Page 184 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 184
On The Hill Focus On: Dave Staub-The Pub Man By JONATHAN NELSON not a sports fan. Back when I birds, he said. hems. This is what he dislikes SI4/JWrl.", Trevor Sellers, Staub's co- worked at Clyde's Bus Service, about working here. He reported The kids won't be late for that's all I used to do is drive employee in the Pub, reported that the summer camps and con- school today and you know sports teams. Ido like an occa- that Dave "is a real cool guy, and ferences are a nightmare because what? Neither will the pizza and sionallacrosse game, and r am a fair person." Staub does "have there are so many new faces and chicken tenders you just ordered! starting to get into sports a little a sarcastic sense of humor, and the kids are not very courteous. Dave Staub, a Westminster bit more:' underneath it all, he's just a big "In the summer Iusually drive native, is someone whose em- Asked whether or not he teddy bear. You know, he just for Bill Rohrbaugh," a charter ploymentof choice is for reasons likes working in the Pub.his re- wants to have fun," Sellers con- bus travel service. He noted of staying young. Staub, 48 and ply was, "I enjoy working here. cluded. Sellers said he bas had again that he likes to go camping single, was born in Ba1timoreand I really do. It's a good place to one or two on-the-job disputes in the summertime. raised as aWestminster Owl. He work. And being around young with Staub but they were re- Does Staub get along with the went to Westminster High and people makes me' stay young." solved by night's end. "Ibis is administration?"Yes. Iget along graduated in 1964. The same He added that he doesn't want to conunonplace with any occupa- fine with them. At night you year be became an employee of ever grow old. What does Dave lion. thougb," Sellers added don't really see them. When Ido, W M C. Staub started work here like best about working at the Staub works in the pub during though, they are very decent," in the dining ball when it was still Pub, be replied. "Being able to the summer, too, but for fewer Staub concluded. in Memorial and is now the night work with you all really. You supervisor of the Pub and Grill. are all a lot of fun," When he is notal the Pub tak- Staub reported that his other ing food orders or frying up favorite thing to do besides Cram cbeesesteaks and french fries, be camping is driving. He goes on is out driving a school bus, long night drives when he is not from page 10 sporting a full route for local at the helm of a bus or working Westminster public schools. at the Pub. "No matter what the dents seem to agree that it is Arman Latif, a freshman busi- And what does Dave like to distance," he noted",Sometimes many times their own fault they ness economics major, "1 can do when be is not in a bus or in be will even take a drive to find themselves cramming at the usually get a decent amount of swnmer baseball camp - knowledge welcome but not the pub. "Camping is my favor- Ocean City just to stroll down end of the semester. "A lot of work done because students necessary - Camps held on area ite bobby, I love to camp. I will the boardwalk. "At nighttime students bring it on themselves don't need as many materials in campus - (301) 384- 3467 or usually go out to Gettysburg, there's no traffic and you are the because they procrastinate," the beginning of the semester. 1-800-253-3014 down to Ocean City or to the only one out there."with the ex- said Donna Munson, a junior But now I'm always busy check- mountains." Surprisingly, "I'm ception of the sand, sky and communications major. ing books in and out as well as "I think its up to the students Affinity to delegate their time wisely," finding reserves." Kay Falconer, the circulation from Page 11 said Sue vandenberge, a sopbo- librarian, agreed that tbe library I--_':'==-=C:_-_i more English major, "The is very busy, "We have a higher community service, suchasclean- eons suite because there was not teachers are thcTc to help you so gate count which indicates more ing up the duck pood." enoughnxms for the entire group. the students should be respon- people are using the library, and "STAY and CARE are JI1lVI'Il Also, !hi; ammgement will enable sible enougb to do their work." there is a much higberrate ofcir- SUCC
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