Page 100 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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WMC CelebrateiAfrican- AmericanHNory Month By CARLEEN ALVES highlight of the college's celebration of African-American History Month ... Af- Ahh,Fcbruary ...themonthafterJanu- rican-American History: From Marcus ary. There's notbing especially im- Garvey to the Present" will feature dia- portant about this month-unless one logue, music, and sketches designed remembers the fact tbat it is Afri- to present a broad view of black his- can-American History Month at tory. especially as it appeals to Western Maryland College. As in young people. It will take place at 7 past years, there is line-up of exctt- p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. ing and educational events that will This group attempts to give audi- be presented throughout the next ences a lesson in black history that few weeks. goes beyond a TV soundbite. Tak- On February lO, there will be a ing the name "New Jack" from ur- screening and discussion of A Class ban vernacular for up-and-coming Divided, a recent film for PBS's talent, the group is considered to be Frontline. In this program, a lesson among the most creative on the col- on racism is taught to white elemen- lege lecture circuit. Their recent tary students who are divided into keynote appearance at the National groups according to eye color. It Black Expo in Indianapolis received will be shown Thursday at 7 p.m. in outstanding reviews. Currently, all the Pub (Decker Center). three members are teaching in Afri- Continuing tbe ancient African can Studies Department at Temple tradition of oral history, Baltimore- University. Much of their message based Stnnanda Cooper will be per- is based on their personal collection forming on Tuesday, February 15 at of more than 25,000 textbooks on 7 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. black history. Emir Ali and Barry Wyche from tbe BSU kick off African-American The next event will be Comedy Concluding the months events History month at WMC. Night, which will be featuring will be Drama Festival '94, on Sun- stand-up comedian Teddy Smith, day, February 27 at 7 p.m. in Baker who has performed at dozens of Memorial. comedy clubs across the country, Tbe various events celebrating Research And Creativity and as an opening act for comedians WMC's African-American History Martin Lawrence, Mark Curry, and Month are free and open to tbe pub- Kim Coles. He will be performing lic, as they are sponsored by the Grants Still Available For on Wednesday, February 16 at 7:30 Black Student Union, the College p.m. in the Pub (Decker Center). Activities Programming Board, the There will be a lecture entitled: Baha'i Club, the Office of College Spring 1994- Apply Now "Who Freed the Slaves? Emancipa- Activities, the WMC History De- tion and the Civil War," by Dr. partment, and Carroll Citizens for Leslie S. Rowland, director of the Racial Equality. The deadline for applications for stu- may not be connected with a particular Freedman and Southern Society For additional information, call : dent research and creativity grants for course. It may be a special studies out- Project and professor of history at 410/857-2265, or, from Baltimore, Spring, 1994is February 28, 1994. growth of a course. A grant may cover the University of Maryland at Col- 876-2055, ext.265. Individuals who To apply foran award, a student must the cost of materials for such projects. lege Park. He will be speaking on wish to request special services such have a WMC grade point average-or 3..2 It may cover travel expenses to librar- Thursday, February 17 at 7:30 p.m. as sign-interpreting are asked to call and obtain the direct involvement or ies or special collections. These are in McDaniel Lounge. Lynda Caserly, WMC interpreter close sponsorship of a faculty member. merely examples; Dean Coley would The New Jack Scholars, a trio of coordinator, at 857-2518, or 857- The awards are competitive. like to see what kinds of creative pro- cutting-edge educators and enter- 2506, Voice/TTY, at least one week The grants are intended to encourage posals students may devise, in consul- tamers who blend black history and prior to the event. special projects that complement stu- tation withappropriate faculty. Grants music, will also be performing as a dents' major academic emphases; they range from $25 to $500. Applications are not intended to'cover the normal ex- available in Dean Coley's office. penses of a course. The project mayor (Balto) 876-1202 " _848_5565 CAl'll'lIAa HtlUaE =:J"'='=Iow,=="1'=/Jo=x = ua WDT MAIN;TEET I..IQUCn; »:,/..,.,. S04S·~ 14 West Main Street Westminster, Maryland SPECIALS Milwaukees Best & Light $ 7.99 case cans Schmitt's ~ Drugs Mickeys Quarts $ 13.99 case cans $ .99quar~ Coors, Miller &Bud MiUer High Life $ 10.47 case cans 1148-5911()oFAX-S76-2081 551HoiAINsTiu!ET, WFSNINSTER , MD 21157 Keystone {Lt &Dry) $ 10.47 cas ecans Busch & Light $ 10.47 case cans FREE LOCAL op,mJlUIerfJ
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