Page 85 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 85
February 26, 1987/Westem Maryland COllegeIPage7 Jones delves into trio of art collections still on display in me art building report the collection to be a by David Fox donation from a benefactor named reception room, and Badiee Winter W. Myers. Myers was intends to rotate most of the Although few people may neither a student or alumnus of collection through there so people will be able to view some of it realize it, WMC possesses some WMC, yet in 1955, he "walked in Both Jones and H~llh~'e rare and historically valuable and gave all three art collections express their regret- Ihat the ~ pieces of art, according to Dr. to the school's art historian." whole collection IS nor on Julie Badiee, Chairperson of the Supposedly, Myers thought they permanent display in a proper Art Department. Though the would be bcuer cared for here than exhibition room--one that would collection has been appraised in at his home. control humidity and temperature. the past, there was no substantial The Greco-Roman collection In fact, Badiee explains that the research done on the it prior to consists of 30 pieces and has been art building is next in line for occasionally shown to students in last year. renovation, and she hopes that During the summer months the Greek and Roman Art class. such a room would be of 1986, Kim Jones, now a Some pieces of this collection incorporated iruo the plan. Until senior. catalogued the pieces as a have also been placed in the then, she wants to exhibit the special studies under Badiee's display case outside of the library collection at an area museum or " supervision. The project was from time 10 time. gallery if given the opportunity. made possible by a $500 Research The Egyptian collection is As for now. though, there and Creativity Grant awarded to the most extensive, though. It are no definite plans to display the Jones by Dr. Melvin Palmer, consists of 99 pieces, 96 which Kim Jones, Art Department cataloging assistant collection, a fact that alarms Dean of Academic Affairs. have been authenticated. The Jones. She says that the some of Jones explains that students collection contains bronze I worked on French," Jones the an is beginning to show signs may have seen the Native statuettes of deities, glass in Egyptian art. explains. of bronze disease and she wishes American art collection which mosaics, smaller bronze pieces Cataloguing the collection Badiee calls Jones's work "an that the administration would was featured in the gallery during like amulets, and funerary required research into the various outstanding project" and hopes LO "give it the respect it deserves." and styles, periods, deities, the month of February, but this is statuettes called Ushabtis. The materials. After locating use it as the core of a more Nevertheless, Jones is proud only a small part of a collection Ushabtis were servants placed in information on each piece. Jones extensive catalog of the entire that she has been able to leave containing both Greco-Roman and tombs to aid a dead person in the listed the pieces with their Western Maryland art collection. behind "a solid framework for Egyptian pieces that a Johns afterlife. These servants were In addition. she wants to include someone to work within." ... Hopkins' egyptologist called responsible for the agricultural descriptions in her chronological into photographs of the pieces and An art major and a French dividing catalog order, "one of the best of its kind in the work and are often represented sections according to the materials eventually publish the entire minor. she is called "the Carroll mid-atlantic region." with tools for such work. with which the pieces were made. catalog. County expert on Usbabus" by The acquisition of this The Ushabtis make up a Badiee. In the future. Jone hopes over collection. collection is a story in itself, majority of this man SO. Her research required travelling 40 to The last showing of the to work in a gallery doing an sources and included according to Badiee, but, she adds numbering more They the Walters Art Gallery private Egyptian collection was in 1984 history work like the kind she did that it is documented with very also represent one of the great library and translating German in the library, where most of the here. She explains that it's "an few facts and an abundance of advantages of the school and French sources. pieces now remain locked away in exciting feeling finding out rumor. collection in that they span and "Julie translated German. and the archives. Several. though. are something no one else knows." The few facts that exist show the different stylistic periods ..ROTC students take annual tour SENIORS ... of Aberdeen Proving Grounds by Blake Austensen Western Maryland's ROTC students once again ventured to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Aberdeen, MD for the Military Science Department's annual spring orientation. Career Night is Tonight! Fifteen ROTC members left campus at 6:30 am on Feb. 7 for Over 75 businesses and career a tour of the military complex. representatives at your disposal from: which is known as the "home" of the Ordnance Corps--or the "fix-it- all" branch-of the Army. *Banks *Teaching Students learned that ordnance officers are involved in the *Law Finns *Communication recovery and repair of existing *Social Work Businesses Army weapon's systems as well *Graduate Services as the development and testing of ~ new ones. After a briefing, Cadet Chris Ginther dismounts an M·88 tank ROTC members toured the M-l recovery vehicle at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. • Place· Quality Inn and College Conference Abram tank facility, and were given an opportunity to see how showed several methods to recover mechanized infantry. Center the vehicle is "broken down" and tanks that are broken or bogged Saturday's activities concluded • Time· 6:40 pm maintained. down in the field. with a visit to the US Army • Mise- Be prepared with questions to ask Other maintenance In addition. ROTC members Ordnance Museum. Here, demonstrations included that of were given the chance to ride in students examined many types of potential employers the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the M-l Abrams tank and the weapons and armored vehicles , various howitzers, and other Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the from around the world, including P.S .. Dress professionally of past decades. artillery pieces. Students also latter of which is considered pistols. rifles, artillery. and tanks L- ..J observed an operation which "second to none" in the
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