Page 12 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 12
Thursday, September 30, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS Date Rape Continuedfrompage I to six mo~ths. Date Book, is suspension for both the cur- taking risks with their safety. Although all Team offers options to victims via the hot RCIS also has' extensive knowledge of rent and following semesters. the. students were underage, all had gone line, telling callers where they can go to get legal proceedings for victims who want to If the victim chooses to prosecute through back to a room with someone of the oppo- help. One of these options is Smith House. report the crime, but that does not happen the police department, an investigation will site sex while intoxicated. There, the victim can have a gynecologi- very often. be held, and the trial will go to court. One student recalled drinking with a cal exam, a pregnancy test, and get counsel- According to Hare, only three in 60 rapes The defendant in a rape case must be ac- friend and offering him a place to stay for ing from Susan Glore. are successfully prosecuted. quitted if there is reasonable doubt. Because the night.In her room, the man made unwel- Or, if the victim desires to press charges, Hare believes there are many reasons vic- the testimonies of the defendanl and the wit- come advances, until her roommate came Smith House can call a counselor at RCfS tims do not choose to report rapes. "Victims ness differ, reasonable doubt is applicable, . home. and have the victim met at the Carroll County want their old lives back, "she said. "[Not and the defendant is usually acquitted, she Yet despite the obvious risk the student General Hospital emergency room, where a talking. about it] feels like a way of getting said. said, "I don't think he would have done any- special room is set up for rape victims. control over the situation." But whether or not pressing charges is thing, but he could have." There, the victim will have a rape kit She also pointed out that police investi- necessary to the healing process is uncertain. Asked if she would again consider bring- completed, paid for by the state, in order to gators are usually not trained to deal with Lusby feels that filing a report is a step in ing someone to her room after they both had collect evidence that might be needed if the rape victims. They can be very intimidating, the right direction for victims. "You want been drinking, she responded, "If I knew him victim wishes 1Oprosecute later on. she said, especially when the victim is "not [victims] to empower themselves by having and trusted him, why not? I do stupid things." Campus Safety, too, has its own unique exactly at the peak of self-esteem." the rapist be held accountable. I am fearful The other students wid similar stories. way of dealing with rape victims. Another dissuading factor is public opin- of women feeling powerless," she said. "He was a friend, and I didn't think anything Ruth Barbour, asupervisor of nine years ion. According to Lusby, victims "run the risk But while it is not always necessary that of [bringing him to my room]. I knew I was and a trained sexual assault investigator, and of being victimized all over again." the victim press charges, counseling does still sober enough to make decisions." Carrie Medlin, a Campus Safety officer, are Webster, of Campus Safety, notes that a seem to be a very necessary part of dealing Hare has heard the stories before. ''They trained to deal with victims and investiga- victim might experience "social ostracism" with rape . believe their friends are trustworthy, even if tions. Both have been counselors at RCIS in . because she decides to press charges. Appar- "Counseling is critical to moving on, and it is a friend of a friend. Women are in denial recent years. ently, public opinion does not always favor growing is a positive fashion," Lusby said. that it can happen to them. We all want to Campus Safety tries to stop the problem the victim, which can make her uncomfort- "Putting it off, saying 'it didn't matter' or 'it believe we are capable enough to know who of date rape before it starts, Barbour said. able, he said. didn't hurt me' is one of the most dangerous is safe and who is not," she said. Campus Safety will do presentations on rape If the victim chooses to report the crime, things to do. It interrupts your ability to deal She also asserts that alcohol is so com- awareness when necessary, but not many are there are two options. The first is to go with life situations." monly involved with date rape that it is "not requested. through the school, and the second is to go Hare would agree. "You feel all alone, even noteworthy." Despite the uniqueness of the organiza- . to the Westminster police. like nobody gets it. You're up against the Matt Gribbin, a senior math-biochemis- tions, they have one thing in common: RClS. If the victims chooses to deal with the world. [At RCISl we know what to expect. try-chemistry major and member of the Funded by federal, state, and local grants, crime on a school level, Campus Safety will We believe you. You don't have 1Oexplain it Sexual Assault Information Team, speaks in United Way, private donations, and agency conduct an investigation. Then, the police to me, I get it. You have support here," she the student's defense: "I am always upset to fund raising, RCIS is prepared to deal with will be informed of the rape kit results and said. find mit that is happening, but... they don't all aspects of rape. They will meet victims the crime report, but the trial will be held in D.espite the emotion and judicial difficul- really imagine something is going to hap- at the hospital to give them support, options, front of the Honor and Conduct Board, where ties that come with dealing with rape, many pen. Just because they come back to and counseling, said Hare. Director of Residence Life Scott Kane sits college students continue to take risks that someone's room doesn't mean something Counseling is also free and anonymous as judge over a panel of faculty and students. could lead to harm. will happen. But the risk is always there." to hot line callers and walk-ius to their 224 If found guilty, the assailant's minimum Three female students at WMC, who wish N. Center SL office for approximately three sanction; according to the Student Guide and to remain anonymous, have all admitted to , INSTANT CREDI];-' , ~C~~ Guaranteed Credit Cards with Credit Limits ~ ~v Up To $10,000 Within Days! _ ~ ~ No CREDIT, No JOB, No PARENT SIGNER, No SECURITY DEPOSIT! no credit • bad credit • no income? l ~ II You Think You .• ~~ g~~ft,1n:i;l~. . - .. ~ Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? ~--------------------------------------------------------~ ORDER FORM YES! I want Credit Cards immediately. GUARANTEED APPROVAL GAC,P.O. Box 22074O,Hollywood, FL33022 Name ... Address .... City... .. Stale Zip ... Signature ....
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