Page 158 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 158
Thursday, April 11, 1996 - Page 6 NEWS Vandalism and theft Social work majors plague Hoover library heighten rape awareness Library receives complaints about damaged materials By SARAH SNEI.L greater than six of every 10rapes occurs be- StaffWriler fore the victim is 18. Neikirk stressed the importance of the The senior social work majors organized One of eight adult women, or 12.1 mil- By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL two events for Rape Awareness Month this lion are victims of sexual assault, she said, Assistaru News Editor student workers in the library and that the If you've ever been angered when you allocation of hours and money spent on this April, which the Social Work Club and the and 20,000 sexual assaults occurred to males can', find a magazine you need in the li- program is "a matter to balance [things] Honors Program are helping to orchestrate. over the age of 12 in 1991. She added that brary or an entire issue is missing from the to give the greatest good to the greatest First will be a ribbon campaign for which these statistics are probably low since many bound edition of a periodical, you're not number." the groups will be handing out light blue and do not report sexual assaults. alone. In addition, Neikirk affirmed that the black ribbons, Dr. Colleen M. Galambos, The groups are receiving support fromthe David Neikirk, Director of Hoover Li- library's "first obligation is to serve stu- assistant professor of social work, said. Rape Crisis Intervention Services of Carroll brary, admitted that "things do tend to dents and faculty." The black is to symbolize the darkness County, of which Galambos became a board walk," and that the library actually re- He further explained that materials are and the light blue is moving into the light, member after the organization of the activi- ceives complaints about this problem "ev- bought based upon the selections of fac- Galambos said. She added that many people ties. ery now and then." ulty to serve their classes in response to responded to the colors as symbolizing Joanne Hare is the executive Director of Neikirk further commented that this curricular changes. bruises and violence. the RCIS and can be contacted at (410) 857- Since the library has been operating un- The second activity will be a candle light 0900 for information or to find out how to Things do tend to walk der the same budget for the past several vigil held on Apr. 23 at 7 p.m. in Belgrave gel involved. RCIS works on policy devel- years, the number of subscriptions to vari- Square off of Green Street. opment, fund raising, and other areas. David Neikirk ous periodicals has fallen due to increases The senior social work majors have to As of July 1996, Carroll County plans to in their prices, according to Neikirk. take a social work practice class, according cut the budget for the RCIS prevention edu- problem is a matter of the "overall ethic . He stressed that the library must "be sure to Galambos, in which they have to orga- cation program, located on North Center .of the entire community." to have the right [periodicals] for nize a community project. The class decided Street, by 100 percent, according to He admitted that the construction of the creditational and instructional purposes." they definitely wanted to do something re- Galambos. new Hoover Library has brought about With the influx of new technology, lated to rape, she commented. That means that there will be no county more respect for the building and materi- such as on-line delivery of sci-tech jour- The clubs plan on making this an annual funding of this program which offers coun- als; however, he emphasized that "if you nals, Neikirk explained that the library activity. seling, hot line services, information, group value the people you go to school with, may resort to b buying the articles that 10 the future, they would like to go out therapy, and escorts for victims to doctors you should honor those things you share students need "just in time, not just in into the community and other schools more, offices and courts. in common." case." Galambos added. This year there was not The Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity held enough time toorganize more,she explained. a date rape seminar in their clubroom, on Join The Phoenix awareness particularlyto those under the age Mar. 26 at 7:30 p.m., which was not re- The groups' goals were to heighten lated to the Social Work Club or Honors of 19, according to Galambos. She said Program. Call x8600 for details Statistics FELONIES Western Maryland College City of Westminster '92 '93 '94 '92 '93 '94 ~ estmll1St0 Murder o Sex offenses: -Rape o- I CO=Op .r Robbery 24 19 -Forced fondling Aggravated assault 49 45 Located at the Westminster Shopping Center Burglary 173 153 848-3200 Motor vehic. theft 46 37 Arrests for: -Liquor law viol. -Drug abuse viol. Sign UP.for a -weapons possession Cbeci: Cashing Card withWMCID *Call ahead to order We also accept RAPE MYTH ATM (Mac & Most) and credit cards! Myth Rape on college campuses is exaggerated. Celeste Pizza-For-One Fact Microwavable Pizza: 50 cents off with coupon Authorities all agree that rape on campus is far more preva- A recent study revealed that lent than is generally believed. andWMCID. approximately %20 of the female respondents had been vic- Expires May 18, 1996 tims of rape or attempted rape by someone that they knew, yet only %8 reported it to the police or campus authorities. The closest store to canzpus!
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