Page 191 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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SPORTS Thursday, May 7, 1998 - Page 19 Softball to Finals Senior pitcher reflects on team chemistry Continued from page 20 Kim Ruprecht has made a major contribution to the Terror's success, including sophomore Amy CipolJoni of Bal- timore, Md. (Institute of Notre a place in the NCAA Division III Playoffs Dame), and freshmen Alison Kleiner of Reisterstown, Md (Ow- to go out with the team and do it," you're having a gre:t game." an excellent game," she said, proud ings Mills H.S.) and Katie BV MIKE PUSKAR she said, "but [pitching is] some- On the subject of Terror of her catcher. Also, she felt that it Art Editor Swierkos of Moundsville, W.Va. thing that Icould just work with at softball's spot in the Finals, was high expectations and a more (Bishop Donahue H.S.), What do you call the study of home or anywhere." Ruprecht remarked, "We really well-focused concentration on the Ruprecht sports a 9-1 record balls in rapid motion at WMC? Though Ruprecht, or "Rupe" as wanted it, and I think that's what glove that gave her that win. with a save. She also has a 1.78 The answer is Kim-inetics, for her teammates call her, will be the made it true." However, there is more to ERA, while holding the opposition Kim Ruprecht is one of the four senior pitcher next season, she does Drive and desire must work for Ruprecht than just a golden pitch- to a .267 batting average. Cipolloni pitchers on her team who helped to nOI set herself above the team's the bright-eyed, cheery driller, ing arm. Batting is something that is 7-4 with a 2.66 ERA. Kleiner is clinch both the championship and other "K-girls" - sophomore Amy whose favorite pitch is the screw- Ruprecht enjoys a great deal, but 4-1 in four starts as a freshman with a spot at the NCAA Finals for unfortunately she was left out of the a 2.54 ERA, good for second best Green Terror softball. lineup this year. on the team. Kleiner pitched a com- Ruprecht gives credit to both "I can't speak more highly of this team. "I miss batting tremendously," plete game no-hitter against Catho- her follow players and coaches for This has been the best team I've ever she admitted. "This year we got lic University on April 21. In the the team's success, and said that her obviously better hitters in. It hurts first half of the doubleheader fel- individual achievement is attrib- playedfor. " me to be out of the line-up, but it low classmate Swierkos allowed uted to her family. helps the team, and whatever helps the Cardinals only a single hit. She Imagine an adorable, blue-eyed Kim Ruprecht the team is fine." enters the regionals with a 6-1 second-grader from Clarksville, As for post-collegiate softball record. MD walking onto the field to play Cipollini and freshmen Alison ball. plans, Ruprecht wants to possibly Dix is in his 10th season as for the first time. This was a little Kleiner and Katie Swierkos. "We She has an earned-run average coach a high school team or a travel Western Maryland's head coach. Kim, brought to the mound by her all get accounted for. There's not of 1.84, a 9-1 record, and two shut- team. He has directed the Green Terror sister and her father, the coach. one pitcher who stands out. outs 'under her belt, all because of Ruprecht foresees the conse- to three Centennial crowns in the Though Ruprecht played vol- "I can't speak more highly of an arm and shoulder that have no quences of a team loss next year. five-year history of the conference, leyball and basketball in high this team. This has been the best doubt never been seriously injured. "Being a junior this year, I'm los- and also won Middle Atlantic Con- school, she now dedicates all of her team I've ever played for," said Despite games like the one ver- ing three seniors [Julie Backof, ference championship in 1993. collegiate attention to softball. Ruprecht. sus Elizabethtown, which Ruprecht Gina Hughes, and Karl Thompson] Dix's current career record is 171- She really enjoys the sport and "We have really good chemis- called an "up-hill battle," her re- who really meant a lot to me and 79-1. chose to pitch because she can try," she observed. "To pitch on a markable stars reflect games like the team. So, that's going to be re- practice on her own time. "It's good team when you know you have that against Gettysburg, which ally hard next year to lose players people behind you builds [your] Ruprecht feels was her best. that 1 looked up to. It's going to be Green Terror baseball confidence up and you just know "Courtney [Wunderlich] called a huge loss." Continued from page 20 Culley threw four shutout in- Catcher Steigerwalt went three- non