Page 207 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 207
FEATURES Thursday, May 9, 1996-Page 15 Well known admissions staff member explains why she enjoys her job at WMC and what it means to her By GAIL CONWAY filled with such incredible people a salesperson for Bacharach Rasin, Contributing writer that are so close," she said of her a sporting goods equipment store. Eleven years ago, Sandy Metz co-workers. "I'm always excited She also was a waitress at the same was an eager, high school senior to come into work on Monday time. trying to impress WMC's admis- morning and find out what's hap- "Getting the admissions job sions staff. Now it's the current pened with everyone over the here was pure luck," said Metz. crop of prospective college fresh- weekend." She was hired for a temporary Pc- man who are trying to impress Metz feels that her boss, Marty sition first and said she "fell in Metz. O'Connell, director of admissions, love with the job immediately". Twenty-nine-year-old Sandy is a true role model for the office. Six months later, she was hired as Metz is the associate director of "There's a closeness that's formed a permanent employee. admissions for WMC. Her job de- here. These people are my closest Metz admits that there are both scription includes a combination of friends," said Metz. wonderful and difficult aspects things, with the priority being to associated with the job. The most recruit students. She also does in- "I believe in this challenging thing she deals with terviews, determines admissions, is determining which students to and her "specialty", which is trans- college. It's done a admit to WMC. fer students and their credit evalu- lot for me and still "Some of the applicants are ations. Metz explained that she borderline," she said, "and it's re- also travels to many high schools is. I really take ally difficult to have to tum some- in several counties in Maryland and one away." The worst thing, Metz in southern New Jersey to recruit pride in it" said, is having to tell someone ei- students. ther face to face or on the phone, Carrie Frith, a senior art and Sandy Metz that they have not been accepted. graphic design major, was one of "I've had parents start crying to the students that Metz recruited k The school is very important to me when we've told their children from southern New Jersey. "I was her, as well as the people. "I be- the news," she said. really impressed by her because she lieve in this college. It's done a lot Meta's fondest memory of said all the right stuff about the forme and still is. Ireally take pride working for admissions is at school. and I felt like it was really Christmas. She explained that in it," Metz commented about genuine," said Frith. "every year, the whole office has WMC. Metz hails from Sewell, N.J. Frith feels that Metz was a good a family-oriented Christmas din- She attended WMC as an under- influence on her decision to come ner in Marty (O'Connell) office. graduate and earned her bachelor to WMC. "I saw some of myself in 1 will certainly miss it when I of art in business and economics her," Frith said, "and ifshe liked the leave." in 1989. In 1993, she earned her Sandy Metz knows "ail the right sUff" 10 say about WMC that makes each school so much, then I knew I Meta's plans for the future are ear's prospective students want to apply. masters of science in counseling would, too." to one day become a guidance and education from WMC. Metz Metz was an active member of counselor, and hopefully coach a has been a member of the admis- the college community when she at- sports team at the same time. But Students gain e .perience working with sions staff for six and a half years tended WMC. She played field for now, she says she is "really the minute every of it, and has loved with happy the job and and ran track, but ironically hockey professors in research projects she said. she said she never gave tours for people." It looks like WMC will "I don't ever expect 10 have an admissions. After graduation, she be lucky enough to keep Sandy office environment again that is Continued from page 14 January term. She was funded in relocated to Towson and worked as Metz for at least a few more years. Dr. Carol Ro_u.1&r.who is currently part by a Howard Hughes grant and on sabbatical, also carries out re- studied the biochemical aspects of President Chambers reflects on the past year search with students at WMC. the triazenes that Smith's research Rouzer was unavailable for com- group is studying. Continued from page 13 have advanced WMC this year, the and new memories. Chambers ment, but a former research stu- "I'd say that opportunities like Chambers will get a month's va- college has suffered some losses, said that next semester will prove dent, Michelle Sabourin, com- that are extremely limited at cation this summer. During that namely that of Keith Richwine. In interesting since it is an election mented on her experiences as a WMC," Sabourin said, "but for time he will spend a week in April, a memorial service was held year and "people are in the middle research student through an elec- those of us who do gel the posi- Williamsburg, Va. and a week for the man who stood as head of of everything." tronic-mail interview. tions, we have the advantage over scuba diving in Grand Cayman. the English department for a record- In the middle of WMC is Sabourin, a 1995 graduate of larger schools that we are working Chambers learned to scuba dive in setting 25 years. Chambers said where Chambers stands. As this WMC currently attending gradu- one-on-one with the professors. not the WMC pool, and realizes thai he that in a community with so many school-year closes he looks to the ate school at Vanderbilt in Tennes- under some post-doc or technician will need to practice his sport in people "sadness creeps in alot, (it's) excitement that the summer see, said thai "undergraduate re- like my friends here at Vanderbilt." order to maintain his skills. After part of the overall life of an institu- months will bring to the campus, search was invaluable." Sabourin Sabourin credits Rouzer and the these trips, Chambers is not sure tion." while reflecting on the changes joined Rouzer the summer after mentorship she received at WMC what he will do with the remaining With the close of one school year that have taken place during the her sophomore year and re- for her decision to continue her two weeks of his vacation. there is always the prospect of an- past year. searched for two summers and a education in the sciences. While many important events other one with new opportunities ~~. ~~~~~~ ~11~i~lt1rII~ffi!~~~ !~~!1r[1~t1r 68 West Mai.n Street ~ ~\~~ ~ b,'b • ~'& ~? jaJ~E ~~
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