Page 168 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, May 8, 1997 - Page 12 Letter from abroad: living reeks make strong and studying in Spain ommunity impact uring the 19%-97 academic year WMC's Greek community contributed over 1,000 hours of com By JONATHAN SHACAT Fine Arts Museum in Seville, a place I have unity service. The following is a sampling, not a complete list, of the types of services they per Conrribwing Writer yet to visit. onned. None of the Greek community service projects are mandatory. / Another day, I went to a museum on I've beenstudying in Spainfor nearlytwo Osuna and saw a stone statue of a bull once Sororities and a half months and I'm getting used to used to protect a Roman Tomb. Later,I went Fraternities living here. In that time I have realized that to the Archeology Museum in Madrid and Alpha Nu Omega Phi Kappa Sigma in fact not all Spanish people take a siesta or saw the original. Similarly, I went to the -Red Cross Blood Drive to benefit the -Campus Clean-Up to benefit the WMC mid-day nap. Even though they party until Archeology Museum in Seville and saw sev- American Red Cross and those patients that community the wee hours of the morning and probably eral stolen items that were once part of the it serves. The goal was exceeded. Worked -Volunteered for the Campus Concert Com- need the rest, most youths don't take one, town of Italica, another site I have visited. on publicity, sign-ups, and had volunteers mittee-helped with security at the "They for instance. The explanation of this phe- Dealing with people, I have met crowds staff the blood drive all day Might Be Giants" concert nomenon might be that some native students of them. So many it makes me wonder if -Fall Fest Parade _ walkers for the WMC here work so hard for their courses that they this world is as big as we think. One day I float Sigma Phi Epsilon don't have time to relax. Some study very bumped into a guy (who studies in a differ- -"Boo in the Zoo"-the sorority volunteered -Adopt a Highway - the program involves diligently and still manage to fail. (It almost ent program in Seville) who went to my jun- at the Catocin Mt. Zoo passing out candy the clean up of the stretch of Rt. 31 across reminds me of taking biology at WMC). ior high school. I have not seem him since and assisting with games and a hay-rides for from the golf course. This project benefits Nonetheless, all stores close from 2 pm to 5 sixth grade. What are the odds of that hap- the children the Westminster community. pm each day for an afternoon break, but that pening? I also met, with a little luck, the -Sons ofItaly fundraiser (fights Alzheimer's -t'Steppin Back to Africa". After the party is because it is a tradition. person who will work in the Spanish House disease)-collected money at the intersection the fraternity served as monitors, bouncers, My understanding of Seville and its sur- at WMC next semester. I was at a bar talk- of the Cranberry Mall and' 140 with Alpha and clean-up crew. roundings has improved. I have done a 101 ing with some kids and he just walked over Gamma Tau, raised over $1600 -Fire Safety and Prevention program, the of visiting and traveling. All my trips are and introduced himself. I figure he must -10K Walk benefiting the National Multiple program outlined fire safety and what to do via train or bus. When I went to Madrid, for have seen the WMC shirt Iwas wearing. He Sclerosis Society when a fire "sparks" as well as pertinent pre- example, I took the Ave - a high speed train is a nice guy. And if that isn't enough, Ieven vention tips. that practically flies on the track. It was an have a Spanish girlfriend. WOW! Phi Sigma Sigma expensive btl! worthwhile experience. One This semester I have learned a tremen- -Adopt-A-Family benefiting needy families, Phi Delta Theta of the most beautiful places I have seen is dous amount of Spanish and even more about sorority members collected non-perishable -Muscular Dystrophy Golf Tournament _ the 100 meter-deep gorge that divided the myself. My Spanish comprehension is al- food items and clothing for needy families. raised money to sponsor a hole for the golf town of Ronda. It is like the Grand Canyon most 100%. I get each word. It is a great -Walktober Fest - benefited American D1a- tournament only smaller and more green. Also, the view feeling to understandanother language that betes Association, raised money through -Fundraiser Dinner - formal dinner that of the snow-covered Sierra Navada moun- well. There are times, though, I must admit, sponsors and by walking six miles raised money for Copper. Ridge Research tains in Granada is breath-taking. when Idon't comprehend much at all. That -MS Walk Center (a nonprofit organization that does I can't get over how well things are re- is kind of frustrating. My Spanish speaking -Main Street Mile research on Alzheimer's Disease) lated, or inter-related, here. We can discuss ability is ... welliets just say I need more -volunreer for Campus Concert Security -"Cinco de Marzo". overall sponsor the significance of a piece of art in class and practice. I have a thick accent; they tell me. -Co-Sponsored the Dirges concert -Centennial Conference Wrestling Touma- then go to a local museum to see the original Reflecting on this time here, though, I ment _ helped set-up, conduct, and made paiuting.v'For-exumple, civilizaridn II'thinW'I!have'eI'liirigel.:l'ii·lol as lipersoil. ·I"am&,<-·Ph\'-MttiilIlU;Jl :,,,j flu c) .';;J;Ji!iJn llj,l; sabs 10 sell v U:;:t:JiW JUJ :"<:ill)fl·)i.'JJ ·)!