Page 13 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 13
Vol. IX, Numbertf r Western Maryland College October 6, 1988 Moyer resigns, WMC reacts to reorganizes campus sexual assault by Beth Jones Phoenix stall J. Scott Moyer resigned on Sept. 26 after three years as A female was sexually as- Director of Campus Safety. Geri saulted on Sept. 9 while she was Sherman, Director of passed out in Rouzer Dorm (Car- Administrative Services is roll County Times, OcL 1). The currently holding the position until students and members of the ad- a replacement can be found. ministration are still reacting to the Sherman hopes to fill the horror of the incident and are be- position within two months gining to deal with feelings of fear, although she will wait until the anger, and the need for retribution. "right person" is found before she "The school waited until the vacates the office. Geri Sherman, acting Director of campus Safety police had made their investiga- "We are looking for someone "The ability to solicit ideas from that these qualities will be difficult Philip Sayre, Dean of the we are investigating who has excellent managerial the staff and implement them is to fmd in one person. tion---now to see what action will be Student Affairs ' incident skills and experience in a college also a high priority quality." ''The job can be tough. You taken," said Philip Sayre, Dean of She added that "the officers campus safety position," she said. Thecampus safety staff agrees Continued on page 3 Student Affairs. were very professional" in their The police investigation led to actions concerning the assault. SGA Elections Tomorrow thearrestoftwomenandacriminal knowledge of the incident who has Assistant A Resident and the summons for a third. "Disciplinary action (for the victim says that "there is still fear." Phoenix staff Jennifer Carroll, Skip Tyson, The nominees for freshman accused men) will follow in the "Everyone was shocked. Even Gregory Cherundolo. Gregory class president are Walt Eife, Lea coming weeks. The maximum though there was extensive educa- The SGA will be holding its Noisene, Stephanie Canaras, and Stanley, Stacy Speilman, 1.J. penalty for this, orany infraction, is tion on alcohol abuse and rape dur- ejections for Freshman class Chris McDonald have been Boggs, Demetn Lambros, and Eric expulsion," said Charlene Cole, ing freshman orientation people president and class senators nominated for sophomore class Tallman. Associate Dean of Student Affairs. still don't believe that it can happen Nominees the tomorrow, Friday October 7. senators. Homecoming Court for will also he The reaction of campus safety here." Those nominated for senior Laura Walker. Elizabeth will also be an active one, accord- The RA added that the lasting class senator arc Toni Crea, Dave Emanuel, Ton Quirk, Kim Potter, taken on Friday. The top six names ing to acting Campus Safely Direc- effects cannot be measured yet Sweezey, Mary O'Hara, Kimberly Philip Heavner, Frank Huminski, from each class will be included on tor, Gcri Sherman. "It made people realize that Tellis, and Chris Schaber. Grant Sheehan, Andrea Covington the ballot for the election of the "Something like this makes us WMC is not protected against The nominees for junior class and Libby Bieling are running for Homecoming Court scheduled to reflect how we can better prepare crime. II can happen here. Some senator are Pat Stokes, Diana freshman class senator. be held Monday. ourselves for another such inci- people have even cut down on Little, and Cathi Frantzen. dent," said Sherman. drinking." Sidelights: Cable Installment Set For Spring By Shannon Byrne there will also beachanncl that will Average student tuition and expenses show the U.S. Senate hearings, the Canadian other European and parliaments and the Security According to Dr. Robert 15iXXJ Council of the United States. Sapora, the bidding process for a 13300 cable television system for WMC 12(j()() is in the works. While no company Or. Sapora, head of the 11400 has been chosen yet, "there is no Communications Deptanrnem, shortage of companies who want 10200 the business," Sapora said. believes that the basic channels 9000 will be educationally beneficial to No exact date has been set for student'>. He has high hopes for 7800 this program and believes that it is the beginning of the system on (flXJ campus, since all the bugs are still a step towards the enhacemeru of S400 being worked out. Sapora says that the Communications department. it is possible that within three 4100 weeks, it will begin to be set up and 3iXXJ .l===1~~'¥l<~2(;, may even be semi-operational. The soonest full scale photo There will be no increase in programming could be broadcast Dr.RobertSapora,profes- the tuition for this service, will be early next spring. sor of English however, students must own a DI9J2-7) 1!ll19JJ·78 lSI 1985-86 [J198~89 television. There will be Many people are going to ee related article on page 8. benefit from this new addition, entertainment channels also besides the communications shows in different languages such availible, but as with any normal department The students will be as Spanish, French, and German. cable system, there will be a Source: WMC Archives able to watch channels that have Besides the language channels, subscription price.
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