you do or internships you complete, The key lesson I'd like co share now to [here is always a learning curve with Melissa Wisner '06 (fourth from left) and friends at the Spring formal in 2004 but the little ones too. Sometimes it's hard ro truly understand this until you are in OCcupation: LongTerm Substitute for Reading Speclatist any new job you undertake. During the interview, it is important to show the interviewer ho a more independent situation, such as college. the dots between your major and interests and the service their business provides to their customers. Show your What Were some of your memorable experiences fron: college? . continued interest in learning and growtng as an employee. What you learned in school is rhe foundarion of Is there anything that college did not prepare you for? I have so many great memories from college, mostly Just of hanging out what you will learn in the field you've chmen. Each new experience you have during your working years will With friends around campus. be rhe pillars of your success. The key is to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Find a way to make There will always be things nere and,mere that ir didn't prepare me for. 1hat's JUSt life. Nothing really jumps OUt ar me though. Acrually, looking back. the things What did you learn in college (outside of the classroom)? each and every decision rhe right decision for that time and situation. Networking is extremely important. You on already know a lot about many subjecrs. Now you need to get out there and meet people who can converse 1 disliked about college might have prepare.:! me more. Then again, ma( isn'r reaIJy I learned that true friends will always be there for you no matter what. these: topics, as well as be your potential colleagues.and clients. surprising. Is there anything that college did not prep~r.e you for? What advice would you give to the Class of 2008? What advice would you give to the Class of 2008? I felt very prepared [Q enter a teaching position after college. Looking back at my five years since graduation, the best piece of advice I can offer is; Don't get discouraged Don't forget your family or the friends you've had "forever." Unforrunately, ~ What adVice would you give to the Class of 20~S? . if you do not have your dream job offer, or .any job offer for that matter, me momenr you cross the stage and found it easy to quickly lose touch with friends from college. It's sclll great when I Try not to get overwhelmed wim finals and finding a Job. have your diploma in hand. In addition to going through the help wanted ads on a regular basis, be sure to get to see them but my family are the ones who are a1"ays around (0 support me, ' contact alums that work in the field you are pursuing.
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