Page 170 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 170
Thursday, May 8, 1997 - Page 14 SPORTS Green Terror Baseball ends season with 18-12 record Despite these losses Seibert is optimistic this season, breaking the previous single sea- about next season, as always. "As I've al- son record of four. He also had the lowest ways said, we're not a rebuilding team. I ERA on the team at 1.98. always have a pretty good nucleus of upper- "He was an unknown coming in as a classmen coming back. I guess we will again freshman and he had a very good season for next year," he said. us," said Seibert. "We needed him. We That nucleus includes outfielder Jay needed somebody like that to come through." Hinish who hit .403 this season, including a While Seibert is optimistic about next Al7 average in conference play. "He did a season he wonders what could have been this fine job for us. We're very pleased with season. "We had a good year. We would him," Seibert commented. have liked to have done better in the confer- Freshman pitcher Brent Fuchs will also ence. I think all the kids feel that way, but return next season. Fuchs tied the school for we had a good year, 1 mean 18-12, you can't be unhappy about that," he said. omen's Lax end season 10-4 Duley, Francis, Wagner: Lax and seniority By MIKE PUSKAR By MIKF. PUSKAR AnEJilor ArlEdilor Sophomore Amy North was donned This year, WMC's ladies lacrosse team player of the day on April 17 for really com- will be saying good-bye to its graduating ing alive against the ladies lacrosse team of players-Tina Duley, Mary Beth Francis, and Notre Dame. She led the game with five Jodi Wagner, each of whom has been on the goals, one of which was a real awe-striker. learn her entire college life. Francis and ND's goalie made an attempt "to retrieve the Wagner also served as the team's captains ball out of goal, but was beaten to it by North. this year. It then became a race to the finish, and North Though they're all members of the class came in first, allowing for a totally open shot. of '97, Wagner holds the most seniority when Sophomore Robin Zimmerly was second it comes to lacrosse, as she first began the in goals with four, in addition to having an sport in junior high. Francis, who tired of assist, while freshman Meghan Bellucci had softball, took up lacrosse in ninth grade, be- exactly the oPP?site. ~reshmen Cynthia ing that her father had once been a lacrosse Berger and Meaghan Giornc each scored player. Duley needed something to occupy twice, the latter with two assists and the herself, and took up lacrosse after learning former with one. Senior co-captains M~ from Wagner. Duley added, "I thought the JUBA(JOSE)SIQUERJA Beth Francis and Jodi Wagner and junior stick looked cooL" / Stacey O'Brien also scored. Wagner's collegiate athletic awards inc Senior TIm D'Angelo pitched the opening innings of the first game of a double header Junior goalie Amanda Rose came out elude second-learn All-American in lacrosse against Ursinus April 26. This was the last home game for the team, and the Green with 13 saves, helping the team win 17-4. and first-team in field hockey, as well as be- Terror went 1-1, losing 16-/2 in the first and winning /2-6 in the second. D'Angleo Two days later, the lady terrors hosted ing donned the centennial conference's ended his pitching career with a 6-3 record for the season. Bryn Mawr for what was in the beginning a Player of the Week a couple of times. Francis volley. In the first minute alone, both teams was named Most Valuable Player in lacrosse By DAN GAI)D Although this year's team was only one together scored three goals. Yet, as usual, last year. SlaffWriler win away from tying the team record for WMC came out on top in the first half 16-4. Asked to compare the team on which she While the Western Maryland baseball win, Seibert feels they had the talent to do The beginning of the second half was simi- played as a freshman and the team she now team may be disappointed with record in even better. "When I look back on every- lar to that of the first. It once again became leads, Francis responded that she felt thai it Centennial conference play (9-9), they fin- thing I say 'man we could have even had a a volley for the first minute or so, though was tighter because it was much smaller. She ished with a 18-12 overall record, and in better season, had we just had better de- this time no goals were scored. also commented on how the team is collec- their final game they did something that fense.' That was the one area." Bryn Mawr never did score again, and tively much younger this year than in '94, they had not been able to do all year, they