Page 70 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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. On The Hill Thursday. November 16. 1995. Page 10 BY BORRI LEISTER Ad~er/isin8M(1nager Twenty cadets from the Western Mary- land College ROTC Department traveled to Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia for a rigorous thirty- six hour competition on October 27. These cadets competed against some of the region's most physically- and mentally- fit students in the most demanding sport on campus-RANGER CHALLENGE. WMC sent two teams of nine with one alternate for each. The teams have been training for this weekend for the past two months to compere in eight grueling events. Upon arrival at Ft. A.P. Hill on Friday, ~ the cadets took a timed patrolling exam that measured individual knowledge of the Army's Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad Manual. After a good night's sleep, the ca- dets rose at 5 a.m. on Saturday for a physi- cal fitness test involving push-ups, sit-ups, and a two-mile run. From there, the cadets moved to navi- gate a grenade assault course and firing an M 16 rifle for marksmanship. In orienteering, the closing ceremony honoring the winners det Mike.Cushwa. "Although both teams were, Dave Rogers, Mike Cushwa, DJ. Cobb, and cadets worked in groups of two to identify and participants. relatively young and inexperienced, we had a alternate Rich Miekeljohn. Team Green and locate designated points within a four- This year's winner was Team A from great time. We all look forward to preparing consisted of captain Andy Dziengeleski and square-kilometer area within ,one hour. They JamesMadison University, , for next year and coming back better than cadets Melissa Summers, Bobbi Leister, then moved to construct a one-rope bridge WMC's Gold Team finished 21~t and its ever!" Elliott Koch, Liz Clark, Ben Craven, Dave over a water obstacle. Green Team placed 3J st. Team Gold consisted of captain Kim Seydel, Kimberly Vanhorne, Wendy Schatz, The competition ended on Sunday "I'm glad I got the chance to go and Raker and cadets Anne Fuller, Todd Retchless, and alternate Maggie Kimura. Congratulate morning with a 10K forced road march and comp~te as a freshman," said freshman ca- Scott Morseberger, John Green, Pete Bushnell, them all on ajob well done! Medical expert warns women students of Classified • ,'_ •• '.'. r ! .! .1· ~. ... ~' ", .. Ads health risks linked to common infection with. to will be relieved and effectively can be treated BV sufferers easily While women students are knowledge- able about the health benefits of good nutri- learn that, while it seems to be more com- prescription drugs. . tion and a consistent exercise the serious health few mon in sexually not considered to be a sexu- lege-age women, the National educating col- the condi- program, active women. To help in the effort-of As- know about or understand tions is usually Vaginitis with the most common on vagi- ported in young girls and women nal infection nal infections, through campus mail risks associated among college-age women vagi- in ally transmitted disease. BY has sociation is offering a free brochure Guide to who have "Women's called c/o The Phoenix the United States today, bacterial vaginosis never had sexual expefience. Researchers Vaginallnfections." Those interested should (BY). are unclear of its cause, but they do know write the National Vaginitis Association, 220 Dr, James McGregor, vice chairman of BV results from an overgrowth of certain South Cook Street, Suite 20 I, Department obstetrics and gynecology at the University bacteria which are always present in the va- C, Barrington, Illinois 60010. Women stu- -SPRING BREAK of Colorado and an authority on the disease, gina. but usually on a much smaller scale. dents who suspect they have BV should con- NassaufParadise Island, Cancun and Ja- called for efforts on college campuses na- No amount of douching, washing or tact a gynecologist for an examination as maica from $299.00. Air, Hotel, Trans- tionwide to educate women on the symptoms over-the-counter medications will relieve soon as possible. fers, Parties, and More! Organize a small of BV. and the need for proper diagnosis and BV's symptoms. Fortunately, this condition Courtesy oj National Vaginitis Association group and eam a FREE trip plus commis- treatment by a physician. sions! He noted that a recent Gallup survey Call 1·800-822-0321. found that most women know about yeast Volunteers needed to help infections, the second most common vagi- nal infection which is generally considered CRUISE SHIP JOBS! harmless, but only 34 percent had heard prepare income tax returns Attention: Students aboutBV. Earn $2,000 + monthly. Partttme/ "Recent studies show that women with rulltime. world Travel. Carrtbean, Ha- BV may be at higher risk of major compli- waii. All positions available. No expe- cations such as pelvic inflammatory disease Student volunteers are needed to join the 4th annual rience. (PID), which can lead to infertility," Dr. VITA program at WMC. The VITA (Volunteer CALL: (520) 505·3123 Mcrfregor said. "Pelvic inflammatory dis- Income Tax Assistancer) program offers free tax help ease is frequently diagnosed among teenage and college-women and often requires hos- and/or tax preparation to people who cannot afford MACINTOSH COMPUTER FOR pitalization." professional assistance. Each new volunteer will be SALE! BV is also associated with increased risk Complete system including printer of prererm birth and pregnancy complica- required to attend a three-day tax training session to only $499. Call Chris at 1-800-665- tions, chronic pain and greater susceptibil- be held at WMC January 25-27. Upon completion of 4392 ext. 9460 ity to sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. McGregor advised that women with training, students will be expected to work in WMC's ADVERTISE any of the warning signs ofBV-a thin milk- VITA program during tax season. Hours spent in like vaginal discharge, a foul or "fishy" odor, profes- a medical IN THE or vaginal itching-see and effective treatment. training and in working will count toward internship sional for diagnosis He pointed out that these symptoms can vary, credit(s). For further information, please call PHOENIX! and may not be presenr at all times. SusanMilstein at ext. ·456.
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