Valley at their last home game through 6-2/3 innings, before Jon victory. nings of relief for WMC, just three ofefive, while Legge added WMG's of-the season. Fetterman ended that plus his bid 18) to a 4-2 non-conference out to a 2-0 Messiah jumped days after allowing just one run in final run with a solo homer in the Designated Hitter Marino had for a no-hitter and a shutout with a first-inning lead, but the Green Ter- four innings at Haverford. fourth. three hits and scored four limes, as home run. ror used single runs in the third and Again, the Green Terror won the Sophomore right-hander Brent the Terro banged out 21 hits in the The Flying Dutchmen then second game in a Centennial Con- Fuchs evened his record at 4-4, 13-5 non-conference win. added four runs in the eighth. fourth to tie the game. the dead- snapped The Falcons ference doubleheader, this time coming within one out of a com- Marino reached base on all Fuchs ended with a complete- against Ursinus. pletegame. five plate appearances with three game seven-hitter with nine lock with an unearned tally in the an insurance run fifth, and added Junior designated hitter Mike Dickinson scored three times in singles, a walk, and after getting hit strikeouts and no walks in raising Marino reached base four times and the ninth, and brought the tying run with a pitch. his record to 5-3. in the seventh. had four doubles WMC scored twice to lead Western Mary- to the plate. Junior Garrett DeGroot Mii!er, Legge and Pero added WMC lost 4-2 to Messiah in among their dozen hits, but also had land (12-13, 9-9) past Ursinus (23- earned his second save by striking three hits each for Western Mary- their last game of the season. three baserunners thrown out at- 11, rf-5) 6-3 in the second game out Jeremy Erdman with the bases land, which led 10-0 after six in- The Green Terror (13-14) out- of the Centennial Conference loaded nings. hit Messiah 12-7, but a pair of un- tempting to steal. The game was the season finale doubleheader. WMC soundly defeated Leba- Fuchs had a perfect game earned runs lifted the Falcons (13- for the Green Terror. Ursinus won the opener 8-1 SEE US FORYOUR SCHEDULED MAINTANENCE NEEDS FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE CENTERS ~;h~~dN',,~O;!:~:~~g'mofour-hit- Marino doubled and scored in 6 $t· MEET THE TEAM THAT WILL MEET ANY COUPON PRICE I , the second inning of the nightcap, ~,. 7'·1 ·,.'0". A JUST BRING IN THE CURRENT LOCAL COUPON ON ANY COMPARABLE SERVICE. c ~~:n(:~:o~~:o'~:::~~'2P;~"dtwo . "ft"''' e WESTMmSTER : OPEN' SUNOAYS &- ,8 MASTERCARE CARSERVICE aSi~:lt~~~~~,~~~~:,~Od':~(;(~~ 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH!* -=: =~.~..,_ 580-140 Village Shopping Center . tie-breaking run left-fielder by 410.876.1949 .. 410.848-4362 00 a single Ryan sophomore Legge. NO ANNUAL FEE: On Firestone Autopan credit. Mlntmum monthly I refunded when paid •• agreed. J SPE~~IAL FOR WMC STUDENTS· AU IinancechargflS Hours; Mon. - payment requlr~. Fn. 7am . 7pm • Sat. 7:30am· scm- Sun.9am _ spm shortstop Mike Wolfe Freshman the Green Terror scored r-----------.. _______ added a two-run triple later in the I Call for An AIIpoinlment . fourth,as I 'i?E:£:" OIL CHANGE : r 11 ... I ALWAYSFR.!! S fO'~~~::.i:~:i~~n~i~first start $1000 OFF :r- - 15% OFF '1 AND FILTER I I REGULAR PRICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT I I I ~m."".~' sinceMarch l Sc scattered eight hits I fItasterUre® 9 ANYSCHEDULED' in"isinghisrecord (02-1. * I I savetire1i1.' uonewnn"m"t""., ,reo",,':;, I "''''ENANCE SERVICE I WMC (11-12, 8-8) jumped out 99 I Most c:!:~~s...~~'~~~:~~~;:edE~J~~~~~"~~~no! I MAin ~ With other o!le~ en."pon expires 314196, I ~ r==---------gg-,· to a 7-0 lead after the first two in- I COURTESY I Ir--------F-F---· __ ... I Canl'101be~~E14.I'T.COURTl:SYCHECK _ .. FREEl4-PT.COUFITESV;:~ 10%0 --------- ningsand withstood aninlh-inning I (HECK S.AVE$9 ~-------- WINTER $12 rally to defeat Dickinson (15-11, I ..."."Y....."'. II II I 10-6) 8-4 ina Centennial Confer- I With Completed Credit APPllc.ation I I NYFIR/E1STDNEOR I ICHECK-UP' I ence game. • Install Firestone 011 Filter I A S I • . I ThoGreen Terror didmostof I . Refill up(0 s qts. 10W30 0(' I I BRIDGESTDNEBRANDTIRE I I,oo'"oos.'fREE liRE R01.1I0N 'C"eckb"k.s· ''"'''''1 "'.:.110.:.. its damage in a six-run second Mike in- I .. cO=:~E~~~ ~"" .. I Cannotb~c~:~~~;at~~~~r:s~~~o.p'(9$31:,.. IC . & ~=,~Oe~:~~I~r!, ~!!~;;~Se~pf.~e~4196 _ .. ning. "'___________ Freshman shortstop :~I~i~::~;:~dS~o:;o~~~;(~~~~~ ..~s.e~;:;T--.:::.~5I~~£;::f~§ffg§f$R¥§ff~1[!EJ;.::"':!E.:r~~~Eg§~~E RBI doubles. _'''''''rilivr .........W(~~£NOTmAUTWOIHZ£Cl,jICH!'t.I'IO~ ..U~
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