Page 10 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 10
Student Health Services Off To A Healthy Start extension 243 and make an appointment week before the new school year. By DA Y1D RADOSEVICH s"1ffw"',,, with the office manager, Maryann Another new idea is to have a small With a new medical services coordi- Nalevanko, or use the walk-in hours space available to bring health facts to nator and the addition of a physician as- available. tbe students. "We would just take tidbits sistant. the Student Health Services are The new staff brings plenty of expe- from medical journals to help separate off to a healthy start this year. rience with them. "My background is in the facts from the myths. It would be a Campus Bonnie Bosley, R.N., is the new critical care. I love to teach, and WMC low-key and non-threatening way to edu- medical services coordinator for the Stu- is basically a healthy population. This is cate students," said Lusby. to be. "It is Safety dent Health Services, located in Smith wonderful," explained Bosley. Smith House is also a low-key place House. In addition, Joan Lusby, a physi- "I've been in general practice since for Student Health Services cian assistant, has joined the staff of 1975, and I feel the need to look at young a little bit homey and cozy, and the stu- Blotter Bosley and Daniel Welliver, MD, col- adults' needs. Preventive medicine dents are very appreciative of our ser- lege physician and medical director. needs to be seeded now so that young vices," said Bosley. "We strive fora car- "Student Health Services provides people can be educated to stay healthy," ing and professional atmosphere," she By ANNELISE SULLIVAN free and confidential medical and health- said Lusby. In addition to working at added. SJtJjfWri.", related services to all full-time under- WMC, Lusby works in general practice, If a medical need is too great for Stu- Everything in this column has been graduate students of Western Maryland in the department of surgery at Carroll dent Health Services 10 handle, they can supplied by the Department of Cam- College," said Bosley. Some of the County General Hospital, where she is a refer the patient to the right place. "We pus Safety unless otherwise noted. clinic services include treatment for mi- medical staff member, and works in the work as a team, and if we can't take care =Cnmes - 9/3/93 - 9: 15 PM, three nor injuries, medications for common ill- hematology field, where she performs of a need here we can refer because we students were cited for alcohol viola- nesses, allergy injections, mono tests, many services for cancer patients includ- have a good network of referrals," said tions. 9/3/93 - 11:57 PM, two students were cited for alcohol violations. 9/4/ pregnancy tests, complete physical ex- ing chemotherapy. Lusby. 93 - 12: 10 AM, a student was cited for aminations, a self-care cold clinic, and a Student Health Services would like to Student Health Services hopes to serve an alcohol violation and furnishing women's health clinic. provide more to students than just clinic the campus as best they can. "This is a real false information. 9/4/93 - 2:09 AM, a "The self-care cold stand is very services. "We will be guest lecturing focal point for students because many hab- popular because a lot of students just and doing some programming to educate its are started now. Hopefully we can be student was cited for an alcohol viola- want to get some decongestant without the campus," said Bosley. She led sev- instrumental in educating students for tion. 9/4/93 - 10:40 AM, C.S. investi- an appointment," said Lusby; However, eral educational programs during RA life," said Lusby. Hopefully students will gated a breaking and entering at Smith students are encouraged to either call training and freshman orientation the get in the habit of using this resource. House. The report appears to have been unfounded. 919/93 - 4:05 PM, a R.O.T.C. Ranks Begin The Year student reported personal clothing sto- len from a residence hall laundry . The clothing was valued at $14O.9/lO/93 - 11:34 PM, an R.A. was assaulted by an intoxicated non-student. C.S. as- The Military Science Department sisted in quelling the disturbance. The has started off the new academic year subject refused to leave campus and by announcing the new junior and se- was subsequently arrested by city po- nior Cadet ranks and positions for the lice for trespassing. 9/11/93 - 12:19 '93-'94 year. AM, a student was cited for an alcohol For the juniors, this is their most violation. 9/11/93 - 11:30 PM, a stu- dent was cited for alcohol important year in the Military Science violation(open container in public) Department stated Lt. Col. Keller. "We use this year to prepare the jun- and for furnishing false information. iors for Advanced Camp." For the se- 9/1I/93 - 11:30 PM, a student was niors, this is the ranking each will put cited for violating prescription of con- on his/her fonns when applying for duct (possession of alcohol). commission. Senior rankings are ** Accidents - 9/3/93 -4:19 PM, Cam- based on: I) overall G.P.A.; 2) Mili- pus Safety EMT treated a student with arm fracture. 916193 - 6:40 tary Science G.P.A.; 3) Advanced a possible Camp score; and 4) recommendations PM, Campus Safety EMT responded of staff and seniors. However, Lt. to a call that a female student was in Col. Keller makes the final decisions. seizure in PELC. She was transported Advanced Camp scores range out by ambulance. 9/12/93 - 1:24PM, from a one to a five, one being tbe a WMC staff member had injured their lowest, five the highest. Sherry back by pulling up fence posts on cam- Albright received a five and Christo- pus. The staff member refused assis- tance. FAN)' pher Cutler Camp received a four. Tbe rest - Remember, be safe don't be sorry. threes. "Ad- of the cadets received because vanced is important it's a chance for different people to evaluate the cadets," said Keller. P~ Another thing that Keller takes Into consideration is the cadet's per- sonality. "You have to have the right personality for certain positions such ~ as recruitment," stated Keller. were seniors In addition, two Stu- CHINESE RESTAURANT named as Distinguished Military John Albright Sherry dents, and Szechuan. Cantonese· American Gazzelli. To receive this honor stu- dents must be in the top half of their 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 academic class, top third of their mili- tary science show class, the proper leadership, and have gone to ad- Telephone: vanced camp. Also, President Cham- bers makes the approvals. (301) 848·09'1.9 • (301) 876·3166 See R.O.T.C. Page 3
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