Page 32 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 32
Page 2JWestern Maryland College/October 23, 1986 Phi Alpha Mu, Betes Abrams speaks win float competition continued from page 1 to Prove an Interpretation: Wordsworth's'A Slumber Did My education, has elected to present Spirit Seal.''' The poem by continued from page 1 ~~:t=:u~b~~~O~I~~~:rre;re~ ~~~~t~ ~o~rds~~~t~h~~n~:eni~ parade float/exhibit contest. Holloway's deepest commitments. publication in 1799-1800. Starting at East Middle In a critical period of growth and Abrams described himself has a School, the parade travelled up E;~~~I~tyhi~:~~~~:~~i:::~:;r~~~~~~\~::r~:,~~~:~:~~~~~1~~n:E~~'~{:'~~ lasting impression of the according to the author's Winslow. Leading the pack was institution. and his brilliant intentions,even if modem readers the Army ROTC Colorguard; sermons and poetry readings cannot definitively assign this ~~~e~te~::m=~~~d~~ym;~a:~: enlivened a difficult decade.'" meaning. In his introductory remarks, president of the Alumni seventh President Robert H. Abrams is Class of '1916 Association; the Alumni Service Chambers praised Holloway'S Professor of English Emeritus at Award recipients; and Mayor administrative leadership and Cornell University and is the ~:y ~':~~:~d~;S,wes~:r:_~~~ . poetic scholarship. "In honoring author of numerous literary Fred Holloway we honor the criticisms. In addition his Squad, Choir, Pep Band, Rouzer :E;;:E:~!?~.~:o~:d~~~::~~e!~~,::S=~~re!~:~~~:;:;'£::i::::: honor original writings have earned him and institution and Whiteford dorms. and all of critic of English literature. Language Association's James thought that those who had delivered a lecture entitled "How RussellLowell Prize. participated made a "niceeffort" to Porn-pons show their school spirit for a record ~=================~create interesting and fun exhibits. breaking homecoming crowd. · Ms. Courtney Quinn. an alumnus r- Carnage H ouse L' lquors of WMC. was "glad to see the residence hall, more involved." winners with $100. Second place Ms. Michelle Everett and Ms. "At the Forks" - LeeAnnWare, both alumni •said with the tractors, hay, and the of $75 went to me choir, who Ms. pumpkins. Robin that the parade gets shorter and sang while wearing Groucho 113 W. Main Street, Westminster shorter evetyye". However, Cumberland Henshaw, another Marx glasses with schnozzes. alumnus, enjoyed seeing the Pom- The recipients of $50 third' place Oktoberfest Specials.i.. ~~."agreedKi:~~:l~e Pr::s,w~ Pon Squad and the Chorus. was Alpha Nu Omega with their Henshaw also agreed that the student at WMC, also believed parade was "fun." clown float. Other interesting St. Pauli Girl & Becks 6 Packs $3.79 that the parade was "short but honorablementions werethe Pom- interesting." She added that the The judges selected Phi Pen squad's "wave," the North vs. Stroh's & Stroh's Light 30 Pack $9.99 parade reflected the rural Alpha Mu and Gamma Beta Chi's South Float, and Delta Sigma community and the harvest time farm float as the first place Kappa's antique fire truck. RESTAURANT CHINESE FAN'S American D Westminster Continuing education students Downtown Hunan Szechun provide experienced role models Cantonese '59 W. Main St. Polynesian 848·0919 876·3166 saying that he found them "very Cock1ail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out continued from page 1 helpful." 11 AM· 10 PM Sun.· Thurs. 11 AM· 11 PM Fri.·Sat. Dr. Helen Wolfe is the person who handles affairs dealing with Continuing Education Students at WMC. ,~lI\.AIN8~ students find it hard to make the "Continuing education often &' DELI ~~ change to return to school," says Wolfe. "Many find that because ~ ~ of their age or experiences of family responsibility, traditional ~ SHERWOOD SQUARE -3 or younger students will find it But at hard to communicate." 17 EAST MAIN STREET WMC. she suggests, many BreakIaA ..... cIa • DiIlDer continuing education students are t finding a more positive situation, 876-1802 one where younger students look continuing the "CtIII A~ w.w H_ II RMdy- at individualsas role models. education Helen Wolfe, Assoc. Dean of Academic Affairs Free DelifJery . Along this line. Pearri offers adding that all "experience gained he is going to do as far as his a bit of advice to people of all outside of school helps determine essentials for success." ($7 minimum, coupons not valid on delivery)' ages who are consideringcollege. how a college education is useful. He suggests, then, that "If a student returns to "A high school graduate can't continuing education students are Terror ID gets you a FREE soft drink school. be it an older student or see the true value of a college returning to school in order to with ANY PURCHASE high school graduate, the best education until he has the learn, but that they should also become a vital informational experience," explains Pearri. "He advice I would give is make a expires 1211S/86 Now open until Midnight decision based on understanding has to have an idea where he is resource for the traditional WMC '- --' one's ultimate goal," he says, going and a committrnent to what undergraduate.
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