Page 169 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, May 8,1997 - Page 13 Variety of faiths worshiped by campus religious groups _eJ Currently about 200 students are involved in the five active religious groups on campus BvMATl'OLEAR The group also travels to a going on at the time, but Chris- Bducartou..a group that pro- CoruribulillgWriler synagogue about 20. minutes tian Fellowship regularly gets vides "liturgical, educational, their every other Wednesday away to worship every week- the most people, and the social, and pastoral ministry" night Happy Hours, open to all Are you bored? Not sure end. Catholic Campus Ministry also students from 9 to 10:30 p.m. how to get involved in campus "A lot of people I think gets good attendance" at their to Catholics attending secular The group sings songs, plays life? If you are interested in aren't active because they are Catholic masses," Rev. colleges and universities games, and has a guest speaker, becoming an active member of afraid of people's reactions," Lancaster said. within the Archdiocese of Bal- according to Ryan Bowman, a timore. the WMC community, the reli- said Jacobson. According to freshman business major and gious life of the campus offers Sue Singer, associate profes- The Catholic Campus Min- The purpose of the group, member-or the group. istry hasextsted a wealth of opportunities. sor of economics and JSU ad- over 12 years. The on campus had for as stated in their Mission Other activities held by the group There are currently five ac- viser, anti-semitism has not Statement, is to reach out to Christian Fellowship include a tive religious groups on cam- peen a problem for the group. disbanded at one point, but five other Christians and no~- Bible study from- 9 p.m. to II ago it was revived to six years pus - Christian Fellowship, The focus of the group, in by some students. Christians, and in doing so, p.m. on the Wednesdays when Catholic Campus Ministry, her opinion, is "to plan events Like all other religious or- contribute to "the quality of there is no Happy Hour pro- Jewish Student Union, Fellow- that students can participate ganizations on campus, the education and life for the gram, and Bible studies Mon- ship of Christian Athletes, and in, and to have a place to share Ministry is both student-orga- whole campus community." day, Tuesday, and Thursday the Baha'i Club. common interests and goals." nized and student-motivated. "The most important thing from 9 p.m. to II p.m., on the Overa!!, approximately 200 In the future, the JSU we do [for the campus commu- weeks when there is a Happy students participate in at least would like to team up with the Presently, the group boasts a nity]," said Friday, "is offer- Hour program. of 50 to 60 stu- one of these organizations, ac- other religious groups on cam- membership participate in a va- ing all the programs to the stu- Like the other religious who dents cording to Rev. Mark A. dents." groups on campus, the Chris- Lancaster, coordinator of reli- The focus of the group is "to plan events that students can tian Fellowship is a student- gious life. based organization. Dr. The Baha'i Club is probably participate in, and to have a place to share common interests and Alexander Ober, professor and the least well-known of all the goals. " chair of the Exercise Science & college's religious groups. Ac- Physical Education Depart- cording to Dr. Julie Badiee, Sue Singer, Jewish Student Union advisor ment, is the adviser for the Fel- professor of art and art history, lowship, but said he plays a Baha'i is a religion that deve.l- pus and do one big project. riery of activities the Ministry She noted that all the very little role in the life of the oped in Iran in the 19th cen- Jacobson concluded, "Hope- makes available to all stu- Ministry's activities are open group. tury, and is now the second fully in the future we will do dents, said Mary Ann Friday, to all students, Catholic or "It really is a student-gen- most widespread religion after more for the campus and on erated and student- motivated executive secretary to the non-Catholic, Christian or organization," he said. "I'm Christianity. campus so [more] people know president. non-Christian. amazed at the quality of lead- Badiee, the Baha'i Club's about the group." include acti vtttes have These adviser, also said, "Baha'i is a Another campus religious Catholic Masses on campus on that Like the Friday, Price believes on ership ; the students on the a real group's cam- positive impact presence global religion that has three group is the Fellowship of the third Sunday of every campus is its most important pus," basic teachings: the oneness Ofb
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