Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 12
DfIlBRsPORTS Tilffllr THE ,,,,DANIEL FREE PRESS SEPTEMBER \3 2007 12 Neumann! Get ready for week two of the NFL CoUege ruins possible perfect start for Terror The "McDaniel Guru" • Saints 17, Bucs 10 - Despite the Raiders. By Ryan Chell, Sports Co-Editor makes his picks the promise on both offense and • Bears 23, Chiefs 13 - After a highlight of the game. Senior for- defense, take [he Saints over the disappointing Super Bowl perfcr- Okay, I know Jerry Seinfeld ward Sill Drunkenmiller has three By Garrett Eagan Bucs. mance, expect the Bears to come really hated Newman, his postal goals on the season, including the The upcoming NFL season Beogels 27, Browns 16 - Even OUt fiery against the Chiefs. Their worker neighbor full of diabolic lone goal in the Terror's [OS5 to has already been shrouded in scan- after losing one of their receivers to defense is effectively the real reason schemes bur McDaniel probably Neumann dal, deception, suspension, and a ten game suspension, the Bengals behind their success last season, hates Neumann College just as The other person making an hold-ours. The name Michael Vick are still looking srrong with Chad and will be this season. Take the much for preventing a 3-0 start for impact on this team is the new has been said enough on ESPN Johnson and T.J, Houshmendza- Beats over the Chiefs. rhe men's soccer ream led by new coach, Jim Reigl. He was recently ro yield an ESPN3: VickOn Trial. deh. Eagles 24, Redskins 14 - The head coach, Jim Reigel. The ream named the team's head coach after However, Vick is not me only NFL Colts 23, Titans 16 - Vince Redskins are another one of my is off to a 2-1 start and is ready [0 four years as coach at Linganore athlete to sit back and watch his Young and (he Titans are looking sleeper teams this season. Take the continue thar success through the High School in Frederick. teammates from home, the strip to give the Colts the same rrouble Eagles in PhilJy. rest of the season. He is also familiar with me club, a wrestling arena, or even jail. they did last season; however with- • Sreelers 17-, Bills 10 - The fu of September 6, the Ter- Centennial Conference and the NFL Commissioner Roger Good- out Travis Henry, it might be diffi- Sreelen are not what rbey were in ror have recorded twO victories: a Green Terror. ell has handed down a one-season cult to pull off. Take the Colts: over me 2005 season, yet rhey still will 3-2 victory over PSU-Berks and He spent three seasons as an suspension for Titans' Adam "Pat- me Titans. be a force in the AFe North. Even an 8-0 shutout of Galiauder in the assisranc coach at Cerrysburg and Man" Jones; ren games for Bcngals' • Cowboys 23, Dolphins J7 - with a new coach, the Seeders will Goucher College Soccer Classic. his wife, Heidi, is rhe Terror's all- Chris Henry; eight games for ex- The Cowboys looked good in pre- stay snong. Take rhe Sreelers over When rhey rerumed home on rime le1lder in blocked shots for a Bears' Tank Johnson; four gf.t~· •• _ _..!,';~.;~_=-........~........."'~~nf;¥,'Wtt~ ~ ;re6kettM'1in~e~s~ looKS to repeat the same; however, Peter Gairens, a senior mid- last non-conference opponent in another hold-out Asanre Samuel son, and J believe the Ravens will LT will have trouble against the de- fielder, was named me Cenren- Juniata. from the Patriots has accepted his not be able to jive up to last sea- fense of me Patriots. The Patriots nial Conference Player of the Week All the games will be here on franchise tag. Roger Goodell has son's success. It may be gutsy, bur have made enough moves in the during me week of September 3, as the Hill. gone through more heU in his first take the Jets over the aging Ravens. offseason to get chem to the AFC he recorded twO goals and two as- Haverford will test the Terror l2 2/3 months in office than Tagli- Broncos 28, Raiders 6 - Wim Championship. Tom Bra.dy will sists in barh opening games of the in rhe division when hosting them abue went through in his 17 years their #1 pick JalvIarcu$ Russell throw to targets like Randy Moss Goucher Classic. on rhe 15, beginning Centennial of service. sitting and awaiting a better deal, and Ben Watson. Also, defensively, He currenrly ranks second on Conference play. Here are my picks for week two: expect the loss column to pile up Asanre Samuel, AdaJius Thomas me ceam with six poin£s. And who knows, if rhe team • j'anthers 31, Texans 13 - Take quick. Even with Russell, there will effectively help points off the Others are contriburing ro continues to do well, it will be a Carolina