Page 11 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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September 22, 1988/Western Maryland College/Page 7 Desciak, SGA to hold convention Panek receives for national award by Tammie Gilt Steve Hollander, who serves in conjunction with the Trustees asVice-PresidcmoftheSGA, is be- and other organizations The Student Government As- ginning preparations for Home- various events. sembly, under the leadership of coming, which is under the direc- The other officers of the By Debbie Redmond President Bill Desciak. will attempt tion of the SGA. SGA are Secretary Dawn Erbe to become more visible this year According to Desciak, the and Treasurer Christine Kelly. through various activities. SGA plans to be "more socially The Class Presidents are Senior ing literary contribution in the field The SGA will begin the fall activethis yearasfarasoff-campus Jim Cardea, Junior Dave Ross, of mystery writing, after studying semester by holding a convention events and forum parties." and Sophomore Jerry Rutigli- the genre for four years. on Monday, September 26. The One way in which the SGA ano. If you have any questions received Late last May, the professor an invitation to the 40th convention, which is open to all plans to become more active is feel free to call Bill Desciak at International Congress of Cri- students, will feature nominations through a Voter Registration Fo- 848-9758 or come to an S.G.A. mewriters Banquet from the Mys- for class senators and freshman rum to be held in the near future. meeting, held on Monday class president, an overview of the The SGA is also in charge of nights at 7:00 in the S.G.A. of- tcry Writers of America infonning SGA'splans,andaspeechbyWMC allocating funds to different cam- fice located right outside of him that he had been nominated for President Robert H. Chambers. pus organizations. They also work Glar. an award for his novelAnlnlroduc- lion to the Detective Story. Artists featured in Gallery One shows fifteen awards given entitled "Best .. Panek received one of the by Michelle Kloss will present 7 more artists-and art Biographical Critical Study of the Dr. Panek recalled that "it Year". Western Maryland's An De- groups throughout the year. was somewhat like the Oscar" in partment is once again sponsoring Among the art groups to be that there were others up for the "GalJery One",a year-long presen- featured are: the Artists Equity same award. Receiving a national tation of various on-and-off cam- Association (February 28-March award was "definitely a gratifying pus artists. The gallery, which 17), the Carroll County An Honors and exciting experience," added opened September 13, presently Alumni (March 28-April 21), and the professor. features a display of faculty art- the Kathryn E. Wentz Juried An Among the many notables work. Show for WMC An Majors (April present at the banquet were Angela This month's gallery, running 25-May 12). Landsbury from television's Mur- through September 30, displays Various artists include Mike Dr. LeRoy Panek has re- der, She Wrote and Vincent Price, works such as ceramics, jewelry, Parameros (November 29- Decem- cently been honored with the Edgar as well as other great detective photography, painting, sculpture, ber 16), Ann Booth (February 7- Allan Poe Award for his outstand- writers of our time. and collage. 24), and, from October 2-28, New Quisgard. I==:::::===::::::::::::::::::=============:::::=l Thepurposeofthegallery is to York artist Liz Whitney to nave RISIARCH PAPIRS share the world of art with the ing for art studerus. Not only docs "We're very fortunate campus and the community. the gallery serve as a learning tool hoc [Quisgard]," Pahjczuk com- "The arts are a very important, for them, but also shows students mented. "Her works arc just tre- functional part of life," stated Pro- that the outside art world docs mendous-c-veryimricate." 16,278to choose from-all subjects fessor Wasyl Palijczuk, acting di- exist. Most Gallery One openings Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COO 800-351-0222 :~~~{n~~~\~~~a;r:e~~~~:~~ galle~;~~~~~u~~c:a~~~~~~~ t~ ~~i~~:d::~~e~e;~:;~,~~!~~ can beeducated. Itis a chance to be compete" artistically. uled for Sunday afternoon. Regu- in Calif. (2131477-8226 sociable and to talk to artists." A mainstay of the art depart- lar gallery hours are Monday-Pri- Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance Gallery One also holds mean- rneru for many years, the gallery day 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 11322 Idaho Ave. #20S-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 _ Bob Brown Customresearch alsoavailable-all levels Orientation Leader recounts experiences:··································: In preparing to write this ar- hot sun for hours, you stand over what the President's speech was • tide concerning my experiences the edge of an icy-wafer-filled about-but rather the people, the : ADOPTION as an Orientation Leader, I had pool. You see the task before you, conversation, and the fun. I have. Childless couple seeking to adopt baby. If planned to develop the negative and it even has recognizable ele- vivid images of sitting with my : aspects of meeting brand-new ments. But thcfcarofa brash,cold, orientation group on the side of the • you're pregnant and considering adoption, we freshmen so as to discourage you and unfriendly reception holds you hill at Harveystone Park eating : can assist with medical and legal expenses. readers from becoming O.L.'s, back. large, fried chicken (or was that. ~us leaving me an assured posi- The introductory orientation ostrich?) parts; I can see mem.~rs : Can Mary and Matt collect: bon for next year. If one of you meeting with my group was tense at of my group and others vomumg • (30 I) 340- 9232 were betterquahfled than Ito be an first. It was partly me, but mostly forth fountains of watermelonjuice • O.L. for next year's incoming them as they were looking at me as and seeds during the watermelon : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• class, I would miss out on many if they were standing over me edge eating race; and I can recall the r,==================i1 memorabJemoments. Besides,an of a pool-from a lO-meter plat- uproarousconversalionthatwehad article concerning only the nega- form! At that moment, their anxi- aroundthediningtableattheFresh- Fitzgerald's live aspects of orientation leading ety inspired me to be my easy- man Dinner. I quickly realized that Carriage House Liquors would take up only half of a line, going,pun-a-minutesclf. Sure, not I was surrounded not by followers, and the editors wanted something all of my jokes were greeted with but by equals. After all, I am but a little longer. standing ovations and cries of one person, and each of the fresh- 'At the Forks' It was with breathless amici- "Encore!", but they accepted me men is one person, just as special pation that I went through the on- warmly as I made myself vulner- and worthy of friendship as I am. entation training and awaited the able. They, in short tum, followed The important result of our week- 113 W. Main St., Westminster unknown students. It wasn't the my example. Soon, we were enjoy- end together as a nearly-insepa- same breathlessness that you get ing each other.just having fun, as if cable group was not that!made five when upon seeing your grand- that afternoon had been a decade. or ten good friends (although that's specials this month ... mother for the first time in two As one event led to the next, a treasure that I would not acqui- .....Coors, Coors Lite & Extra Gold $11.39/case years, you inhale slowly, erupt into all of the activities seemed to run esce), but that Eric made friends .....Heineken 12 pk. $8.49 a smile, and hold your breath until together. Idon'trememberthe spe- with Steve, Valerie, Andy, and she hugs it out of you. Rather, it's cifics of the activities-like who Matt, Keith made friends with Kim, .....Sebastiani Wines (750 ml) 2/ $8.99 similar to the breathlessness you "won" Martin, Bob, and Steve, etc. experience when after lying in the Almost Anything Goes or exactly
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