Page 8 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 8
Page 4/Western Maryland College/September 22,1988 Editorial _SethJones The difficulty of learning the English language has often led its speakers. primarily Americans- lO expect that the other nations will conform to speaking the highly idiosyncratic language in matters of diplomacy, politics, and education. We as Americans seem to harbor the altitude that if we can learn it, anyone can. That subsequently rules out our need to learn the languages of other cultures. As a result, foreign language departments have often been placed in the "just-get-me- lhrough-so-I-can-graduate" category of higher education. Unfortunately, this attitude has even penetrated the liberal arts tra- dition of Western Maryland College. In an effort to do a little bit of everything, less and less is being studied in depth. For example, higher level French majors this semester had a tough lime trying to get a class taught in French. Because French, as well as other languages, needs to be practiced and improved constantly, the majors could not understand the lack of instructional opportunities. The group also tried to obtain a special studies; it was denied to all but one. The reality of foreign language neglect at WMC, as with many other colleges and universities, is that it will hurt all of us in the long run. In order for WMC students to be competitive in the world market as well as Bigotry at WMC Carroll County, foreign languages must be mastered. Schools of higher and secondary education in foreign coun- tries often have mandatory English classes. While some might see this as an advantage, it really places us behind on a larger scale. WMC Yo, white Terrors, have you unsuccessful. Does the.administra- space with a minority student. graduates will not be able to write on a resume that they are fluent in a heard what's up? There's been tion think that this policy is goingto W.M.C. is my little white sandbox foreign language, only that they have knowledge of it some nasty rumor flying around magically start working tomorrow where Ican play with my caucasian So what's the answer? Increased emphasis on foreign languages that President Robert Chambers iust because there is new emphasis shovel and pail and not have to here at WMC. Including Russian as a class offering is a first step. Why will initiate a policy of affirmative on it? No. Us bigots can breathe share cultures, ideas, knowledge, not add an intermediate course? Maybe someday there will be enough action on this campus! You say that easily, as in the past. We don't have beliefs, religions, practices, or interest for a minor or even a major. Why not add Japanese to the you haven't heard that TUmor? You to worry about W.M.C.'s policy of anything else that would cause me department? The process to begin one starts with a student petition. don't even know what affirmative passive action. to grow up, act like a responsible But as with anything, these ideas must first fight student apathy. action is?! Affirmative action, I But, if the policy were to human being, and become a com- Students must realize the necessity of learning and mastering these hear, is an action taken to provide become one of ~ action, there passionate member of our inter- languages. Students must petition for more language class offerings. equal opportunity, as in admissions might be some changes around racial society, Studerus, like the handful of French majors, must join forces and request or employment, for minority here. What would "active action" But have no fear, minority these things from the administration. groups and women. But! think that entail? Not just setting a goal to Terrors, for change is under way. WMC must upgrade iLSlanguage department. American egocen- the president is concerned mainly hire minority faculty, but actually Maybe us bigots are becoming the trism must not keep WMC graduates from being able to compete in the with the chasm between the popu- hiring several minority faculty. minority group. But better late than race for higher level jobs. lation of white students and the .Thcy would be role models for never, right? Yes, but it is now population of minority students on , prospective, minority students, and almost "never." this campus and with the same lop- they would serve to begin to dis- OK. Enough of my sarcasm credit the racism of this region . and hard knocks. I usually don't .-- -., ~i:~berd~~C~~i:c1ac~~~~ ~~ As you can see, I'm not hold- like to indicate when .l've been the number of minority faculty ing my breath. sarcastic, because it is obvious hired. enough, I suppose. But I didn't I know that you won't be- But can you tell me what I want to have anyone think that I'm lieve it, but the truth is that there has really have in common with them? necessarily putting down the ad- been an Affirmative Action policy Okay, so we are members of the ministration, because I'm really at this campus for several years, same species, but sometimes they not. I'm criticizing theindifference although the president admitted actdiffcrentlythanldo. Can'tfjusr and lack of sympathy that most of Editcrs-m-Cbief . ....... Beth Jones, Mary T. BaschoH that "W.M.C. has not done what it live in fear and ignorance? That us portray with respect to the real Business Manager. Stephanie R. Shaffer should." seems to be the tradition here at and individual concerns of people Copy Editor . Tammie Gitt I think that it is safe to assume W.M.C.. so why break it? It's less whose skin color and ethnic back- Sports Editor ......... ' William Oesciak taxing on my mind, I don't have to grounds vary from yours or mine. Photography Editor.. .Helen E.lowe that us bigots will be safe for sev- News Coordinator , , ,", lee Spector eral more years to come. feel uneasy, and it doesn't require Reporters ........ ", .. Bob Brown, Shannon Byme, Andrea Covington. But let us look at the minority any maturity. For the time being, I can't do Melissa Denny, Margaret Edwards, Sierra Hurtt, Michelle Kloss, Moreover, I'm from the Wash- anymore with regard to the racist students. They make up rive or six Debbie leopold, Ellen Marsh. 8ev Megenhardt. Debra Rayne, ington, D.C., area, and the minority atmosphere at W.M.C. than write Debbie Redmond, Wendy Ruderman, laura Tull percent of Western Maryland Col- Advisor .. Edward Holthause lege. Isn't that enough? What do population there is nearly as great about it in the way that I know best, they want? Equality? Guys.equal- as the white population. I've al- and that is to emphasize the nega- ity is too difficult of a road to pur- ways looked forward to returning tive aspects, for those are the ones that The Phoenix is a biweekly publication of Western Maryland College, The sue. Life was simple two hundred to W.M.C. because it has always need to be resolved and opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor do not necessarily years ago, wasn't it? We ruled the proven to be my refuge from the changed. But what I'm trying to reflect those of the staff or administration, Editorials are the responsibility land. They worked for us. We were minorities. Back at home, I had to bring out in this final paragraph is 01 the editors-in-duet, and are approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix share the Metro bus with Hispanic that the administration is trying reserves the right to headline and edit lor length, clarity, and libelous content. happy. Weren'tthey? But the road and Oriental people. I also had to with the combined efforts of each Alllctters to the editor must be signed, Authorship will be verified. to equality has been too unsettling, Address all mail to: ThePhoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, too uncomfortable. Besides, this share the basketball courts and fast- of their individual and collective M<1ryland,21157 institution came into existence less food restaurants with black people hearts to right a wrong condition. than five years after the Emancipa- as well as other minorities groups. And I didn't want to leave that tion Proclamation. It's now 120 Here at W.M.C., I can go for unsaid. years later, and the Affirmative several class periods, hours even, L ---l Action policy of this school is still without having to share oxygen
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