ovcr me Texans. are no real offensive weapof,ls. The board. Take me Patriots in Foxboro Gaiten's success as well. Junior Festivus for the rest of us-okay, I'm • Jaguars 24. Falcons 20 - Take Broncos are solid with rhe Mike to avenge LT's comments from last Joseph Potucek's three goals in the done with the SeinfeJd references. Gerard over Harringron and me Shanahan genius not fading at -all. year in a tight game down to the 8-0 blowout of Gallaudet were the Jagsoverrhe Falcons. Take the Broncos to tun it up over end. Terror lose game, pizza toppings New opponent, same By Chris Ferrick-Manley 14-0, sophomore defensive back that his (earn can do well this sea- Genova's To Go will not need Travis Wenrich intercepted Eagles' son as the schedule moves into result for Terror football to give away too many free pizza quarterback Jeff Highfill's pass but Centennial Conference play. toppings this week. it was negated by a penalcy. With "I know our opponents are The restauranc offers one the same score a muffed punt gave formidable adversaries. I believe free pizza topping on Sunday and the Eagles excellent field posirion. with rhe proper atriwde and prepa- By Ryan Chell, Sports Edhor Tyler and Morgan deRouen Monday for every touchdown Among those returning on of- ration we have a fighting chance in It was a Centennial Con- along with Tyler McCambridge pass the Green Terror completed fense for the Terror this year are 5rh each and every game," said Keat- ference opener for both teams, rushed for 210 yards 011 [he day. on Samrday. McDaniel fell to year quarrerback Brad Baer; senior ing. but it had another meaning for Through the first two games of Bridgewarer 45~19 on Labor Day wide receiver Brian Amenta; senior Keacing does acknowledge Moravian. the season, the Terror have been weekend and completed only one offensive lineman Ross Adams; that his roster is young and con- Moravian, in their first ever Outgained on the ground 524- rouchdown pass, lare in the game and sophomore mnning back Eric tains "only a sprinkling~ of upper- football COntest in the Centen_ 141. from backup quarterback Tom Zwilsky. Baer was injured in Mc- classmen. He feels, however, that nial Conference, beat McDaniel to gain yar;ds else- Hoping Wenrich to freshman running back Daniel's 36-35 victory of Bridge- his team when it plays to the best 43-14 in the Terror's first game where. 5th year senior Brad Baer Raymond O'Hara. By thar time, water in 2005, giving him an extra of its abilicy can play with anyone. of their conference schedule last and Tom Weinrich combined for the outcome of the game had been yearofeligibiliry. ~What matters to me is thar we ~:~~~y in Bethlehem, Pennsyl_ 249 yards passing at the quarter- decided. On defense, the Terror wel- perform to the best of our abiliries, Part of me Terror's problems comes back senior Travis Wenrich, each and every one of us, regardless McDaniel, hoping to even back posirion. Junior running back Eric ZWilsky would score could be attributed to the relar.ive 2nd team All-Centennial Con- of rhe opponent," said Keating. "If up rheir record mer a loss last ·two touchdowns on late-drives inexperienced players on both of- ference linebacker Derek Zabko, we are the underdog, we relish the week to powerhouse opponent fense and defense. According to the and seniors Wes Battle and Ryan position. Bridgewater, fell behind eheir in the game, but by then. it only Bridgewater game program, only Mellinger on the defensive line. The Green Terror head ro n~ foe early and would even made the box Score look a little better, three underclassmen were expected Jay Leonard will handle the place- Moravian who arc entering their chip away at the deficit till it Was to srart me game for [he Eagles. On kicking duties while Tom Wenrich first year in rhe expanded Centen- ~r tOO late. At the half, Mora- McDaniel will return to me me other hand, 12 underclassmen will reprise his role as punter. Wen- nial Conference along with Juniara. vtan led 13-0; a game easily in Hill next Saturday ro face non- took me field for McDaniel. rich made 2nd team All-Centennial The home opener is September 15 reach for McDaniel. A quarter conference opponent. Catholic, Bridgewater was also able to Conference last year in [hat role. against Catholic. later, it was 36-0. Moravian's and hope to pur themselves in capitalize on [VIla Terror mistakes Tim Keating, the head coach three-headed rushing attack of the win-column in front of the early in me game. Wim rhe score of the Green Terror, has confidence home crowd.
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