Page 7 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES"'ยท '.':"",' Wednesday, September 11,2002 - Page 7 with a newname comesa newface: Meet zeyhia Bryant JESSICA WATSON Services for three years before be- of diversity clubs and organizations things to the office." At this ban- ing programs to the campus. main- Features Editor ing promoted to Senior Assistant on campus. quet. it is a tradition for the seniors tain the tradition of celebrating From the incoming freshman Director. "I worked with present to leave something heritage months and expand how class to faculty and staff, there are cultural and ethnic student behind to the Multicultural the office markets our events." several new faces across campus. organizations as well as his- Services Office. "It was nice She is considering creating a One of these new faces sits at a torically black and Latin to be able to see how pro- website or a newsletter for the of- desk at the heart of Multicultural fraternities and sororities." gramming was done in this fice. Services, and her name is Zephia She was also responsible office and then the level of She is also looking forward to Bryant. for the lecture series. lead- service that is in place for being able to really accommodate It all started with an ad placed ership development for stu- students of color." These at- the needs of this freshman class. by this college in the Chronicle for dents and student organiza- tributes really caught her eye "This class has 21 percent students Higher Education and ended with tions and diversity training and attracted her to of color; the challenge is when you Bryant as .the new Director of for faculty and staff. McDaniel College. recruit that number of students Multicultural Services. Bryant continues "I had Bryant has already estab- what you have to do to retain "It was time for me to consider a chance to work with in- lished some personal goals them." looking for a directorship within a ternational students [repre- for her position. "I think, "I want to make sure students multicultural office," said Bryant. senting 70 countries] which what Iwould like to do is to feel welcome and utilize the of- She did her undergraduate work was very nice and reward- make this office more visible fice." The office is in'Decker Stu- at Jacksonville State University, of ing." and to let the students know dent Center; it's just right of the Jacksonville, Alabama, where she She considered three that the office is not just for Registrar if you are coming from received her degree in Manage- schools in total including students of color, it's for all Ensor Lounge. and up a couple ment with a concentration in Hu- this college. "I had a students on this campus." flights of stairs (next to Elderdice). man Resources. Then she contin- chance to come here, inter- I While the diversity orga- Whenever Bryant is in her of- ued on at Jacksonville and received view, and meet a great Zephia Bryant is the new Director of Mulicultural nizations promote their indi- fice the door is always open to her Masters in Public Administra- bunch of students." Bryant Affairs. vidual cultures that does not those who want to talk about tion with concentration in College was also present at the mean they are exclusive. events. to those who want to dis- Student Personnel. Spring 2002 Multicultural Services "I enjoyed hearing distin- "A lot of times it's about expo- cuss experiences. and even to those Bryant was also the Assistant Leadership Banquet, a program guished comments about how sure. I want to be an advocate for who just want to pop in and say hi. Director of the Center for honoring seniors for their leader- much they cared about the college. diversity and for students of color Bryant assures "Everyone is wel- Multicultural International Student ship and dedication to the variety They left some pretty valuable and to bring some new and excit- come." Iblt 'IPPIII .bll ,al Ippl, ta Illtl'l 11.,1114 Calligi.bit .bll ,al glt bl.1 It II 11111111CalliII' in 1867 as Western Maryland Col- land College, and what they did what the school was aiming for first visit to the campus. StaffWrirer lege." Further down the road, they know was in many cases a miscon- when they changed the name to Freshman Kenny Edwards put A student is talking with his encountered a large green road sign ception. McDaniel. it best when he concluded, "With friends about where he is going to with directions to "Western Mary- There was also always theques- While many freshmen feel all the confusion around the name college in the fall. land College" on it. tion on how to refer to the school strongly either for or against the Western Maryland College, the He listens to his friends discuss To add to the confusion, in the when discussing it. "It was frus- name, there are many thai fa!I in misunderstandings about its loca- their big-name schools, and he anx- bookstore, the freshmen can pur- crating," explained freshman Claire between. and really do not care tion and uncertainty with it being iouslyawaits his turn to talk about chase both McDaniel College Ewing, "With some people, I about the name change. There are affiliated with University of Mary- his own. clothing and Western Maryland would tell them that Iam going to those who applied to Western land, the new name will the give When he finally and proudly College stickers for their car. Western Maryland College, and Maryland College for the small the school the chance to clearly tells his friends that he accepted to Freshman Brandon Boring stated, they would correct me by saying, campus. friendly atmosphere. and build its own reputation as a com- McDaniel College, they all look at "I do not like the new name. r still 'It's McDaniel now.' For others I the academic reputation. all of petitive and prestigious college." him with blank stares. Many other call it Western Maryland College." would tell them J am going to which have not changed since their students in'~~~_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----, McDan iel this year's College and freshmen they would POP Ql:Jr21 class can re- just look con- late to the fused," The ad- justment pro- Trl4e ra'&e I spend more time eating out cess to the than eating In GLAR. was not in all Most of my money goes to- ~.~i some, the wards paying for my meals cases stressful name change. for the fresh- As the go at different restaurants. freshmen the i about .a is hard to McDaniel me Trwe False I'm not afraid to taste some shake the College was thing new name 0 I music to their W.e s t e r nl I ears. "I am Maryland I from up north If you answered "true" to two or more of these College. land everyone Both on and~ I thought that questions, maybe you should be dining out for ff Iwe s tern FREE!! The Phoenix will cover the cost of a meal ~em~:~t~U~'L~~ ~~~~~,_,,_s,c_'_w'_'_W_jN Mar y I and for two if you write a restaurant review for where the old name' College was ever you go. Think about it.. . linger, and make it hard for people Possibly the most trying part just some public school. When the to welcome McDaniel as the new about the new name was explain- name changed to Mcuantet, every- name. Driving to the campus on ing how this transformation came one instantly knew it was a private Goodtoad! tree toad! The f'hoenh! move-in day, the fre!:>hmen were to be. college," remarked freshman greeted with a large road sign that To begin with, not many people Caroline Speck. read, "McDaniel College, Founded knew much about Western Mary- Reactions such as this one were Dial ext 8600 for more details!