Page 172 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 172
Thursday, May 8, 1997 - Page 16 SPORTS Men's Lax denied bid to NCAA tournament Men's The Green Terror lost the bout with Washington Saturday 13-9, yet Club deserved a playoff birth over Gettysburg College Volleyball Reitenbach feels his team de- to be in the ends first served a playoff birth this year, but said, "If we continue hunt, we'll get our shot eventu- to twelve season ally." Next year he may get his shot, as the field opens teams in the playoffs. By JERRY BURGE Earlier this season, WMC beat ComribUlinglVrirel St. Mary's 16-13 after losing to The Men's Club Volleyball now top-ranked Salisbury Slate team completed their first season 21-12. The Green Terror also beat with an unfortunate loss to Leba- Dickinson 19-6 in a conference non Valley College. Even though game. the men's team did not win any Against St. Mary's, the WMC matches this season, they feel that trailed 6-2 after the first quarter, they made some very big strides but Matt Hoppe scored three times as a team. and had two assists in the second Jerry Burge, founder and presi- quarter to pull Western Maryland dent of the volleyball team, says into an 8-8 halftime tie. Hoppe that next year the team will be a ended the day with 5 goals to lead lot better because they now under- the team, and junior Mike Sargent stand what goes into having not added three straight to help with only a club, but an athletic team the win. as well. "This team would have In the Salisbury game, WMC never gotten off of the ground if it pulled back to within 14-11 on a wasn't for the help of Jeff Foxwell Bo Schrott goal witha: II remain- (Vice President) and Jocaque ing in the game, but two Salisbury Rojahn (Treasurer)," Burge said. Junior mid fielder Mike Sargent contributed one assist April 26 as WMC fell to Division J J I second- players put four points on the "I had the idea since last year to ranked Salisbury State. Here he tries to out run an opponent as freshman Rob Witte looks on. The final board to halt the Green Terror have amen's team here, but I could score was 21-12. comeback. not have gotten the team to fly if Freshman Rob Witte, topped it wasn't for those two." By JULIE EDWARDS Sports Edilor offense would have made a signifi- teams the Green Terror managed Western Maryland with four goals, Other people that helped the cant difference. to beat. In addition, in last week's while Hoppe added three goa1s and team out were coach Kelly Quinn, Saturday the Green Terror Vastly different because this pole Gettysburg was ranked just two assists. This was the first loss women's volleyball coach Carol men's lacrosse team ended the defeat denied Western Maryland below Western Maryland at 13th. for the Green Terror in II games Molloy, Dr. Carol Fritz, Dr. Car- greatest se<1sbH in their hiSttlry. Bf a biB iht{j thE NCAA Division Reltei1Mctes·tne~~~ge !it-tlic tHis season-breaking their school- penter, Ken ~nnelY; an" advisor Washington, in second in the m tournament. The decision was end of this season for his players record In-game winning streak. Hope Filer. "When the old gym /_/ NCAA Division m style, romped announced Sunday evening, and of is much like that at the beginning, Four games ago, Hoppe scored burnt down, the team was phig<.d WMC in the first half to win 13-9. course among the eight teams are "Part of being successful is resist- three goals and two assists against in a bind as far as getting gym time Washington clinched the Centen- (I) Salisbury and (2) Washington. ing the temptation to be negative Dickinson to become just the sixth for practice and matched," Burge nial title, as both teams entered the However, Gettysburg will even when there is incentive ..." Terror to surpass the 200-point said. "The athletic department was game 5-0 in the conference. compete in the tournament as well. Reitenbach also concedes that mark in a career. Wine added a very understanding of our situation Head Coach Keith Reitenbach This will be Gettysburg's seventh "the NCAA committee compro- game-high four goals, as the Red and accommodated us the best commented that if his team had appearance (in a row) in the tour- mised the integrity of the tourna- Devils went scoreless through the they could." played the first half with the flare nament, which is Reitenbach's ex- ment" by their decision. He be- second and third periods. Next fall the entire team will they displayed in the second, the planation for their place despite the lieves the committee is sending the Men's lacrosse graduates be returning. Juniors Jeff Foxwell, outcome would have been vastly fact that the Green Terror upset wrong message to college athletes, attackman Matt Hoppe, goalie Craig Eckard, and Jocaque Rojahn different. He also said that Wash- Gettysburg 10-5 earlier this sea- as well as aspiring players: hard John Torpy, and midfielders Scott are the oldest of the bunch. The ington is used to high pressure son. Gettysburg also lost to Wash- work is not enough; it's what Schenzer, Steve Hallowell, and sophomores are co-captains Jerry games and bett~r ball control on our ington & Lee, who lost to several you've done and who you know. Mark Frey this year. Burge and Chad Langville, Aaron Heisler, Kevin Klunk, Toby Sluss, Congratulations! and John Rouss. The freshman Sergey re- are Matt Ritter, turners Fayvusovich. WMC had winners at Centennial Conference championships The VOlleyball team will be try- ing to raise money next year to WOMEN'S TENNIS ranee 2 - 37-3 3/4 purchase a new net system. Their 110 m hurdles: TOURNAMENT 100 m dash: Kerry Wilson - 3 NCAA Qualifying mark - 5 - 16.71 Matt Helfrich goal is to raise $3,000. "Since we - 12.88 meet record 400 m hurdles; Mike Bogart - were a first year team, we could Kim Keller and Lara 800 m run: Sorruner Chonnan conference record 5 - 59.04 not afford to buy our own net sys- We had to use the poles and tern." Henderson grab doubles - 2 - 2:24.49 4xlOO relay: 1 - 43.51 net the intermurals and gym crown; defeated Brianne 5,000 m run: Cynthia Callen - Men: 3rd (Hydorn, Abron, Smith, classes use," said Burge. "It was O'Laughlin and Juhi Asad of 6-19:55.27 DeFreitas) hard making those systems regu- Franklin and Marshall 6-2, 5- 100 m hurdles: Kerry Wilson Outstanding Male Performer: 4x800 relay: 3 - 8;05.77 lation height and adequately play- 7,6-0 - 1-15.09 Dante Abron Pole Vault; Matt Helfrich - 4 able for a match." They hope to NCAA Qualifying mark - 11-11 3/4 raise most of the money within the CC GOLF TOURNA- meet record 100 m dash: Dante Abron - 1 school in order to promote their MENT Kate Fisher - 4 - 15.78 - 10.91 Long Jump; Dante Abron - 1 team to more of the WMC com- - 23-0 112 400 m hurdles: Kerry Wilson meet record Triple Jump: Dante Abron - 2 munity. will begin as soon as Practice WMC3rd - 1- 65.64 Richard Smith - 5 - 11.78 -44-8 everyone gets back for the fall se- Kare Fisher - 6 - 70.59 200 m dash: Dont Abron - I - mester. Any man who is interested CC TRACK TOURNA- 4x 100 relay: 4th 51.87 22.67 - 6 - 23.59 cmeR in playing can contact Jerry at ex- MENT 4x400 relay: 3rd 4:14.07 Chris Hydom - 4 - 23.37 tension 8121 for more informa- Long Jump: Kerry Wilson - I Richard Smith tion. The Western Maryland Women: 6th - 16-11 114 400 m run: Gavin DeFreitas - Teffllr Men's Club Volleyball team is here meet record 2 - 50.23 to stay, and they plan on deliver- event, athlete, place, time/dis- Triple Jump: Kerry Wilson - Chris Hydom - 3 - 50.55 ing a quality program in the next few years.
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