Page 1 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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. es;:;s::;,YlandCOllege . . September 18, 1979 Volume X Number 1 ~~~~~~~ Quad head resident resigns Metz questions support Resignation letter ... Russel Johnson I Three hours before the Incident It was my understanding and Interpretation of the 'George Metz, Head Resident of wIth Dean Mowbray, Mr. Metz September 11,1979 college alcohol and residence hall regulations con- the Quad, resIgned from .hls pest- saId he had thoroughly Informed To Whom It MayConcern: cernlng these types of affairs and their illegality. I tlon this week because of a dlse- many quad residents of the Alcohol· It Is with the deepest and Sincerest regret that I had Informed residents of Band C Daniel MacLea greement with the administration Policy of this school and the laws of submit my resIgnation as head resident of Albert and the 2nd and 3rd sectlonsANW ata section meet- over the proper enforcement of the the State of Maryland and Carroll Norman Ward and DanIel MacLea Halls. Ing between 5 and 6 p.m. of the SAO position on par- Alcohol Policy. County pertaining to alcohol use. With Western Maryland College being my alma ties within residence halls and had Informed them "I'm not bitter," stated Metz, "I received no reaction though:' mater and an Institution that I have devoted enor- "but I am upset at the system and voiced Metz, "for shortly I saw a mous time and energy to, I find this predicament of their Illegality and the repercussions of such ln- fractions. because Dean Mowbray Is head of keg being carried Into the Preach- particularly painful. the system he should resume some ers section and also a keg being The events of September 9 has prompted a serious Dean Mowbray reported seeing no keg In 0 sec- responsibility. He (Mowbray) did carried out of the Bete's sectron." concern on my part and I feel that the effectiveness tlon. As to the parties In 0 section he said he prefer. red they stay out of the halIsand from being in front not give me the immediate support Metz said he then proceded to and credibility of my leadershIp and guidance In the of the section out of doors, but It was all right. This I needed In controlling the many tell those violators to un-tep the residence halls has been Irreparably damaged. Alcohol Policy violators on Sunday kegs and clear the halls because he Again, I regret the actions that has prompted my Is In direct reversal of the college stated policy. The neglect by Dean Mowbray to reemphasize night, and because of this Inaction, felt the situation was as serious as resigning the position. and support the staff In this particular Instance Is my credibility was stamped nlll." the one that started the riot last Sincerely, purely without question Irreparable as to the creer- George W. Metz Room misery ~:~~~thhee~a~~~~~e~~!b~:;: ...An explanation billty and effectiveness of my performance as head resident In the quad area. help assist him in clearing the halls With students witnessing such double standards, en dured an~~~~i~~~1;~~:I;:~::~\ewent September 10, 1979 they, too, realize the Ineffectiveness of the system Bill Byrne: through the Bete section, where, To Whom ItMay concern: and are In a quandry as to the rules of WMC. Therefore, with the lack of administrative sup- Many new students to Western according to Metz, nearly 70 people On September 9, 1979, I Informed the Dean of port, i.e. Dean Mowbray's neglect In supporting Maryland College are currently were possessing open alcoholic Students, Mr. Mowbray. that the situation In the residence hall staff, the authority and respect for suffering the side effects ot a beverage containers throughout
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