Seibert points to the 2.31 unearned runs WMC won 22-4. North onceagain had five but that it is also better. let a game gel away from them, and came per game allowed by poor defense as the goals, and Bellucci and Zimmerly each scor- Wagner also commented on this year's back to win. team's major weak spot. "If there was any ing four. Bellucci also assisted twice. team. Her original expectations of the team Earlier this season the Terror were in- one area that I'd say we fell apart it was our Wagner had three goals and one assist, while lacked certainty because many of the play- volved in close games against Johns defense. The last half of the season, there's O'Brien and sophomore Natalie Hannibal ers were new. She wasn't sure if they would Hopkins and Gettysburg before giving up no doubt about it," he said. "You can't do each scored twice. Francis and Giomo each be able to click and thus work well together. big innings that blew the games wide open. that and win too many of these games." scored one, while junior Courtney Boden had Looking back in retrospect, however, Wagner The Terror were unable to fight back in The team would have had a chance to one assist. feels that the ladies actually did work well those games. get the record tying 19th win, but their final The lady terrors hosted their arch-rival together and thai, as Francis feels, the team In their final game at Lebanon Valley opponent, Messiah, forfeited. Johns Hopkins on April 22. This was the is a much better one than those of past. on April 29, however, the Terror turned the Five seniors played their final game tightest game WMC's ladies played this year, Duley was asked if she felt she was a tables. After building a 7-0 lead the Terror against Lebanon Valley, including the team's and, though barely winning at half-time, they mentor to the underclassmen, despite not let the game seemingly slip away by giving top two power hitters in Rick Estes and lost 7-8. Boden led with two goals and an being a captain. She said that she did because up ten consecutive runs, and were trailing Brian Culley, who combined for seven of assist, while Zimmerly scored twice as well. she was able to teach what she had learned 10-7 entering the ninth and final inning. the team's eight home runs. This could On April 26, the ladies bussed up to Swar- in her four years at WMC. This time they did not allow the let down mean trouble for next year's learn, accord- thmore and redeemed themselves with a win Duley also commented on how she feels defeat them. The Terror scored four runs ing to Seibert. "We're going lose our of 15-7, albeit the ground was comparable about playing defense, where she said she in the ninth and held on to win I I-I O. power," he said. "I don't see anybody re- to a marsh. Zimmerly led this time with five was put her freshman year because her of "It was a sign of character. The fact that placing them that is currently on the team." goals and two assists. North scored four her lack of having played before. She feels we were able to battle back and not give up Fhe Terror will also lose pitchers Tim goals, while Bellucci and Wagner each had that it's harder to handle because there isn't after a team came back from down seven, 0' Angelo, who led the team in wins with two. Boden and Hannibal came out with one much recognition compared to that of offen- that can sort of take the wind out of you, six, and Byron Druzgal, and outfielder Chip goal each as well. sive players. She would have rather played and there's a tendency to get frustrated and Dickey. A 16-2 win over Susquehanna Saturday offense because she doesn't receive much let it go," said Seibert. "Whenever you have five seniors, you're brought the ladies to a fmal record of 10-4 credit elsewhere. Francis and Wagner added "It was definitely a sign of character Ihat going miss their leadership. Certainly they overall, 6-4 in the Centennial Conference. that Duley did, however, add a lot to the team. they believed in themselves enough that all had decent years for us, some better than Marjorie Hargove was named Player of the After graduation, Wagner would like to they were able to fight back. That was a others," Seibert said. ''Tim and Byron gave Day for her efforts on defense, and nine play- coach, and Duley will play lacrosse for recre- big plus. I don't know that we've done that us depth, depth from senior leadership, ers combined to tally the 16 game-winning ation. Francis, though, is willing to coach or all year," he continued. pitching and that type of thing," he added. points. officiate and would also like to play for a club.
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