Page 211 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 211
SPORTS Thursday, May 9, 1996 - Page 19 -.l-:- OFF THE BEATEN TRACK The seasons have come full I think we had it first, here on Seth Noone, Eric Farrow, Kevin circle again and we are at the end, the Hill. In just a few days several Wong, Blair St. Amand, Karen commitment. Grantland Rice once or the beginning of the fun for dozen athletes careers will come to Alexander, Dave Mirra, Paul wrote "For when the One Great those of us heading to the beach. an end. They will have played their Markovic, lim Ctarius, Tim Scorer comes to mark against your The school year is over and with hearts out for the Green Terror and Collins, Sarah Ensor, Emily name, He writes - not that you won the or lost - but how you played it's ending, so comes the close on themselves. Fleming, Amy Havener, Melanie so many great Western Maryland The list of athletes leaving us Phipps, Ron Miller, and Julie Cox, Game." there For these WMC athletes, Athletes careers. this year is long and full of Justin Mikulski, Ted Speers, Andy is no fear for how they will be There is nothing like the thrill distincion. I am sure I will not name Dziengeleski, Jeff Daniels, Laura of competition in sports. The heart every senior athlete, and I apolo- Everhart, Kelli Bowen, and Jenni- marked. They played the game of the athletes here at Western gize now. But I feel these athletes fer Prowinski, Kathy Gaston, Anne with the most important part of the Maryland is incredible. In the two deserve congratulations on a career Larson, Denise Sarver and Heather athlete, the heart. Thank you and years I have been here since I well done. If you know them or-see Seaburg, Dave Kurtz, Clay god bless. One final thing before I sign off transferred I have seen some of the them, thank them and congratulate McAllister, Scott Rey; Arnie from my last column of the year. most exciting and heartbreaking them. For they are Green Terror ex- Chilcoat, Carrie Frith, Karen To SCali Deitch, I offer my deep- sports in my life. Each athlete here cellence at it's best. Fulton, and Amy Luebehusen, Amy est thanks. Every issue has a little at WMC is a tribute to hard work, Thank you and congratulations Eggers, and Amy Jo Sheriff and all dedication, and excellence. The go to. the other senior athletes that I just bit of SCO[[ in it, even though his Oakland Raiders have as their Brian Van Deusen, Joe Krcma, Senior Clay McAllister pitching in couldnt remeber. name is never mentioned. Thanks the final game of his WMC career. again. motto, "Commitment to Excel- John Carroll, and Zippy Mackie, McAllister was one of just many Every one of the athletes repre- lence," Becky Deux, and Celena Welty, seniors who ended their careers sented our school with pride and over the last week. LIFE WITH THE GREEN TERROR I loshuaFoster I Well, it is hard to believe, but lacrosse team that starts off 8-0. at quarterback was fun, and I hope you graduate that you have thought this is the last articlethat I will ever I've seen it all. that somewhere down the road he about this life and what it is all helped to make these four years so worthwhile. Remember - friends have to write for the Phoenix .. And What has been my favorite can continue to use his athletic about then you have indeed learned are friends forever if the Lord is being as how people have always memories of the sports that I have skills. something. And as you think about Lord of them! Continue on with asked me when I was going to write watched here on the hill? I can't More about WMC coaching: life, I hope that you discover that the good work started here. a column, I figured that now was say that one stands out in my mind, This school can talk all they want there has got to be more to it than One more thing - give Scott as good as a time as ever to start. but watching the women's basket- about [heir alcohol rules, but when just living and dying, because there Deitch, the Sports Information Di- Besides, this way, I won't ever have ball team this year certainly was the WMC has coaches that stand is. rector a raise. The man works far . ro ao-it again . . most enJ'oyable [earn that I have around clearly drinking outside of To all of my friends I wish you too many hours, and does his jobs ---....::..::Sometime·s I think that I should the school's forum party, as one farewell, especially those in the too well to get paid next to noth- have m;;ore(:hn~just be- The play of Brian was doing just this past weekend, and Christian Fellowship who have ing. it sends message the wrong ~::tS~ ~~~~ ~:~:~n o:er t~~~~ -Van Deusen at sets AT BEST a poor example. four years. quarterback was fun, Predictions: Unless the Orioles Thank you! I witnessed far too many ex- trade for a quality starter, the Yan- amples of poor coaching over these and I hope that four years. I saw too many ex- sontewitere down the =aes::,il!~np~:b~,;fo:,~o:ne;_~=F=r;;;:;~;;:;;;==J:~~::~:;::::::;~;;:;::::::,d1-- aro yn Barnes, Sports Editor amples of timeouts never caIled, good hitting. substitutions made at [he wrong road he can continue Lots and lots of runs scored in time, and players not being disci- baseball because of the small strike plined. to use his athletic zone. As another year of sports, ends on the Hill, regrettably something The Green Terror are indeed skills. Brady Anderson will not hit 40 else is coming to an end, also. good at one thing: raising expec- home runs. Joshua Foster and John Manard have completed their last issue as tations. I'm not trying to be cruel, The Bulls will win it all - of Phoenix staff members. Joshua and lohn have worked together on the it's just that I've seen the pattern watched over the four years. It is a course that's not really going out Phoenix for several years. When I came here to WMC as a freshman all too often. Like my freshman shame that they didn't have another on a limb. and wanted to get involved with the newspaper, especially the sports year when the football team started player or two to come off the bench As I leave, let me encourage not section, these two encouraged me and gave me the chance. I would off 4-0 only to plummet from there. to give their starters more of a rest only my class, but every student not be where I am today, the current Sports Editor of the Phoenix, Or the softball teams' that are ever down the stretch. here to think and learn about one without their help. I want to thank both of them for their commitment so close every year. Or the men's The play of Brian Van Deusen thing: life. If you can say when and dedication to the Phoenix, and also for the encouragement and support that they gave 10 me during my first year on the staff. Also, aside from the encouragement that I received from both of Have a Great Summer them, I also appreciate the criticism that they offered when throughout to not just write the occa- first semester. I was given the opportunity sional story, but to help with layout as well. Moving up to Sports Editor this semester was a wonderful experi- ence for me, and I would especially like to thank John for his time and As The Phoenix closes up help. John stayed every other weekend Sports Editor and he was in the on as Assistant just like I was. office working John was also the for Sports, and many times he would go back and another successful year, we main photographer two or three different events in one weekend. through forth between Also, throughout the past few weeks, I have been leafing wish the entire student body past issues of the Phoenix, occurred to me that I would to the Sports sec- special paying attention tion, and a few things like to mention. Until John and Joshua became editors, the in-depth statistical infor- Good Luck on finals. Have nix. I believe that this addition, along with the overall accuracy and the WMC scoreboard, mation, especially was not a feature in the Phoe- with Joshua and John's of the section, greatly improved a great summer and we'll see creativity I hope that I build on what they the great accomplishments lead- ership. that they have made with the Phoenix. you next year. year following, like to wish both Joshua and John the best of luck in the I would and I again want to say, ''Thank you for many jobs well done!"
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