Page 15 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News<&~Commentary October 1, 1992, Page 7 ADA Finally Phillips filed three bandicapped accessible. "I UIl- If an institution 60 Seconds separate complaints with the dersraod things are happening," From Page 1 Maryland Commission on Hu- she said. "I think the school h,,~ She says she sent many let- man Rights. In each case the finally got it." ters to Robert Chambers, presi- commission agreed with her She still wonders why the dent of WMC, but received no complaints. "They said tbere school took so long to respond response. "How can a man who was a probable case for dis- "Disabled people were not ere- claims to be so liberal be so neg- crimination against people with aied yesterday. Hgent and unconcerned about disabilities," PhiUips said. of education just figured it out. [ baste civil rights?" she asked. The state required the col- question their foresight and em- Chambers says he receives lege to sign three consolati~m ics.' she said. ~n"fampus ~:: 5~0~e~:~e~: ~e~ -- -- th:hitl~eC~:~~~ a~~~~~ ceiving any letters from "We want to follow the spirit have reacted sooner, he :~Ili~:~t~r~,e d~dh:Uce~~ of the /aw, not just the letter. " ~hiw~;st~:et=~,~o~~;~~ ~~~ said he would have sent -HwyR"/y college should havc teen them to the proper chan- Chai,o/ACC multi-racial before the What do you think of the new nels. 40's. However, you make Campus Safety uniforms? He also questioned Phillips agreements last spring. All of changes according to pressure. stand on his ethics. "She does the terms have been mel for the Why is George Bush suddenly not know me personally and swimming pool and McDaniel turning into Santa Claus"!" He does not know where I stand on Lounge, and Alumni Hall is added, "An enlightened institu- Edward Navarre'95 basic civil rights," he said. "I slated to be renovated in the lion acts in the realm of posst- Chemistry think I am quite aware of what spnng. bility and feasablility.' "I think it makes them civil rights means if you are Phillips said she thinks that Comparing the college to a talking about race, ethnicity, or the school has made Significant small town, Chambers said, look like Rolf caddies. " the handicapped." progress in becoming more See ACC, Pg. 10 Col. 1 Comedians lifted one foot to again perpetu- stands for diversity, why docs it ate a stereotype. take a letter of complaint to From Page 6 Although I was unable to at- prompt entertainment based on Lo" and women as "white tend, four people approached diversity? chicks" He rounded out his me that same night about the Some may say that it i~ cen- Christine Keiner'93 I time with an obsessive tirade of offensive nature of the perfor- sorship to stop these comedians scatological humor. mance. They felt that someone from telling their jokes. They Biology At the end of the routine there should have stopped it. might say the comedians need "They are suave. It is while some of the audience was Good idea, but too late. tobejustasfrcetospeakasIam clapping, he said, "You're much On September II. I wrote a in this article. My problem, important for Campus too kind." This is the one point letter to Mitchell Alexander, however, is that the school is Safety to be sartorially on which we agree. DirectorofCollege Activities as sponsoring this "entertain- splendid." The second comedian, Kevin well as an advisor to ment," and students' money is Lee, while less offensive. kept CAPBoard, about this incident. paying for it. Therefore, it referring to how much he My question to him was, needs to be geared to the entire wasn't getting paid to perform "Should the school be sponsor- campus, not just a bornoge- and how he had lowered himself ing entertainment that deni- neousgroup. to be here, having just The administration pro- Chris Collins performed on HBO. claims, in the First Prin- Campus Safety He was fond of equat- At one point the comedian re- ciples of the College, "We ing West Virginia with [erred to bestiality while gyrat- strive to place students at "I like them. They are Westminster (as if that ing behind a stuffed rabbit and the center of a humane en- more comfortable and was a tenible thing). At vironmentso that they may makes us more ap- one point he referred to said, "flashback for those of see and work toward their proachable to stu- bestiality while gyrating youfrom West Virginia." personal goals while re- dents." behind a stuffed rabbit specting others and shar- and said, "Rash back for those grates minority populations and ing responsibility for the com- of you from West Virginia." perpetuates the unhealthy prac- mon good." One of his gay-bashingjokes tice of stereotyping?" In the let- They need to follow through came in the form of, "All homo- ter, I offered to talk with him on this declaration. KaraGregg sexuals leave the room at this just as I did two years ago in a If this type of incident occurs time," when again two male pa- similar situation. again, members of the audience trons decided to leave the room Two weeks later, I received shouldn't be afraid to end a bad . "They are awesome at the same moment. Then near the reply of an article and book- show. because they no longer the end of his performance he ing information for a gay come- CAPBoard needs to set up said. "QuiCk dian. guidelines to create the type of look like rent-a-cops. " impression ... Homosexuals jug- Why had Mitchell sent this programming that willenhance, gling," tben proceeded to throw information to me instead of not denigrate, the people it is dainty scarves in the air and CAPBoard? If the college there 10 serve. 0 LURD by John Lambros Scott McLean Spanish "It makes them look more like Campus Safety and less like the Campus Gestapo. " ,--
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