Page 50 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 50
60 Seconds ~ta;D ... 8'...., on Campus Only You One word easily describes see what he's lied about) and movies for a first-date it isn't this movie: sappy. In this case, she swears that she could never "it" and themovie places an un- By Aden Mages it is the movie' s winning aspect. be with him and that they were attainable goal right in front of never meant to be together. you. After seeing this movie, the For most of the movie, What ensues is a simple, What do think about U.S. backdrop is the beautiful Italian sweet love story. Boy wins girl, the only place you'll feel your potential relationship can go is coast and cities of Rome and involvement in Haiti? Venice. Mansa Tomei is in boy loses girl. boy tries to win downhill. search of the man she believes girl back... From the reactions that Isaw she is destined to marry (her Iknew going into the movie from the members of the audi- "They should have ouija board and a fortune teller that I was sappy enough 10 love ence, the females Celtit and the theirownfree democ- have given her his name). the film-there are some breath- males didn't (in general-ethete racy. In Rome, she finds Robert taking shots of Italy and the ac- are always a few exceptions). Downey, Jr. and she believes tors and actresses all give fairly This movie is definitely for that be is the "one." They spend good, believable perfomances. anyone who bas any sappiness the night falling in love and This movie, though. is not a within them and a must for any- Barry Wyche '97 planning their future together. good first-date movie. The one who is not with the "one" Business But, be tells her thai he bas lied movie is based on destiny and and still wants to have or still (you'll have to see the movie to "true Iove=.-if you're at the has hope. "The U.S. should concentrate on their own problems. " By Keith Remo Live first received critical sometimes contemplative, "Waitress": "Everybody's with debut Sonia Stay '97 acclaim Jewelry. their produced sometimes raging music. good enough for some change/ The girl's got tarn- Live Copper, On Throwing Mental Psychology/Sociology by ex-Talking Heads Jerry gives their sound more edge ily,! She needs cash to buy Harrison. Teaming up once by employing heavy guitars, aspirin for her pain." The again with Harrison, the pounding percussion se- band then tries to attack is- band released their second quences, and Ed Kowalcyks sues as death, rape, and studio effort Throwing Cop- screaming. but leaves much mental blindness through per. to be desired in the writing pretentious, ambiguous po- It seems that Live was ap- department. encs. Probably the only re- prebensive about Copper's It is not a detriment that spite can be found in "Light- reception. After delays in Live addresses the ning Crashes," a touching release and a statement from cosmpolitan on this album, story about a mother who the band about their indiffer- but they stop sbon of shed- dies in childbirth. ence to the sales success of ding new persepecrtve. Throwing Copper fails 10 the album, it is now appar- "Stage" tells the story of a be a thought-provoking find. ent that Live had right to "rock and roll messiah": "I Live merely hides meaning- worry. less lyrics under loud, rag- What made Mental Jew- ing music. A poor follow-up to an initially promising "The U.S. makes it band. seem as if re-install- ingAristidewill sim- ply be a matter of switching people. There is more to it than that." Michelle Crespo '96 International Studies "Some say that U.S. has no business to intervene in Hai- tian affairs. On the contrary, it is business 'cause it's their self-interest. " Nishant Taneja '95
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