Page 209 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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SPORTS Thursday, May 9, 1996 - Page 17 Von Tobel and Cox stand out in final season been a Green Terror ever since sixth season at Western Maryland. adds, "They want everybody to go Tobel said, "Track because it is an By KEVIN KORETZKI ContribulingWrirer transferring here his second year in When asked what her favorite to Nationals as well as themselves." individual sport. You don't have college .. He holds eight of the top part of the team is, Cox says, "The Melanie Phipps says that Von To- to rely on someone else, no one else Senior track standouts Julie lOjavelin throws in Western Mary- people on it, I have a lot of really bel has helped her with her throw- is there to' blame but me." Cox and Carl Von Tobel opened the land history according to WMC good friends on the team." ing style many times. "He basi- Both Cox and Von Tobel have outdoor season in impressive fash- Sports Information records. Knut Cox has also participated in the cally taught me all that he knows," given the Western Maryland track ion by qualifying for the NCAA Hjeltnes is third all-time with a 100 and 200-meter sprints, the dis- she said. team a lot of credibility. Accord- Division III National Champion- throw of 209 feet, seven inches (in cus, the shot put, the javelin, and Years of practice and hard work ing to Renner, "They've helped put ships before the end of March. 1973) and Bill McGooey is fifth the long and triple jumps. Overall have gotten these two where they the program on the map." This is Von Tobel, a Political Science all-time with a throw of 209 feet, she holds five indoor school are today. Cox has run track since hard to do because track, as a major, qualified for the javelin on one inch (in 1983). records and four outdoor. It was she was a freshman in high school. whole, doesn't get much coverage. his first throw of the season at the Last year Von Tobel finished hoped that she would get a chance Depending on how her injury is "Nobody wants to go to a track Franklin and Marshall College In- second at the Nationals in what he to participate in a heptathlon before doing she works on hurdles or does meet because it is so long," says vitational, March 23, throwing 218 describes as his most memorable she graduated, but injuries pre- conditioning workouts daily in Cox. ''To those that are in the sport feet, three inches. This throw also experience competing at WMC. "I vented that. The heptathlon con- practice. In the off-season she usu- it is interesting, but if you're not broke his own school record by was in a huge slump, but Iwas able sists of the 100-meter hurdles, the ally takes it easy riding her bike or into track you are not going to want eight inches. to pick it up at the Nationals, fac- high jump, the shot put, the long going for a jog. ''Track is a very to sit there all day wondering what Cox, a Biology major, qualified ing the number one thrower prob- jump, the SOO-meter run, the 200- strenuous sport, both physically event is next." for the 100-meter hurdles the fol- ably in Division I, II, and III," Von meter dash, and the javelin. and mentally, and I think you need According to Renner, both Cox lowing Saturday at the Tobel said. Although he wound up Cox has had hamstring prob- a break from it every once in a and Von Tobel have a good chance Susquehanna University Track and in the finals, a second rival out lems the past two years. Last year while," she says. of becoming All-Americans again . Field Invitational with a time of threw him by a mere foot and a she tore the right hamstring caus- Von Tobel has thrown the jav- this year. "He (Von Tobel) and I 14.77 seconds. Also at this meet, half. ing her to miss most of the outdoor elin since he was a sophomore in would both be shocked if he fin- she set a school record with Jenny Cox's forte, on the other hand, season and this year she strained high school and has also tried to ished any lower than third," Ren- Spahr, Kare Fisher, and Erin Mur- is sprinting. She is a two-time out- it, forcing her to take it easy. "But juggle football into his athletic ca- ner says. The top eight throwers phey in the 400-meter relay at door All-American in the 100- when she's healthy, the sky's the reer here at Western Maryland. get All-American status. As for 51.77 seconds. meter hurdles and a one-time in- limit," says Renner. His training consists mainly of lift- Cox, Renner says, "We'll just see Being at the top is nothing new door All-American in the 55-meter Teammate Robe Birdsall says ing, running, and throwing. He lifts what her leg can do. Even if she is for these two athletes. Von Tobel hurdles. Cox is the only female that Cox and Von Tobel are "very four times a week, while also run- 75% healthy, Ibelieve that she will is a three-time All-American and track athlete from WMC to ever hungry competitors, but at the same ning two to three times a week, and be All-American. She is that tal- right now is ranked number one in qualify for Nationals. "She is prob- time are very supportive of their throwing hard only once a week ented." the country in Division Ill. His first ably the best ever as far as Western teammates, whether it be Julie before the Saturday meets. The two will be competing at year was spent at Bloomsburg Uni- Maryland is concerned," says psyching up her relay team or Carl When asked which sport he the Nationals Memorial Day week- versity in Pennsylvania, but he's Coach Doug Renner, who is in his helping the other throwers." He likes better, football or track, Von end in Chicago. Baseball finishes 6th in Centennial Conference Senior Brian Van Deusen named Centennial Conference Player of the Year ____ By CAROLYN BARNES AND Although WMC lost their last s~ve in game o~e, then went the the year with 24 strike outs. RBI's. ~JOHN MANARD two games, they swept Dickin- distance on a five-hitter for the Senior Brian Van Deusen led Senior first baseman Scott Sports sweep. they are coming? Someone bet- lars to improve it's fields. For these accomplishments, ter find out soon because the clock The Ravens had first men- Culley was named to the Centen- is running. For the last few months tioned that they were interested in nial Conference Honor Roll. Baltimore's new NFL franchise a one year deal only. This idea The Green Terror finished the has been looking for a home for their preseason training camp. does not sit well with WMC offi- season with a 14- [5 overall, 9-9 Western Maryland College and cials. Ethan Seidel, WMC's Vice in the Centennial Conference. This years Green Terror pitch- several other schools including President of Administration and ing staff was led by Miller. The Towson State University have Finance was looking for a longer sophomore right-hander led the been mentioned by Raven's offi- deal. team with a 3.33 Earned Run Av- cials. "We're certainly suggesting a erage while compiling a 4-1 Reports in The Carroll County long-term deal. Because of our fi- record. He also saved three Times last week say the deal to nancial investment, it's just com- games. Miller struck out 15. bring the Ravens to Westminster mon sense to spread it out over a 0' Angelo started eight games has hit several snags. 1\'10 points longer lime," said Seidel. this year and recorded two com- have held up the deal which is be- If the deal does go through, it plete games for the Terror. He coming precariously close to fol- could be settled by the time this finished the year with a 3-3 lowing through. issue reaches the stand. Ifit does record. He had 5.24 ERA and re- A WMC official was quoted pass WMC will begin work on corded 52 strike-ours. by the Times as saying that a de- three major projects that must be Druzgal, a sophomore, started cision would be needed soon if the completed before the Ravens ar- seven games for a 4.40 ERA and school would have sufficient time rive. 3-3 record. He struck out 35 bat- to upgrade the facilities to where The school must put in irriga- ters on the year. they would meet NFL guidelines. tion and level the practice fields. Sophomore George The two points holding the They also must install additional Senior snortstop Brian Van Deusenfinished off his stellar career Cossabone finished off his sec- deal up according to WMC are the air conditioning in the lower lev- Western Maryland College by leading the Green Terror Baseball team this ond year with a 3-5 record with length of the agreement and els ofPELC. spring. He batted .427, hit four home runs and drove in 22 runs for WMC. one save. He had 6.34 ERA for amount and quality of help the From Staff Reports He was also named Centennial Conference Player of the Year;
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