(i.;f class we studied Las Meninas, a work by not so conservative now. But.even the more -Haunted Hay-Ride for the Lineboro Fire / Velasquez, and I later saw it in the Prado liberal attitude in this environment (which Department Gamma Beta Chi Museum in Madrid. I must have stared at is full of drinkers and smokers) have not pres- -Participated in a school-wide penny drive -Adopt-A-Highway - all brothers partici- that thing for five straight minutes. Other sured me into starting any bad habits. I am to help raise money for "Project Hope" and pated students have had similar opportunities at the still pure in that sense. the Adopt-A-Family program -Assisted with alcohol awareness barbecue -Easter egg hunt for children of faculty and with Residence Life A THEATER NEAR YOU ••• staff out with Red Cross Blood Drive -Read articles from a newspaper student for into a tape -Helped for a visually impaired recorder -Helped Smith House fill pinatas for Cinco the entire spring semester By MIKE PUSKAR Now leaving the tyrannosaurus, June 6 will de Marzo -"Cinco de Marzo"- helped at the party af- ArtsiGraphicsEditor fly where the prerosaurs once had with the release tertheevent. of Con Air. Nicolas Cage plays the lead and Jon Alpha Gamma Tau There's no place like home ... Malkovichisthe villain's helm. The film is about PhiAlphaMu -Alcohol Awareness barbecue in the Quad As you may have heard, Tim Allen was visit- a hijack in the middle of a prisoner transport and -Arranged two showcases in support of Al- -Adopt-A-Family - benefited three families- ing Westminster this past Monday and Tuesday. is sure to cause some turbulence. John Cusack, cohol Awareness Week collected money, clothing, and food The purpose for his visit was to film Universal Steve Buscemi (Escape from LA.) and Ving -Adopted Caesar Sonic Bala from the Chris- -Sons of Italy fundraiser raised $1600 Studios' latest movie, For Richer or Poorer. The Rhames (Pulp Fiction,Striptease) also star. tian Children's Fund -"Steppin Back to Africa" -the clubroom was Maryland Film Commission was responsible for Another film that will splash into theaters on used as dressing room the use of Westminster for the film. The the6'" isSpeed2: CruiseControl.However Keanu commission's purpose is to promote Maryland and the bus are out of the picture, but Sandra Bul- as a possible filming site. The production office lock is hitching another ride. 'This timeJason Patrie is located in Glen Burnie and may be contacted will co-star, playing the life saver. at (410) 424-2080. The publicist may also be Three weeks later, Nicolas Cage will once contacted via this number. again hijack theaters, this time opposite John So, whal'sthe movie about? Well,Allen plays Travolta, in Face/Off Travolta plays the role of a "New Yak real estate hustle-whose wife, played an FBI agent who assumes the identity ofhis son's by Kirsti.eAlley is a socialite." They get in trouble killer-as a means of subterfuge. However, the film with the IRS and look for a place to hide, but it's centers on an identity crisis when the killer (Cage) notWestminster. Westminsterwillbetrnnsforrned assumes Travolta's identity. inroa PennsylvaniaAmish town- thai. 's why some store signs had been changed. A farm off Route The Comics Conspiracy 27 was also used, and the owners got a lot from June 20 will be the release date for the fourth the filming's need for an Amish appearance, in- Batflick, Bannan and Robin. This column has cluding a new blacktop driveway, wrap-around already previewed the cast, so now let's look at porch, and picket fence. the costume. Chris O'Donnell's Robin will don AJI extras picked by Central Casting of Mary- attire much more like Batman's. His new em- land in Baltimore, were cast for their Amish-esque blem, also featured in the movie logo, is that of a appearance. ravenesque robin. This emblem will also serve as his new mask. Alicia Silverstone's Batgirl isnoth- Nail-biters ing of the sort, most likely to be different from May 23" is a special day. It's sospecial that it Bannan. Her mask appears to be robotic, and she has already wiped out the competition thanks to dons no cowl and thus no pointy ears. Surpris- its predecessor Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum re- turns to take on T. Rex in The ILlS! World. Continued on page 13
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